Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead

Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead

Toad Squish 6 Feb, 2016 @ 10:51am
Bandits- Help me understand the PvP nigtmare.
I have played many many hours on two versions of Overpoch. One PVE and one PVP. Both have all the extra scripts, bells and whistles folks like.

In the PVE server, I noticed players don't always help each other, but it is way more common than on any other type.

In PVP servers ... the only coop is from small bands of players that banditize everyone else.

However , I don't understand the logic behind everyone ona server being a bandit. Well, let me rephrase that statement:

I don't understand the logic and mentality behind everyone being kill on sight , and just killing others because they can.

Bandits I halfway understand. Bandits earn thier way by taking from others. I get that part.

But , most people playing "bandits" ,are not really bandits ... they are just sociopathic murderers. Killing just for the sake of killing other players.

No one can say it's " fun" to KOS everyone theycome across. I say that because our most sucessfull bandit players, are constantly saying they are bored in side chat.

and example of what I'm talking about:

On our server, we can craft a bike, car, or littlebird depending on what parts and toolbox in your inventory. I usually get parts to make littlebirds , because my base is on the coast , and I only use it to get to far away locations.

I had been working onmy little base, only to discover a glitch removed metal parts from my inventory , and I couldn't finish my outside locked door. So, I needed to head to a trader.
Iknew it was a risky venture ... to go, because there were alot of people on. Usually mostof them aviod the coast areas though, so Ifigured to fly outover the ocean/sea up and then bee-line over.
I make my bird,and hop in take off. I get far enough out I figure noone would bother me.

Remember, All I want is a few parts to finish my door. I don't care what everyone else is doing, and not puttingmy nose into thier dealings at all.
So I am going along,and see a jet zoom infront of me ...

I figure ... I'm 4k meters out over the water , I'm in an unarmed little bird, ... surely the jet will leave me alone. If I was shot down, there's no point in it. My stuff would sink to the ocean bottom, not be able to be retrieved.

Boy was I wrong ... the jet circled around me , and shot me down. I ejected 100Moff the surface and survived , but it was a long swim back to shore.

I kept asking myself ... " WHY?" > Because there was no reason, no logic behind it.

1- I wasn't a "threat" , just an easy target.
2- Nothing could be gained by killing me so far out.
3- I wasn't or could not be "disrupting" anything anyone was doing.

So , ... I still have no answers , and really hope flks chime in, and tell me what motivates this kind of in game behavior?

It can't be fun ... seems more boring to me to pick on the newer and more helpless players.
It can't be fun to kill, for absolutely no gains.

It can't be for "server domination" ... because what's the point of playing on a server, if you choose to run everyone off and have zero compitition?

I understand why players don't play heroes.

Being a Hero is more challenging, it's not easy at all.
There ae times, you want to kill someone, but you don't when you are a hero player.

Though, I must say ... by me trying to play a hero on a largely bandit ran playerbase , there's no point in being a hero or nice guy to anyone else either.
There's just no one to "help" in that istance.
But, I can at least understand the logic behind that.

The other though ... I don't get it ... can't understand players playing a game just so they can be ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to everyone else.

So, enlighten me please ...

Why do you all, kill for no reason or logical means in PVP Overpoch/Epoch servers?
< >
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Toad Squish 6 Feb, 2016 @ 2:30pm 
So, Just earlier ...
Had a group with jets ,patrolling the coastline ... anywhere they spotted zombie spawns, they camped. I was watching one , as it was close by ...

Now these were overseas players ,I think german ... not only were they just trying to troll,they were also broadcasting insults ( though badly due to language barriers I suppose ) .

If Ihad been logged in admin, I would have gotten rid of them until the main admin came on.
But I wasn't , ...

They did break our rules of english in side chat only, even after I asked them nicely to use english in side chat only. All they did was ignore that, and insulted (or tried to badly ) me and others.

Why do players insist on behaving in such ways?

It doesn't make any sense at all.
Stig 7 Feb, 2016 @ 5:31am 
What is the target in the game?
For you fun/roleplay, for bandits fun/getting the best gear/be the best (in killing).

