Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead

Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead

Therion 24 ENE 2018 a las 9:55 a. m.
Arma 2 Dynamic Zombie Sandbox
I got the mod working on online, let me know if there are some people interested in joining.
Última edición por Therion; 24 ENE 2018 a las 10:20 a. m.
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Toad Squish 17 FEB 2018 a las 9:40 a. m. 
This is an ... interesting game mode. I've played around with it myself ... it's more like Wasteland with zombies/infected.
Being a Wasteland type of environment , means you need several people to play, especially in terms of PvP + survival.
Even PVE/CoOp you need a few players ... theres always a lot of infected , and they are relentless. About my biggest complaint is the infected are very glitchy ... they can hit you from farther away than they should be able to, and they pass through most walls/buildings as if not there.
Toad Squish 17 FEB 2018 a las 9:53 a. m. 
My secondary complaint is DZS can get very laggy after a while. Sometimes the spawning scripts misfire, and infected just keep spawning around the map/towns , that plus the fog/smoke can eat up the processor CPU power , and desync players badly in multiplayer.

However, all that said ...
I think the idea behind DZS is actually a bit "better" than DayZ mods ... at least in DZS the infected are a real threat and come at you in hordes and waves.

It's not an easy game mode to play , and I can see it could frustrate new players too.
Probably easier to survive it in a Co-Op scenario.
ThatGuyFredTTV 17 FEB 2018 a las 9:56 a. m. 
I’m totally down to join as long as my clan can come as well
Therion 18 FEB 2018 a las 8:32 a. m. 
Awfrailey, You're right it is glitchy. i'd love the modmaker to work on it again since im not good at that stuff. But i think it would be a hit.
Toad Squish 20 FEB 2018 a las 8:45 a. m. 
I doubt the mod maker will.
It was the sandbox that kind of got DayZ base mod started , once dayz became a "thing" all the undead mods dried up for arma2.

And seeing how arma2 is no longer really supported, and arma3 is where everyone gravitated to , I doubt it ever gets worked on.

I wish they would ... the DZS and Undead Mods on arma2 were better than DayZ in many ways.
But I doubt they will.

I don't know anything about modding , I can't do it either.
There are many things like this I wish was "fixed" or updated for arma2.
Toad Squish 20 FEB 2018 a las 10:36 a. m. 
I keep saying DZS is slightly "better" than DayZ mod ... I'll explain better s to try and not offend anyone.

DayZ mod ( or mods) had a good start ... it really had alot of polished elements taken from other popular mods and changed to fit the "survival" genre mods a bit better.
Things that are really great in DayZ :
1- the self bandaging, food healing , and medical.
2- backpacks with increased capacities and variety.
3- Chemlights that are useable and bright, working flashlights , and great road flares that brighten up areas nicely.
4- weapons of different type and caliber have slightly differing damage output and functions, without being overly extensive and messy.
( all the above were actually modified off the ACE system to fit better in DayZ mod. )

DayZ's "failpoints though" ... which led it away from a "survival mod" into a PvP fest :
1- There's no incentives/reward system for being "good guys". In fact, quite the opposite ... it's faster rewarding for the bandits/KOS players.
2- There's no "end game" ... nothing to really strive for. Once you are geared up, have a stock or stash of supplies and a vehicle or two ... the game becomes dull and rinse and repeat type of play. This causes players to be bored, and go seeking the PvP thrill.
3- DayZ "Infected" are a joke , and not much of a threat. On the PvP aspects, they are actually very exploitable ... if you are farther away than 500M from a town, an dsee zombies ... or zombies aggro'd that couldn't possibly be aggro'd by you ... you know up front there's another player about the area. Other than that, they are easy to aviod and kill ... and most cases are more of an annoyance than actual threat. This means, the only challenge is from other players.

DZS however ... the infected/zombies are a much greater threat.
Only a few swipes and you are dead , they chase you and relentlessly hunt for you , and will call/attract more if gun shots go on ...
DZS just like I said has very glitchy infected , wich makes surviving them kind of frustrating at times.
DZS also just lacks the "polishing" of sub-systems that dayZ offered.

The greatest part of DZS though, unlike DayZ mod ... the harder Infected kind of "reward" players for working together instead of against each other.
Surviving can be a nightmare alone ... and the more difficult and glitchy "zombies/infected" means that Co-Op is going to lead to better sucess of survival. PvP is "less" , simply because you don't have all that much someone else can take and use. It doesn't mean you can't PvP , but the environment isn't like what DayZ has where you can simply shoot and kill another player and go loot thier stuff ... especially when your gun shots attract a nearby spawning horde that will chase you 10K meters and not give up.
Plus there's little to no "reward" for killing other players , even in the one mode designed to kind of put the bluefor/opfor/independant/civilian factions against each other like "wasteland" ... there's actually less reason to "fight" other players, and more reasons to clear the area of infected threats.

