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More Problems Than Worth The Time?
The game seems alright but trying to play it on a tiny little window that I can't reconfigure is rather aggravting. So I came by here to ask... Does anyone know how to configure the aspect ratio of the game? If you say it's in the launcher then tell the developer to fix his/her game. A game that launches a preconfiguration menu prior to the game should not have to need the code rewritten for it to function properly. "Example: Launcher opens up > Configuration >> Save >>> Hit Play" How it shouldn't work is both the game and the launcher open as "Launcher > Game >> Close Launcher >>> Play" It's ridiculous! If someone has a guide on how to fix this without one of your "uninstall > shutdown virus protection >> reinstall" remarks please feel free to share. I'll wait for a response from the developer or someone with at least some coding skills to come up with a real solution. If I don't hear anything remotely intelligent by next year I'll gut the game and fix it myself.