12 Labours of Hercules
Game Locks up after launching
When I load the game, the title screen and part of the loading screen appear, along with the custom mouse cursor and the background music. Then, the screen goes black, the custom cursor suddenly freezes and can't be moved, but the music keeps playing. There it stays - black background and gold cursor... it completely locks up my PC to where even quitting Steam doesn't stop it. I have to log out of Windows entirely to get it to stop. This is happening with this game and the all the other '12 Labors of Hercules' titles on Steam. What's odd is that these games played fine on this computer just a few months ago, and no hardware, software or configuration settings have been altered. What gives? I can't get into the game's settings to change to windowed mode from fullscreen, because the game freezes before the menu becomes available. Can anyone advise me on how to start this game in windowed mode without having access to the in-game menu?
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Having the same problem. No idea how to fix it...
Same problem, have you found any solution?
I've tried several more times since March, but none of these games have been updated since then, and it's clear the developer is unable to devote the resources to troubleshooting this, so I've deleted all these from my Steam library.
Game will recover if you let it sit long enough
Same Problem.
After the Launchscreen and the spinning arrow in the lower right corner the screen gets black, music plays, system freezes.
Any solution so far?

OK. The hint from Drune worked. Just wait and do nothing. After several seconds it will continue.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: ClydeBarker; 2021. okt. 7., 9:39
Drune eredeti hozzászólása:
Game will recover if you let it sit long enough

You are right. Thanks.
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