Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

Rando NPC smoked my ship during planetside recall
Some people get griefed, some people get married, i get a front row seat to my own ship exploding while i'm boarding the SRV.

Thank you. I wish you were a human. But AI will do just fine.

Happened on the third metal rich planet in Algol. I was wandering the surface, looking for anything interesting. Nothing special today. Just a skimmer guarding a trespass zone, and a few minerals.
Recalled my ship, and got two for the price of one. Unfortunately, the other was a Krait MkII and it wasted no time killing my defenceless ship as i was boarding.
The game kinda glitched. I lost control over the SRV. Couldn't drive, couldn't open nav, comms or other menus.
Exited game and resumed and had control of the rover this time.
But all i could do is blow it up so i can rebuy my Cobra. Sans Escape Pods, valuable metals and exploration data.

Do me a favor? Kill the next Krait MkII you see. Thanks.
It's ok, people who fly them deserve no better.

This one didn't even rob me! It just killed and went away.
In Open no less.

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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
What do you do when your ship explodes and you're on a planet?

Or can you call that taxi ship at anytime to your location?

I was searching for an organism when a sentry attacked my ship and I was notified so I raced back to it and flew off, but I was wondering what would have happened.
Last edited by Devilish Dave; 7 Jan @ 8:09am
frumple 7 Jan @ 8:48am 
You die.

Same as geting killed any other way. As long as you can raise the funds to pay the rebuy costs, or maybe have other ships, you can continue. You do lose the cargo AND exploration data.

I wonder what would have happened had there not been a fleet carrier in the system?

In my example, the ship was "off screen". It was too far away to locate or navigate to.
It also wasn't in any danger. The trouble started once i recalled the ship to my position.
Seconds after it landed, it came under attack.
It was a sitting duck. I was in the boarding animation when the hull dropped to 0.
edit - i don't think this sort of thing should happen.
It's not that it isn't realistic, it's just pretty damn silly to have NPCs randomly show up on the surface and blow up a ship that is "locked" into recall.
Realistically, the commander would have always chosen to fight or flee the assailant, and only return to collect the SRV once it was safe.

I couldn't do that. I had to wait while my ship finished it's recall procedure. The Krait MkII didn't have to wait.
It probably did a scan, then definetly deployed hardpoints. Next i got a stream of messages about how badly the shields and hull are damaged.
I could see the whole thing on the SRV scanner.
Last edited by frumple; 7 Jan @ 8:52am
The involuntary combat part of the game is one of the things I dislike about it. I wish there were a way to opt out of it, like we can choose which other parts of the game we want to take part in.
frumple 7 Jan @ 11:23am 
Originally posted by LuckyVanDine:
The involuntary combat part of the game is one of the things I dislike about it. I wish there were a way to opt out of it, like we can choose which other parts of the game we want to take part in.
There will be dissapointments and failures.

You kinda can avoid ship combat. Almost entirely. The Cobra i lost does have guns but 99% of time i avoid engagements, and i never give in to interdiction.
Always have an escape star system banked, and you'll only lose time and some fuel.

Combat is more risky than flying away. But it's a core part of the game. Always was.
Still, you can do what you like. Also a core part of the game and always was.
Originally posted by frumple:
You die.

Same as geting killed any other way. As long as you can raise the funds to pay the rebuy costs, or maybe have other ships, you can continue. You do lose the cargo AND exploration data.

I wonder what would have happened had there not been a fleet carrier in the system?

In my example, the ship was "off screen". It was too far away to locate or navigate to.
It also wasn't in any danger. The trouble started once i recalled the ship to my position.
Seconds after it landed, it came under attack.
It was a sitting duck. I was in the boarding animation when the hull dropped to 0.
edit - i don't think this sort of thing should happen.
It's not that it isn't realistic, it's just pretty damn silly to have NPCs randomly show up on the surface and blow up a ship that is "locked" into recall.
Realistically, the commander would have always chosen to fight or flee the assailant, and only return to collect the SRV once it was safe.

I couldn't do that. I had to wait while my ship finished it's recall procedure. The Krait MkII didn't have to wait.
It probably did a scan, then definetly deployed hardpoints. Next i got a stream of messages about how badly the shields and hull are damaged.
I could see the whole thing on the SRV scanner.

That's unfortunate. I thought you're just shipless and you can call in a taxi to take you back to your hangar and you can rebuy your ship there.
Originally posted by frumple:
Originally posted by LuckyVanDine:
The involuntary combat part of the game is one of the things I dislike about it. I wish there were a way to opt out of it, like we can choose which other parts of the game we want to take part in.
There will be dissapointments and failures.

You kinda can avoid ship combat. Almost entirely. The Cobra i lost does have guns but 99% of time i avoid engagements, and i never give in to interdiction.
Always have an escape star system banked, and you'll only lose time and some fuel.

Combat is more risky than flying away. But it's a core part of the game. Always was.
Still, you can do what you like. Also a core part of the game and always was.
Hmmm. I seem to get attacked a lot. I am now better at getting away, partly because I build my ships to be able to do that. It's a bit irritating, though. I mean, the people who are interested in combat don't get forced to do exobiology, etc.
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Date Posted: 7 Jan @ 7:53am
Posts: 6