Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

VR required?!.
HI guys, it says VR. I'm quite new to PC gaming. I assume you dont need a VR headset to play this?!.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
funkynutz 6 Jan @ 8:32am 
Originally posted by kp75:
I assume you dont need a VR headset to play this?!.

Correct, it's optional :steamthumbsup:
frumple 6 Jan @ 10:16am 
It says VR because VR is supported.
It's not required.
MrSoul 6 Jan @ 12:00pm 
Odyssey, iirc, doesnt even fully support VR on foot, so yeah. You're good without it 100%.
It is not required. Although I think VR is the best way to play. Especially if you use it with a flight sim controller. HOTAS I believe is what they are called. I'm just re-installing the game now after a long break and playing a little bit of the original 1984 game. Be prepared for a learning curve. The game is kind of what you make of it so set your own goals for what kind of pilot you want to be. Last I checked though my PC didn't like Odyssey in VR and didn't perform very well. Hope maybe they fixed that. Otherwise I might just play on Legacy for the sake of playing in VR. Anyway though have fun. Elite is very cool game if you like space sims.
kp75 6 Jan @ 3:33pm 
Thanks ya'll
I will say this- in the event that you ever pick up a vr thingee- I don't do a ton of VR but.... IF you ever get a VR set THIS might be a game to look at. I still remember that moment of sitting in the hanger. I wasn't flying, i was just sitting there.... but it was one of the coolest moments of my life. I mean, the later flying was obviously a bit more fun, but I'll never, EVER forget sitting in the cockpit looking around the space station.
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