This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Daverball  [developer] 17 Jan, 2015 @ 5:28am
Technical FAQ (Configuration, Known Issues, Help)
Hey there, I've decided to put a small FAQ together for commonly encountered questions and issues encountered across the different versions and configurations. This will be extended whenever new stuff comes up. The first two sections are valid for Windows, OSX and Linux alike.

Joyful DLC Issues
  • I can't figure out how to launch the DLC!
    Due to an unfortunate limitation of the Steam default launcher it only will appear if you use the big "Play"-button in your library, in the launcher you will be able to select the Joyful to launch it. Alternatively you can right click on the LISA entry in your library and select the corresponding option below Play.

Common Questions/Issues
  • The game goes to a black screen after starting up
    This often indicates outdated graphics drivers (especially on Intel integrated graphics drivers) but in addition to updating your drivers, disabling the steam overlay can help as well. Another common cause of this issue is when you force some global driver settings like global AA or global vsync.

  • How do I enter fullscreen/change resolution?
    All versions support Alt+Enter to change to fullscreen, however on the legacy option it is recommended you use the F1 options and F5 and F6 keys instead. On the non-legacy and OSX and Linux versions you can resize the window by dragging it.

  • I am getting really bad framerate in the motorcycle/snow areas!
    This is an unfortunate limitation of the engine, which will perform considerably worse in large areas, like the two of those. You can get those parts to a playable state by using the --frameSkip=true launch option or change the value in mkxp.conf

  • Some or all of the text in the game is missing!
    This is a known bug with AMD cards, you can try adding --subImageFix=true to the game's launch options, this will give you slightly worse performance, but should fix the disappearing text.

  • How do I change my keybindings?
    Keybindings can be altered via the F1 menu. The legacy option only provides very limited rebinding and may be hard to understand. Keep in mind that special keys, like F1 for the keybind menu, can't be changed, only the buttons used in-game can.

  • The controller bindings are really weird!
    This should only be an issue with the legacy option. If you however encounter very weird default bindings with the other version you are advised to first set up your gamepad in Big Picture mode once, so that Steam can tell the game about the gamepad. You may also have to reset to default bindings in the F1 menu, once you've done that.

  • Help, I can't erase letters in the name change screen on Dismal Island!
    RPGMaker uses its cancel key for this, by default it is bound to Escape and X on the Keyboard. It should be the B button on controllers (assuming xbox button layout), although there is no guarantee for that on the legacy option.

  • My Screenshots appear upside down!
    This is a known bug in the Steam overlay. It is fixed in the latest Steam client beta which you can opt into via your Steam Settings. Eventually the fix will make it to all Steam users though. The fix for this should now be in the latest stable client, let me know if it still happens!

  • The text on the titlescreen is all messed up
    The following launch parameter usually helps with that:

Advanced Configuration Options (Not available in legacy)
You can tweak a lot of the engine's behaviour to your liking by editing mkxp.conf (in the mkxp folder on windows, inside the Resources folder of the app bundle on OSX)
But you can also pass them to the game as launch parameters instead, here's a list of the available options:
  • --fullscreen=true (default is false)
    Start the game in fullscreen by default

  • --defScreenW=544 (default is 544)
    Change the width of the window the game starts with

  • --defScreenH=416 (default is 416)
    Change the height of the window the game starts with

  • --winResizable=false (default is true)
    Turn off dynamic resizing of windows (helpful if you chose a custom window size to launch with)

  • --vsync=true (default is false)
    Turn on vertical sync.

  • --fixedAspectRatio=false (default is true)
    Allows the game to stretch to the full screen/window size without letterboxing.

  • --smoothScaling=true (default is false)
    The game will scale up smoothly, preventing certain aliasing effects but will produce a less sharp image.

  • --fixedFramerate=30 (default is 0)
    Fix the framerate of the game to whatever you want, 0 to turn fixed framerate off.

  • --frameSkip=false (default is true)
    Disable the skipping of frames by setting this to false, this may be helpful in areas like the motorcycle area if you have a very low framerate.

  • --solidFonts=true (default is false)
    Turn off anti aliasing on fonts, might help performance slightly.

OSX Issues
  • The game crashes immediately after launching
    For some reason SDL2.0.3 and the steam overlay don't like each other a lot on OSX, this can cause random crashes at startup with the overlay enabled. If the crashes keep happening we recommend you to disable the overlay, you will still be able to unlock Achievements, but you won't be able to use Steam to take screenshots via F12.

  • The game crashes when I close it
    This is a known issue, it is however harmless as save data and configuration data will not be affected.

Linux Issues
  • The textures are all messed up!
    This is a known issue related to older versions of the open source nvidia drivers. You can try to update them, switch to the closed source drivers, or try the linux-nouveau-outdated branch in the Betas tab in the game's properties.

  • The game crashes when I close it
    This is a known issue, it is however harmless as save data and configuration data will not be affected.

  • The game won't run
    This may be due to missing dependencies. One such dependency that likely could be missing on newer distributions is libcrypt. You can try to find an older version of libcrypt four your distribution or go DEB/RPM hunting and grab the .so file from that. E.g. the latest rpm from and extract* files in LISA/lib64 folder.
Last edited by Daverball; 26 Oct, 2022 @ 1:11pm
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Showing 1-15 of 220 comments
hey guys. can u help me use this Chinese Versions patch?

