DiRT 3 Complete Edition

DiRT 3 Complete Edition

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GFWL Key Not Working? Post Here...
UPDATE 09/05/15:

Hi all,

Just wanted to give you an update on where we are with the key redemption, we now believe we’ve got most of the keys up and running and you should be able to redeem them via your Steam Client.

To redeem your key simply follow these steps
  • Load up your Steam Client
  • Click “Add a game” found in the bottom left of the window
  • Click “Activate a product on Steam”
  • Click “Next”
  • Follow the instructions and when asked enter your GFWL CD Key into the “Product Code” box – Make sure to include any hyphens and capital letters
  • Hit “Next”
  • Your code will then be verified and the DiRT 3 Complete Edition will be added to your library

If however you’re having issues redeeming your key still we’re asking that you send us the following information:

For boxed copies:
  • Please send an email to custservice@codemasters.com with the subject line “DiRT 3 Boxed Copy Code”
  • Please include in the email a photograph of the back of the manual clearly showing the code and if possible a copy of your receipt.
  • Please type out the key in your email and include as much information as possible regarding where and when it was purchased
For digital copies
  • Please forward the confirmation email you would have received from the online retailer at the time of sale with the key on to custservice@codemasters.com with the subject line “DiRT 3 Digital Copy Code”
Once we’ve received your email we’ll then validate the key you have sent to us and contact you back within 48 hours.

The more information you can provide us with the quicker we will be able to resolve your query. The closing date for these claims is Friday 24th April 2015 so please contact us before then.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on justbiglee; 9.4.2015 klo 6.49
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live in israel and my gfwl key is from direct2drive in 2011
Viimeisin muokkaaja on omergd1; 1.4.2015 klo 11.32
gfwl key bought on gamecard.mobi (key bought in 2011)

i'm from Italy.

I can't activate my GFWL key - "Invalid product code". Game was bought from uk online store direct2drive back in 2011. I am from Lithuania
Viimeisin muokkaaja on protonas <>; 1.4.2015 klo 11.49
1. Complete edition
2. By license copy in shop
3. Yes
4. Russia

I hope you can solve a problem with keys.
GFWL key bought from game.co.uk in 2011, says it's invalid. I'm in Cyprus.
1. Retail Boxed standard version.

2. Bought on amazon.co.uk marketplace from an uk seller(ofc its the GFWL version) and the retail box was sent from uk to me in germany

3. I'm residing in Germany.

please fix this, i payed around 25€ back then for the game (it was on sale).

i could activate it on GFWL without any problem back then in 2011 and played through the game completely. LOVED it so i would love to have it on steam.

edit: oh ofc i can provide proof of purchase if needed.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on MONZUN; 1.4.2015 klo 12.00
1. Standard retail version.
2. Flipkart.com (Indian Retail website)
3. Yes, Its from a boxed retail version.
4. Country game purchased in India / Currently residing in USA

Cheers and good luck with the issue.
1. Standard version. 08/04/2012
2. getgamesgo.com
3. Thailand
Viimeisin muokkaaja on [LPG]rainya; 1.4.2015 klo 12.04
1. Standard version.
2. orange[jeuxvideo.jeu.orange.fr] (french retail website). Gamesplanet now.
3. Digital version.
4. I'm residing in France.

I could activate it on GFWL without any problem. I bought the game in May 2011 and I can prove my purchase.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Br3ss4n; 2.4.2015 klo 2.07
1. Standard edtion (I think?)
2. Direct2Drive
3. digital version
4. Germany
1. Standard version
2. Gamesplanet[fr.gamesplanet.com]
3. Digital version
4. France
1. Standart version
2. I bought it from Humble bundle (in 2014 February)
3. Digital version
4. I'm from Lithuania
Zeyo 1.4.2015 klo 12.27 
1. Standard version
2. Gamesplanet[fr.gamesplanet.com]
3. Digital version
4. France
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Zeyo; 1.4.2015 klo 12.28
1. Standard retail version.
2. Can't remember
3. Yes, Its from a boxed dvd retail version.
4. Country India / Currently residing in uk

Live access code/key not working/not valid :(
Viimeisin muokkaaja on islave2; 1.4.2015 klo 12.39
Standard version
Gamefly (Direct2drive now)
In UK with UK version
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