My Ex-Boyfriend the Space Tyrant

My Ex-Boyfriend the Space Tyrant

in the option screen, it shows a fullscreen option but clicking on its nothing ---- how to get fullscreen?
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You have to turn on fullscreen option and make sure you restart the game.
did that ---- not working, the option for full screen does not work. restarted the game anyway ---- no change ---- it's the option for full screen that does not work
dodgyville  [разработчик] 22 ноем. 2019 в 18:11 
Hi, an alternative way is to pass in "--fullscreen" on the commandline to the game executable. What OS are you on?
Последно редактиран от dodgyville; 22 ноем. 2019 в 18:12
not savvy enough to figure that out ---- should the option just simply work properly?
On my system (Win10 v1809) -f or --fullscreen didn't work. I used -r 1920x1080 to start the game in fullscreen mode. And btw the options in the settings screen doesn't work at all :-) If you use Steam, right click the game in your library, choose properties and "Set launch options"
Последно редактиран от blorb0815; 24 юни 2020 в 3:58
I have a problem where the fullscreen is just off and no way to make it say ON
tried the command line in steam and on the exe.. noper
I dont know this shouldnt be to hard to code in even if it has black boxes

I have a very ODD SCREEN, from the -r and res, its windowed, and to the right and down a bit so i lose some picture and its just ugly


tried all exe launch and steam launch options and messed with INSPECTOR from nvid and os gpu options nothing works
I did make SOME progress using NVID's inspector
though its now a smaller box in the middle, and wont let me alt tab anywhere
but I used inspector to force fullscreen and disable app control and force off
then enabled forced vsync and gsync

still messing with the settings but MU online is what its under if you have inspector..
and its much better than the command line style minus no alt tabbing
which I think I can fix

and the game also isnt fitting to full res, but no black boxes and a full screen ish, ill take it
lemme know if you need more info
amd also has tools to do the same thing like rivatuner etc
I have a fix for fullscreen and windowed issues on the way.
im sure this will solve some crashing also:P

cant wait
and if needed please apply to the second game danke!
Good news ---- hopefully before the summer sale ends.
I'll put it on the wish list (again).
Will this also help Pleasure Planet? (That one was pretty much of a mess)
A new minor version of Space Tyrant has been pushed that fixes a few bugs. It also changes the way I handle full screen and windowed mode. I recommend windowed mode for windows users as I'm not confident about full screen on windows on all computers.
It blows my mind that so many developers think windowed mode is OK. I guess it's just easier to code?
in most games, if you see a game set to borderless windowed aka full screen but in a window.. this is done on PURPOSE to force vsync over gsync as well as help fps match hz
in terms of this game well its not the case.. but dont get me started on ags and what fullscreen is or can be.. as you can never get such games on 4k ultrawide tvs
scummvm allows for it but its uuugly

long story short
it makes some things WORK.. that would break normally..
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