Barnabas Sackett 2024년 7월 22일 오전 2시 22분
Is cooking worth it?
Hello. I'm new to the game and I have a problem with cooking meals.

I'm just wondering why I need to cook, when individual ingredients often satiate me up more than the meals I prepare. What is this good for in practice?

Below are some examples:

MASHED PUMPKINM gives +5 health +14 satiety

... when required ingredients gives together:
- great red pumpkin +3 health +8 satiety
- dry seeds +4 satiety
- honey +3 health +8 satiety

= +6 health +20 satiety

GRILLED MUSHROOMS gives +5 health +14 satiety

... when ingredients gives:
- porcini x2 = + 2x3 health + 2x8 satiety
- honey

= +6 health +16 satiety

Is it really worth doing this? Thanks for the answers!
첫 게시자: The_Dream:
Low-level dishes will not provide much benefit. It's better to improve the kitchen and cook something more filling. But there will still be problems with the nutritional balance between the ingredients and the finished dish.
It is usually better to buy good food from the merchant, which gives a buff to health regeneration for a long time. And add lots of satiety.
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글타래 작성자가 이 게시물을 해당 주제의 답변으로 채택하였습니다.
The_Dream 2024년 8월 18일 오전 10시 18분 
Low-level dishes will not provide much benefit. It's better to improve the kitchen and cook something more filling. But there will still be problems with the nutritional balance between the ingredients and the finished dish.
It is usually better to buy good food from the merchant, which gives a buff to health regeneration for a long time. And add lots of satiety.
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