Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition

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Liandri 21 May, 2017 @ 11:21am
[Guide] Temporary fix for start-up crash
If you were directed here by Capcom, let them know that this is not okay.
I suggest anyone having issues like this one to demand a permanent fix from Capcom.
Small but important aspects of the engine are broken, and it is more apparent on newer systems. For now I know that there are at least 4 affected games using the same engine:
- Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition
- Resident Evil Revelations
- Resident Evil Revelations 2
- Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Fixing these issues will not be a problem, should Capcom become interested. Kindly ask them to provide permanent fixes.

Remember that you can issue a refund for your game if certain conditions apply. Read here:

Temporary fix for start-up crash
...and possible solutions to other types of crashes. See below.
Thanks to ThreeSon for providing information and access to the game, and for testing.
Thanks to hinosuna for providing the file from Japanese edition of the game.
I'll try to update this post when I have more useful information.

0. Delayed crash due to 3rd party overlay applications.
If you have Discord running, make sure Discord Overlay is disabled for Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition, as it causes delayed crash from the very start. You can also try to globally disable Discord Overlay or shut down Discord to make sure it will not interfere with the game.
Additionally, try to disable any other 3rd party applications that add overlays into games. Another problematic application is RTSS (Rivatuner Statistics Server). You can disable its 'Stealth' mode or shut it down completely before running the game.

1. The most possible issue you are experiencing - immediate start-up crash.
For this issue, "Problem details" section inside the crash dialog shows this:

Problem Event Name:
Application Name:
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:
Fault Module Name:
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp:
Exception Code:
Exception Offset:

Note the Exception Offset value. If it's same for you, this is your problem. Here is how you can fix it.

--- 2023-10-01 edit start ---
As of 2023 August 7th, the instructions below do not work for the current game build on Steam, but read here to understand the situation better. There was no actual game update. If you are able to acquire the DevilMayCry4SpecialEdition.exe from the previous game build, it'll work.

You can get that file like this:
- Open the Steam Console. You can do it by navigating to steam://nav/console from your web browser.
- Paste download_depot 329050 329051 2134096917157924646 into the command line and press Enter.
- You'll see the folder path where the file is downloaded. Go there, get the file and place it under the game folder. Overwrite if asked.
--- 2023-10-01 edit end ---

  • a) Get any hex editor.
    I recommend HxD (portable version available): website[]

  • b) Launch your hex editor. Drag-and-drop the DevilMayCry4SpecialEdition.exe file from the game folder to hex editor window. Or press Ctrl+O and use that to open the file.
    To find this file on your PC, right-click Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition in your library - Properties - Local files - Browse local files.

  • c) Go to offset (Ctrl+G): 6790E7 (or 6787303 in decimal mode).
    Older version (pre-2018.03.28) offsets:
    WW: 6964ac (or 6907052 in decimal mode)
    Japanese: 69686c (or 6908012 in decimal mode)
    You'll see the following hex values at cursor position:
    80 02 00 00
    Change them to this:
    00 05 00 00
  • d) Save the file (Ctrl+S). All done.
You can try running the game now. This should work for absolute most people having this exact crash.

Still having the same crash happening? Are you from the future? See below.
  • a) Repeat the above editing process, but this time write different values to the same offset. Depending on screen resolution you want to use in game, try these:
    1280xAny and above: 00 05 00 00 <- this is the value suggested above 1360xAny and above: 50 05 00 00 1440xAny and above: A0 05 00 00 1600xAny and above: 40 06 00 00 1920xAny and above: 80 07 00 00 2560xAny and above: 00 0A 00 00 3840xAny and above: 00 0F 00 00
  • b) After this change, even if the game will run, it will not allow you to change the screen resolution from PC Settings menu. To solve this issue, open this file for editing (use Notepad or any other text editor here): %LOCALAPPDATA%\CAPCOM\DEVILMAYCRY4SPECIALEDITION\config.ini
    Locate the following line:
    and change it to your desired resolution. For example:
    Then save the file (Ctrl+S). Done.
After this, the game will allow you to change screen resolution from PC Settings menu.

The problem with this solution is that you will not be able to properly play the game on resolution lower than the limitation set by editing this value. Hence why this solution is temporary, until properly fixed by developers.

NOTE: At any point you can revert changes by Verifying Integrity of Game Files.

2. Possible crash after few minutes of playing on Windows 7.
For this issue, "Problem details" section inside the crash dialog would show something like this:

Fault Module Name:
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp:
Exception Code:

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition should not be affected by this problem, even though some people may suggest otherwise.
It appears that KB2670838 does not need to be uninstalled and you don't need old d3d10.dll / dxgi.dll files to play Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition. It also appears that no game is affected by this issue when running on Windows 8, 8.1 or 10.
Still, the following guide may be helpful to owners of original Devil May Cry 4 who have problems playing it in DX10 mode:
3. Unable to view pre-rendered movies and startup logos.
It's highly unlikely that many people are having this exact problem, because it's difficult to break Windows Media Player or have it removed from the system. However owners of special regional N and KN editions of Windows are affected. Here are links to relevant installation packages for such systems:

Update 2018.03.28:
Added offset for updated file.

