12 Labours of Hercules

12 Labours of Hercules

Rich 26 Mar 2019 @ 3:55pm
Windowed mode on ultra widescreen monitors
Hi, I have a 3840x1600 monitor and when playing in window mode there are huge bars on the left and right side of the window and the game refuses to properly track the mouse unless in native mode. it's really a pain and I would like to resize the window but the game locks it, I've used a third party software to resize but at every single smaller resolution the game basically is unable to 'see' the mouse correctly.
Terakhir diedit oleh Rich; 26 Mar 2019 @ 3:55pm
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WinterRee 4 Jun 2019 @ 3:41am 
have you tried changing the game's resolution through the game's settings? :O
Rich 8 Jun 2019 @ 8:32am 
yes, of course
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