If they have op stuff like jets, you could get a server which is less militarized, because most players are on military servers just for the fun of easier killing.

When you see someone on a normal server, here are his thoughts:

He could want my gear, i better kill him and live safe.
He could want to kill me because he thinks that i want his gear.
I kill him because I want his gear.
Let's be friendly and he could kill me easily, but if my gun is good, I dont want to get killed, I better kill him.

What do you want?
no PVP or PVP with roleplay or PVE?
For PVP with roleplay you need a very good server, search for whitelisted.
alwayssucking 7 Feb, 2016 @ 2:45pm 
I just opened a server that is going to be sort of rolepay PvE and PvP. I dont want it to be just a deathmatch like you mentioned above.

Feel free to check us out. PvP/PvE-RoamingAI-Events-StartBonus-CoolAdmins
Last edited by alwayssucking; 7 Feb, 2016 @ 2:46pm
Toad Squish 7 Feb, 2016 @ 3:10pm 
Originally posted by Stig:
What is the target in the game?
For you fun/roleplay, for bandits fun/getting the best gear/be the best (in killing).

If they have op stuff like jets, you could get a server which is less militarized, because most players are on military servers just for the fun of easier killing.

When you see someone on a normal server, here are his thoughts:

He could want my gear, i better kill him and live safe.
He could want to kill me because he thinks that i want his gear.
I kill him because I want his gear.
Let's be friendly and he could kill me easily, but if my gun is good, I dont want to get killed, I better kill him.

What do you want?
no PVP or PVP with roleplay or PVE?
For PVP with roleplay you need a very good server, search for whitelisted.

But my point is,this isn't "normal" banditry ...
Bandits as you stated have a logical means of why they kill. They want your stuff/money,ect. Or they don't want you to be a danger to them... in a logical sense.

However, shooting someone down in a littlebird over the sea/ocean means you can't gain anything from doing it. A ruined chopper , a swimming or dead player that if dies,means gear not being retrieved.
No money changes hands ...

I guarantee ... the jet pilot didn't know who he was shooting at, and obviously being in a slow ,unarmed helio ... wasn't a threat to his OP'd fast, moving plane with guns and rockets.
I could have been a bambi spawn ,or a long lasting vet of the server ... either way,the shooter did not know,and could not have known.

Plain and simple ... just another player looking to kill other players as long as it's easy and the victims way overmatched.

What I want ... I don't know.
I'd love to checkout RP servers , but then again I don't want togo through any whitelist hassle myself. PVE is usually "better" because "survivors" usually coop more ... but that gets stale too ...

There does need to be some bandits ... some PVP element, for flavor and real risk.

However ... leaving that door open ,just means you have a server full of bandits,bandit clans , and trolls looking to do nothing more than disrupt what every one else is doing.

but meh... I'm kind of done with dayz I guess though. It will never be a game where you play to actually survive an infected populace/region ... only a game you play where you spend 90 percentof your time looking over your shoulder, seeing what other player is shooting you with. With absolutley no point to any of it.
alwayssucking 7 Feb, 2016 @ 10:37pm 
Like I said Im not allowing just mass deathmatches in the server. Bandits need to be bandits not executioners
Toad Squish 10 Feb, 2016 @ 11:29am 
I agree Fallen.
As of right now, I am waiting on tax return to come in, so I can buya decent gaming PC. Anything DayZ myFPS drops horribly , and I lagout most servers pretty bad.
I got in yours , you gave me the armored SUV and cheytac ( nice! ) , but I was having trouble targeting AI and Zeds , because my latency and desync was horrible. I dropped out from latency twice , the unconcious scritps in antihak nabbed me ...

It 'snt your server, it' s my comp ... to outdated and old I guess.

Stig 14 Feb, 2016 @ 9:34am 
your specs?
when arma isnt running good, it's often not a hardware problem...
Toad Squish 14 Feb, 2016 @ 10:05am 
Specs are crappy ... bare minimum for running Arma2, and it's a non gaming laptop.

New comp is on way though.
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