Edit 2019.12.20:
Second guide:
[Guide] Temporary fix for Fatal Error (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED)

Update 2023.10.01:
Added instructions for the latest "update".
Last edited by Liandri; 1 Oct, 2023 @ 2:59am
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Showing 1-15 of 490 comments
cooldude 5 Aug, 2017 @ 7:46pm 
what the hell this fixed my game thanks dude
bluntbows 20 Aug, 2017 @ 1:44am 
Thanks dude, first fix works.
E6Z3Q74Z 8 Sep, 2017 @ 2:58pm 
i love you man!!! id totally suck your ♥♥♥♥ <3
synaptics 15 Sep, 2017 @ 8:57pm 
Thanks man 😎
AcTePuKc 25 Sep, 2017 @ 4:44am 
Just edited config.ini and worked like a charm.
Had the problem where game crash when i click Configure button.
Thanks !
Maxustry 30 Sep, 2017 @ 10:09am 
Thank you so very much, I appreciate it man.
you saved me a lot of trouble.
isolated1 16 Oct, 2017 @ 8:25pm 
Originally posted by Liandri:
...and possible solutions to other types of crashes. See below.
Thanks to ThreeSon for providing information and access to the game, and for testing.
I'll try to update this post when I have more useful information.
Not posting this to Guides section yet since I don't own the game.

1. The most possible issue you are experiencing - immediate start-up crash.
For this issue, "Problem details" section inside the crash dialog shows this:

Problem Event Name:
Application Name:
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:
Fault Module Name:
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp:
Exception Code:
Exception Offset:

Note the Exception Offset value. If it's same for you, this is your problem. Here is how you can fix it.
  • a) Get any hex editor.
    I recommend HxD (portable version available): website[]

  • b) Launch your hex editor. Drag-and-drop the DevilMayCry4SpecialEdition.exe file from the game folder to hex editor window. Or press Ctrl+O and use that to open the file.
    To find this file on your PC, right-click Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition in your library - Properties - Local files - Browse local files.

  • c) Go to offset (Ctrl+G): 6964ac (or 6907052 in decimal mode).
    You'll see the following hex values at cursor position:
    80 02 00 00
    Change them to this:
    00 05 00 00
  • d) Save the file (Ctrl+S). All done.
You can try running the game now. This should work for absolute most people having this exact crash.

Still having the same crash happening? Are you from the future? See below.
  • a) Repeat the above editing process, but this time write different values to the same offset. Depending on screen resolution you want to use in game, try these:
    1280xAny and above: 00 05 00 00 <- this is the value suggested above 1360xAny and above: 50 05 00 00 1440xAny and above: A0 05 00 00 1600xAny and above: 40 06 00 00 1920xAny and above: 80 07 00 00 2560xAny and above: 00 0A 00 00 3840xAny and above: 00 0F 00 00
  • b) After this change, even if the game will run, it will not allow you to change the screen resolution from PC Settings menu. To solve this issue, open this file for editing: %LOCALAPPDATA%\CAPCOM\DEVILMAYCRY4SPECIALEDITION\config.ini
    Locate the following line:
    and change it to your desired resolution. For example:
    Then save the file (Ctrl+S). Done.
After this, the game will allow you to change screen resolution from PC Settings menu.

The problem with this solution is that you will not be able to properly play the game on resolution lower than the limitation set by editing this value. Hence why this solution is temporary, until properly fixed by developers.

NOTE: At any point you can revert changes by Verifying Integrity of Game Files.

2. Possible crash after few minutes of playing on Windows 7.
For this issue, "Problem details" section inside the crash dialog would show something like this:

Fault Module Name:
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp:
Exception Code:

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition should not be affected by this problem, even though some people may suggest otherwise.
It appears that KB2670838 does not need to be uninstalled and you don't need old d3d10.dll / dxgi.dll files to play Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition. It also appears that no game is affected by this issue when running on Windows 8, 8.1 or 10.
Still, the following guide may be helpful to owners of original Devil May Cry 4 who have problems playing it in DX10 mode:
3. Unable to view pre-rendered movies and startup logos.
It's highly unlikely that many people are having this exact problem, because it's difficult to break Windows Media Player or have it removed from the system. However owners of special regional N and KN editions of Windows are affected. Here are links to relevant installation packages for such systems:

You sir, are a genius. Totally fixed the issue of the game not starting which I never had before today. Thanks so much.
mjoshd 15 Nov, 2017 @ 1:47pm 
Thank you very much! This worked for me when DMC4SE refused to launch after installing the Windows 10 Fall Creators update (1709).
Kreiser 28 Nov, 2017 @ 1:42pm 
Thanks you very much for the fix! Worked perfect for my Windows 10 64 bit!
RahabYang 28 Nov, 2017 @ 4:21pm 
thank you very much!
Dante9006 1 Dec, 2017 @ 12:28am 
Wait so the Fall Creators update broke the game? Because I haven't played it in months decided it was time to play it and now it doesn't work.
Liandri 1 Dec, 2017 @ 1:24am 
Originally posted by Dante9006:
Wait so the Fall Creators update broke the game? Because I haven't played it in months decided it was time to play it and now it doesn't work.
Nothing breaks the game from what I can say, it's just that the game is somewhat broken itself.

The specific issue this guide solves is caused by huge amount of available display modes reported by GPU/monitor. If some Windows update added more display modes - yes, it could make the game crash. If you added more custom resolutions in GPU driver settings - it could also make the game crash. If Steam re-downloaded original .exe file after you edited it - you'll probably need to edit it again.

Of course, Windows updates can potentially introduce more issues with any game. If this guide didn't solve your crash - the problem is somewhere else. I'll try to help if you provide more information about your issue.
Dante9006 1 Dec, 2017 @ 1:30am 
I hit play in Steam amd the minute I do it says, Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition has stopped working.
Liandri 1 Dec, 2017 @ 3:24am 
There must be an option to view Technical details. There must be events with those details saved in Events viewer.
You can also try this app to get extended information:
Dante9006 1 Dec, 2017 @ 8:46am 
It actually only crashes when I use my 1440p monitor, when I try to boot it on my 4k tv or 1080p monitor it boots. It's strange.
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