-------readme.txt ---

需要把System 、Fonts文件夹 以及 Game.rgss3a文件覆盖到正版游戏目录中.

由于正版一些东西不支持中文,需要在打开游戏后选择LISA on rmvxa (legacy)来打开游戏,否则会报错.

its means override System ,Fonts , Game.rgss3a , must use lagacy mode.

but, it won't work. showing "Failed to load archive."

:meatytears: i want support your good game on douyu(like twitch).
let more players JOY ur game.

but the patch is killing me.

ok . worked.
i changed Game.ini.


RGSS300.dll affect? something else?:heart:
Daverball  [developer] 3 Apr, 2015 @ 9:17am 
Sorry, I can't help you with unofficial translation patches, you'll have to talk to the people that created them.
ok. can u let them know this topic?thx
Daverball  [developer] 3 Apr, 2015 @ 9:59am 
There's no official patches, and that's the only ones where I'd know where to refer you to.
i changed Game.ini.
and the patch its worked.
but i want know the consequences.
i mean this↓





if make the official patch that would be great.

ty. anyways
Last edited by LowLee ·直播LIVE·; 3 Apr, 2015 @ 10:37am
Ajogamer 3 Apr, 2015 @ 11:28am 
I'm only going on what I've heard, but apparently, RGSS300.dll is the Japanese version of the file, while RGSS301.dll is the English version. It looks like that unofficial patch was packaged with the RGSS300.dll, which is why you likely had to change that setting to get it to work.

Since nobody here has any involvement with the unofficial patch, we can't tell you if there would be any consequences with using that alternate .dll (only those that made the patch would know), but it seems it is required for the unofficial Chinese translation to work, so if you wish to play the game with the Chinese patch, I wouldn't worry about it.
Uncouth Ruffian 13 Jun, 2015 @ 7:54pm 
i have to open the legacy or the screen goes black is there any way i can have a not black screen and not have to do the legacy also the game goes back to the menu when i take a screen shot
Last edited by Uncouth Ruffian; 13 Jun, 2015 @ 7:55pm
Ajogamer 14 Jun, 2015 @ 1:51am 
Originally posted by ianj spawn of michael bay:
i have to open the legacy or the screen goes black is there any way i can have a not black screen and not have to do the legacy also the game goes back to the menu when i take a screen shot
Did you try the two suggested fixes it lists in the OP? (updating graphics drivers or disabling Steam Overlay)
Uncouth Ruffian 14 Jun, 2015 @ 6:51am 
Originally posted by Ajogamer:
Originally posted by ianj spawn of michael bay:
i have to open the legacy or the screen goes black is there any way i can have a not black screen and not have to do the legacy also the game goes back to the menu when i take a screen shot
Did you try the two suggested fixes it lists in the OP? (updating graphics drivers or disabling Steam Overlay)
ok let me try that
Uncouth Ruffian 14 Jun, 2015 @ 7:17am 
Originally posted by Ajogamer:
Originally posted by ianj spawn of michael bay:
i have to open the legacy or the screen goes black is there any way i can have a not black screen and not have to do the legacy also the game goes back to the menu when i take a screen shot
Did you try the two suggested fixes it lists in the OP? (updating graphics drivers or disabling Steam Overlay)
i disabled steam over lay but it then i got a black screen with a white square
Last edited by Uncouth Ruffian; 14 Jun, 2015 @ 7:17am
Daverball  [developer] 14 Jun, 2015 @ 9:51am 
Originally posted by ianj spawn of michael bay:
Originally posted by Ajogamer:
Did you try the two suggested fixes it lists in the OP? (updating graphics drivers or disabling Steam Overlay)
i disabled steam over lay but it then i got a black screen with a white square
Well that is a new one, disabling steam overlay has worked for all the people that I have seen encountering this problem so far. I would love it if you sent me your Steam system information (Help -> System Information) to dave[AT]daverball[DOT]com.

My best guess is still outdated drivers for this one though.
Uncouth Ruffian 14 Jun, 2015 @ 10:21pm 
how do i do this

You can get those parts to a playable state by using the --frameSkip=true launch option or change the value in mkxp.conf
Daverball  [developer] 15 Jun, 2015 @ 3:29am 
Originally posted by ianj spawn of michael bay:
how do i do this

You can get those parts to a playable state by using the --frameSkip=true launch option or change the value in mkxp.conf
Those launch options don't work for the legacy build unfortunately. But you can add them by going into the game's properties by right clicking on it in your library. There should be a button to edit the launch options on the window that opens.
Uncouth Ruffian 15 Jun, 2015 @ 7:50am 
Originally posted by Daverball:
Originally posted by ianj spawn of michael bay:
how do i do this

You can get those parts to a playable state by using the --frameSkip=true launch option or change the value in mkxp.conf
Those launch options don't work for the legacy build unfortunately. But you can add them by going into the game's properties by right clicking on it in your library. There should be a button to edit the launch options on the window that opens.
i cliked on that and it said it was for advanced users only and some sort of box where i needed to enter some words
Last edited by Uncouth Ruffian; 15 Jun, 2015 @ 7:51am
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