I simply think the increased threat , and harder difficulty of DZS just lends to much better play especially in multiplayer aspects.

The only thing it lacks is the bugs/glitchy stuff fixed, and a more polished sub system.
ThatGuyFredTTV 20 FEB 2018 a las 11:34 a. m. 
Where would I go to download this mod? And what is your server
Última edición por ThatGuyFredTTV; 20 FEB 2018 a las 11:35 a. m.
Toad Squish 20 FEB 2018 a las 3:05 p. m.
Thats for the Mission and mods I think ... it's been a long while since I downloaded it.

I don't run a server anymore, not sure anyone does run one for DZS anymore. It'd be nice if someone did.

I'm not sure I'm going to rent another Arma2 server again myself. When I get a new computer at the end of the month , I'm also getting arma3 and all it's DLCs , I'll probably rent a server for it then.
I'll still play in Arma2 OA if things I like are availiable though.
Therion 20 FEB 2018 a las 3:25 p. m. 
I wont be able to rent a server, and i dont think its worth it while its this gltchy. I have runned a server on my pc tho... Which worked, but i agree on the glitchyness. I will make a steam group for people who are interested in DZS.
Toad Squish 20 FEB 2018 a las 3:38 p. m. 
A tad bit related but not exactly the same thing as DZS ... the Undead Mod.

^ That one is useful if you are wanting to create a more specific type of mission, and it gives you a choice between fast infected zombies , or slower jerky/shambling zombies.
( Sometimes the mod will make "slow zombies" run at odd times/situations , especially if there are regular civilians to "infect".
The Undead mod ... if your player character gets hit, it starts a 5 minute "infection" timer that counts down. If it reaches Zero before you get an injection , you will "turn into a zombie" or die.
The "injection" is located in EMPTY/AMMO up at the top of the Ammo list in the editor.

Undead mod is a tad bit "buggy" in multiplayer at times. I got it to work fine on small Co-OP missions I created for playing "survive the appocalypse" missions.

WARNO - The Zombie Spawn module in the editor will keep spawning zombies at the location it's placed. The "global varible" doesn't seem to work to limit how many zombies are on your map. Eventually it will get laggy.
Infected Module means your "zombies" will run fast, zig zag ( hard to shoot ) most the time.
The Zombie Module means MOST the time, your zombies will be more at a fast walking pace. They are slower ( occasionally some will run , I don't know why ) , but it's a deceptive slow ...
These modules are found by pressing f7 in the editor.

Like DZS , Undead mod is glitchy ... undead will walk through most walls as if not there.
They can sometimes hit you from farther away than you think they should be able to.

Also like DZS ... Undead mod "zombies" are a tad har dto "kill" , headshots work best.

The cool thing about Undead mod missions ... you can "populate" your town/mission area with regular civilians ... place the desired MODULE in the mission editor , and ONE zombie or Infected on the map ... That ONE zombie will find the civilians , and infect them , and they will all Turn into infected or zombies seeking other victims.
So you can "control" how many potential zombies/infected you have in your mission , by knowing how many Civilians you placed down from the editor.
That way, if you wante dyour players to be able to clear a town of "infected" out , it's not as dynamic or constantly spawning more infected around the map.

Also like DZS these zombies hit HARD usually will kill you in two hits , sometimes faster ... seems they alway s"infect" you on a hit if you survive.
( So you need medical supplies big time in places for your players. I normally drop a Humveee ambulance I've edited in the editor to carry extra ammo, guns , and the injection needed, which they can also heal at if needs be. I'll put one nearby any MAJOR place I know has zombies/Infected before running the mission.
Smart players will drive the Humvee with them until it's useless or not needed. If you want it extra hard, place the humvee ambulance down and slide it's fuel to Zero. )

Undead in all the mods ( DZS too) ..will "beat up" vehicles an damage them if you are in it.

Undead Mod is better for creating custom missions ... and DZS Mod is more like a quick , already done mission depending on parameters you set before playing it.
Both very usefull, an dboth can be fun given the right players and group.
Toad Squish 20 FEB 2018 a las 3:51 p. m. 
About a week ago, I was playing around mixing up some mods/addons for arma2 , this screenshot was me playing in Undead Mod with the Aliens Colonial Marines pack , I was just messing around at the time ... I thought the old addons/mods were neat.

Needless to say though, me and the AI crew ... did not survive the night. lol
Última edición por Toad Squish; 20 FEB 2018 a las 3:51 p. m.
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