State of Decay: Year-One

State of Decay: Year-One

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NobleGeist 9 Dec, 2024 @ 4:38pm
lighting bugging out
I am sorry if I am wasting time asking because there is a solution some where but my game is acting weird I turn left textures get dark I turn camera right they get bright I look center and they flicker between each other I even tried the no shadows mod and it did not help I hope someone can help me out because to be honest I like this one better than 2 and i have no option to turn it 1080 in settings
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WillieSea 11 Dec, 2024 @ 2:36pm 
1080 means setting your display resolution to 1920x1080 or smaller. The 1920x1080 is a 16:9 aspect ratio. If your monitor is a different aspect ratio then you have to figure out what to set it too.

Flickering shadows usually means you have FPS higher than about 50. This game is a total console port from the old XBox.

Also, some people have odd computers with odd drivers where it is just a problem for them.

There are plenty of threads about this topic, there may be other information in them.
NobleGeist 11 Dec, 2024 @ 7:16pm 
thank you for responding WillieSea this may be stupid but is there a way to set a fps limit ?
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