Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

Can I downgrade the game to Horizons?
I started playing the Horizons but got the Odyssey dlc just to keep. I did not install it but the base game updated to a newer version that supports the dlc.

I do not intend to play the dlc right now my potato cannot handle it will this cause problems or is it okay to just leave it as is. The game version says Odyssey but the dlc is not installed I don't want to play Odyssey specs as I cant handle it.

just for clarity the reason I bought deluxe edition is because the dlc is basically half price than if you got it normally.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Yeah, you can select Horizons Legacy from the launcher. Unfortunately the launcher defaults to Odyssey, so you'll habe to keep changing it on launch.
You can play legacy horizons as already said, but keep in mind your progress in legacy will not transfer to Horizons 4.0/odyssey if you do decide to switch one day.
Last edited by UNBREAKABLE; 6 Jan @ 5:38pm
RobbIe 6 Jan @ 5:33pm 
When launcher started, choose button "Version".
There you can select the old LEGACY HORIZONS.

But I can't recommend it. All new things are missing there, for example the new ships. Also, this version is no longer supported, so there is never anything new. Try if the version "ELITE DANGEROUS: HORIZONS" you see in the launcher fit your needs. This is the new supported HORIZONS version without space legs.
Last edited by RobbIe; 6 Jan @ 5:33pm
I found out how to do it.
I just needed to go into properties>DLC and deselect Odyssey and it wouldn't run alongside the game only the base game
Sighman 6 Jan @ 11:40pm 
Originally posted by Sticmonke:
I found out how to do it.
I just needed to go into properties>DLC and deselect Odyssey and it wouldn't run alongside the game only the base game

The base game (horizons Live) and odyssey are the exact same client.

The difference is that the base game doesn't have the disembark button or the ability to land on atmo planets.

If you play Odyssey and don't disembark, it's the same as running the base game.
zerbey 7 Jan @ 4:46am 
Just play Odyssey and don't disembark, no difference at all in game play. Sometimes it's fun just just wander around stations or fleet carriers anyway
Sighman 7 Jan @ 4:51am 
Originally posted by zerbey:
Just play Odyssey and don't disembark, no difference at all in game play. Sometimes it's fun just just wander around stations or fleet carriers anyway

Yep, exactly. Odyssey and Horizons run the same, same frame rate, same graphics settings. It's only when there are NPCs around that the AI eats your CPU time and slows everything down.

On that note, make sure XMP (or the AMD equivalent) is set in your bios. This game is not throttled by CPU or GPU, unless they're pretty old and under-powered. It's throttled by ram speed. Where this shows up most is when the NPC AI is active - on foot.
Originally posted by Sighman:
On that note, make sure XMP (or the AMD equivalent) is set in your bios. This game is not throttled by CPU or GPU, unless they're pretty old and under-powered. It's throttled by ram speed. Where this shows up most is when the NPC AI is active - on foot.

Thanks for the info, will see hownit works for me.
FWIW I play ED including Odyssey on a very old Lenovo M920 Tiny which can't have a separate graphics card. Specs are i7-9700T @ 2 GHz 8 cores, 16GB RAM, and Intel UHD Graphics 630.

It's fine, mostly. Very occasionally walking about on the planet's surface the graphics get a bit gnarly, but only sometimes.
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Date Posted: 6 Jan @ 8:57am
Posts: 9