Carmageddon TDR 2000

Carmageddon TDR 2000

multipass 4 Dec, 2014 @ 12:08pm
cant see cursor on main menu
i just bought this game and am running it on a windows 8.1 64 bit machine with a mouse and/or xbox joystick connected.

once the game finishes the cutscenes and presents the main menu, i cannot see my cursor and no amount of moving the mouse or joystick highlights any main menu options.

all i can do is alt+f4 out.

I have tried most of the graphical settings including reducing my windows dpi from 150 to 100%, reducing resolutions and running in a window... anyone else seen this?

tyvm for any assistance!
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
I'm getting the same problem (on the same OS), but like you none of my attempts to fix it have worked.

Will post if I find a fix!
NO WAY 5 Dec, 2014 @ 11:57am 
Yeah i have same thing . Unpluging x360 controller doesnt help....
What graphic card do u have ? I can see my mouse pointer before i move it after that its gone.

Did you played it in Hi-Res mode? And is Mip Filter and Pixel fog disabeled on setup? Those two are responsible for most problems in the game. Also if it doesn't work, try installing the Max-Pack
It's an unofficial pack, but improve a lot on stability and bug solving
mazzy2u 5 Dec, 2014 @ 1:02pm 
Got it working sort of ish... Go to the steam apps folder find the TDR2000 folder right click on the TDR2000 executable and set to compatibilty mode for WinXP and run as admin, worked fine for me.
multipass 5 Dec, 2014 @ 8:20pm 
thanks but that did not fix it. my problem computer is a GT 650M on a mac book pro

I tried on an intel iris 5200 and I can see my cursor just fine.
Last edited by multipass; 5 Dec, 2014 @ 8:21pm
no_malarkey 20 Aug, 2019 @ 1:54pm 
Originally posted by multipass:
thanks but that did not fix it. my problem computer is a GT 650M on a mac book pro

I tried on an intel iris 5200 and I can see my cursor just fine.
for anyone who stumbled on this in 2019: try to turn off windowed mode - it worked for me that way. No other setting, nor tdr 2000 max pack, seemed to affect mouse cursor.
Hans Robosacs 24 Jan, 2020 @ 3:25pm 
No good. WIndowed mode is not the culprit for me. Anyone else?
Roady 3 Mar, 2021 @ 1:48am 
try changeing the resolution. that worked for me.
I bought a game today and I have the same :( I tried everything what you wrote here in this post and nothing !!!! :( what should I do !!!!! ??????
S O S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
Evilalpha7 20 Nov, 2021 @ 6:55pm 
I tried all the solutions in here and other places. For me, what worked was choosing the right video card when the game profiles your PC. After intalling the MAX-PACK patch, new options appeared to me (GeForce video cards) and choosing that, fixed the cursor not appearing. Game is playing great now.
I've tried all the solutions here and elsewhere. For me, what has worked is selecting the right graphics card when the game is profiling your PC. After installing the MAX-PACK patch, new options appeared (GeForce graphics cards) and selecting this fixed the lack of a cursor. The game is running great now. >>>>> I have a question from where can you download the summer for this game if there are new card options ???? Thanks in advance for your help and answer
Evilalpha7 24 Nov, 2021 @ 2:11pm 
Originally posted by Boss Vip PL DE/DEU/GER ETS2 WOT:
I've tried all the solutions here and elsewhere. For me, what has worked is selecting the right graphics card when the game is profiling your PC. After installing the MAX-PACK patch, new options appeared (GeForce graphics cards) and selecting this fixed the lack of a cursor. The game is running great now. >>>>> I have a question from where can you download the summer for this game if there are new card options ???? Thanks in advance for your help and answer

You can download from this link:

It was found on the MAX-PACK post:
Last edited by Evilalpha7; 24 Nov, 2021 @ 2:13pm
Originally posted by no_malarkey:
Originally posted by multipass:
thanks but that did not fix it. my problem computer is a GT 650M on a mac book pro

I tried on an intel iris 5200 and I can see my cursor just fine.
for anyone who stumbled on this in 2019: try to turn off windowed mode - it worked for me that way. No other setting, nor tdr 2000 max pack, seemed to affect mouse cursor.
only problem is that in 4k win11x64 it is a problem to launch in full screen - it only show portion of 480p screen and again - cursor disapears
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