BloodRealm: Battlegrounds

BloodRealm: Battlegrounds

m_ikirt 2015 年 9 月 1 日 上午 6:24
Is anyone still playing this?
I just got started in the game, and have several quests that need PVP battles. No one's ever online to play against. Is anyone still playing this game out there?
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目前顯示第 1-15 則留言,共 28
M.GALLAGHER1990 2015 年 9 月 14 日 下午 4:49 
I have the same problem
Hanika 2015 年 10 月 1 日 下午 3:36 
Yep, same here. How the hell are you supposed to make gold to buy new Champions if you can't even get into a PVP game?

I got no problem sending cash a games way, but not when there seems to be NO ONLINE to even do dailies with. Am enjoying the game, but completed campaign on normal no going through Heroic but getting ziltch for it.Card games need PVP to work.
m_ikirt 2015 年 10 月 1 日 下午 6:55 
Yes they do, Hanika. I check every so often, but it's getting tedious. I'll probably play the base campaign and uninstall if people don't start playing.
딱딱한 초콜릿 2015 年 10 月 10 日 上午 12:50 
I also play the game I came back to it after being busy its a really good game but just like yourself no one seem to be in pvp. Im not sure if the devlopers dropped the game but they havent updated in a while and it still requires some tuning. There are a few bugs in the game like speed not working properly and certain health buffs increasing max health the first time rather then increasing max and current but overall its an excellent fasted paced strategic card game as you learn the game you find everything you do is crucial even down to every creature placement. It would be a shame for this game to stop being played and unsupported altogether.
I wouldnt mind trying to come on pvp the same time as some of you guys see if we cant get some games going anyone interested?
m_ikirt 2015 年 10 月 10 日 下午 7:21 
works for me, I'm usually on it later at night. I'd love to have some people on there. It's the same problem with Nightbanes, although that seems to be on the way up. Maybe this one will be too.
Samkiud 2015 年 12 月 21 日 上午 9:41 
If you go to the website and click on "PLAY" you can see that it redirects you to the Facebook application, and the forum is pretty active. So it actually has its player base.
m_ikirt 2015 年 12 月 21 日 上午 11:15 
引用自 Samkiud
If you go to the website and click on "PLAY" you can see that it redirects you to the Facebook application, and the forum is pretty active. So it actually has its player base.

Would be gret if they would move over to Steam.
Samkiud 2015 年 12 月 21 日 上午 11:29 
引用自 m_ikirt
引用自 Samkiud
If you go to the website and click on "PLAY" you can see that it redirects you to the Facebook application, and the forum is pretty active. So it actually has its player base.

Would be gret if they would move over to Steam.

I think the game use the same server for both platforms. Not sure.
m_ikirt 2015 年 12 月 21 日 上午 11:39 
No, if they did, there would people on to play. As is, if you try and play pvp on Steam, no one is on, and the tournament mode is locked. I might try playing on FB, but it's not my platform of choice.
Goomy 2015 年 12 月 25 日 上午 4:53 
Hang on i'm just downloading it. Because i love card games. :steamhappy:
Goomy 2015 年 12 月 26 日 下午 5:26 
I changed my mind i gave up trying to download it. Takes forever to download.:steamsad:
gunslinger 2016 年 1 月 4 日 上午 8:32 
Guys, if you still play this game(i hope that its true for now) write here what time do you usually play(by gmt +0). For me its 7am - 9am and 4pm - 7pm.
m_ikirt 2016 年 1 月 4 日 上午 9:56 
There's no set time I'm on. I come and go, and I play all kinds of different games, so there's no telling what I'm doing when I'm on here.
Erithrym 2016 年 1 月 5 日 上午 8:03 
Same here, I can't finish the quests :(
GrumpyJohn  [開發人員] 2016 年 1 月 7 日 下午 4:38 
Hello, folks. Yes, it is pretty empty here right now. The good news is we have a new "unified" version of the game in development that should come out in ~3 months. It will be the same game across mobile, PC, and web sites, all developed in Unity 5. This means we will be able to maintain it better and update it more frequently. We hope that will result in a lot more people playing.
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