Assassin's Creed II

Assassin's Creed II

Achievements in the game's files, but not set up on Steam
My video showing all the achievements files (not all of them containing .Accomplishment are achievements tho. You can search for their unique name, such as ''Bleeding Effect'' to find more):
If you want to find them for yourself, use AnvilToolkit, extract ''DataPC.forge'', then extract ''24_-_Game Bootstrap'' and search for Accomplishment in there.

The logic is already there. Ubisoft only needs to add them. if you want them set up on Steam, leave a +1 for support!
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
sounds like they are about to unlock achievements then. we just been waiting for like 2 months XD
I hope they do, ACII is my personal favourite in the series, would love to 100% it on here
trevor-7 21 Feb @ 2:32pm 
Originally posted by Untitled:
My video showing all the achievements files (not all of them containing .Accomplishment are achievements tho. You can search for their unique name, such as ''Bleeding Effect'' to find more):
If you want to find them for yourself, use AnvilToolkit, extract ''DataPC.forge'', then extract ''24_-_Game Bootstrap'' and search for Accomplishment in there.

The logic is already there. Ubisoft only needs to add them. if you want them set up on Steam, leave a +1 for support!
n5me 21 Feb @ 6:35pm 
Spectator 21 Feb @ 10:46pm 
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