Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition

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Need help in achieving the "King of the Palace" achievement.
Can I use Dante, Nero, or Vergil for unlimited DT in Bloody Palace? Why I asked, I don't need S rank final results but S rank all the 101 stages only, so I need to know if I used unlimited DT; can I achieve the "King of the Palace" achievement or not?
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No. Using the unlimited DT caps your rank to a D.
Originally posted by CherylPliskin:
No. Using the unlimited DT caps your rank to a D.
Can you help to get an S rank with Lady !?
Legs 5 Mar @ 10:32pm 
I have an S rank Bloody Palace clear with Lady.

Though I got the achievement in 2015, it's a little tough to recall:
"How to play Lady efficiently" all these years later.

But it is possible.
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