Fractured Space

Fractured Space

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DNA Conversion Rates, Crew Changes and Drop Pods
Greetings Captains,

With the end of September approaching, you are probably wondering where the Furion is. The team is hard at work putting the final touches on the next update which will bring with it the Zarek Furion, new Missions and Campaigns, the removal of DNA and reworked Drop Pods. We currently expect to be releasing this update early next week so keep an eye open for that.

Today we want to discuss with you the upcoming conversion process that will be occurring when we remove DNA in favor of Elite XP and the changes that will be made to the Crew system and Drop Pods.

When the update drops the following will occur:
  • Your DNA will be converted to Elite XP. Elite XP can be used to level up your Crew Members and in the future, we plan on using Elite XP for exciting new features for your Ships.
  • DNA will be converted at a rate of 1:2. That means for every 1 DNA you currently own this will be converted to 2 Elite XP.
  • Every player will receive a gift of 100,000 Elite XP when they launch the new update.
  • For each fully unlocked Crew Member players will be refunded 3000 DNA before the conversion process begins.
Alongside the removal of DNA, there will be some changes to how you obtain crew and level them.
  • You will no longer be required to create your Crew Members. If you receive a Crew Member in a Drop Pod, you have that Crew Member.
  • Any Crew Templates you may currently have will be automatically converted to full Crew Members in the new update.
  • Getting a duplicate Crew Member from a Drop Pod will go towards leveling up that specific Crew Member. If that Crew Member is at the maximum level this will be converted into Elite XP.
  • Crew Members will be purchasable with Credits, though that is not the intended method of collecting Crew Members but rather for completing your collection.
Finally, We are making changes to our Drop Pods and what is contained within them, we hope this FAQ will cover all the changes for you:

What are the old drop pods changing to?

The Bronze, Silver, and Gold drop pods moving forwards are being replaced by a single new ‘Drop Pod’. This new pod, however, drops 3 items of varying rarities instead of the single item that drops in Bronze, Silver, or Gold pods.

Wait, rarities?

Whilst items in the Bronze, Silver, and Gold drop pods have varying drop rates for different items, it is never clear how rare something is when you get it. In the new drop pods, items will be labeled (and colored as such) as either Common, Uncommon, Epic, and Legendary.

What can I expect to get in a new ‘Drop Pod’?

You can expect to get any three of any of the following:

Common Drop - 61% Chance
  • Green FX Mod
  • Red FX Mod
  • Single Credit Booster
  • 7,500 Credits
  • 1,000 Elite XP
Uncommon Drop - 33% Chance
  • Random Utility Crew Implant
  • Random Defence Crew Implant
  • Random Attack Crew Implant
  • 3 Day Credit Booster
  • 15,000 Credits
  • 2,000 Elite XP
Epic Drop - 5% Chance
  • Random Standard Crew Member – Level 0-2
  • Random Pirate Crew Member – Level 0-2
  • Random Hera Ship Skin
  • Random Kepler Ship Skin
  • Random Neptune Ship Skin
  • 14 Day Credit Booster
  • 150,000 Credits
  • 250 Platinum
Legendary Drop - 1% Chance
  • Random Standard Crew Member – Level 3 Legendary
  • Random Pirate Crew Member – Level 3 Legendary
  • Random Acid Thunder Ship Skin
  • Random Ultimate Ship Skin
  • 30 Day Credit Booster
  • 500 Platinum
Individual item drop rates within a rarity type are weighted based on the individual rarity of that item. Whilst you have a 1% chance of getting a Legendary drop, the chance of that Legendary drop being an Acid Thunder skin is a 25% chance as opposed to an Ultimate Skin which is a 4% chance.

This weighting rule applies to all rarity types – for example, the chance of an Epic drop (which you have a 5% chance of getting) being a random Crew Member is 58% whilst the chance of an Epic drop being 150,000 Credits is a 12% chance.

How will I earn these new Drop Pods?

You will be able to earn a Drop Pod each day by completing your Daily Mission. Drop Pods can also be earned by completing Weekly Missions and by completing missions in any of the Campaigns. You can also expect Drop Pods to be used in giveaways and in any events we run in the future.

Will duplicates burn for currency like they used to?

Yes, but with some minor changes.
  • When you have five of any one implant, any more of that particular implant that drops will burn for Elite XP.
  • Duplicate Crew members will burn for XP for that particular Crew member leveling them up unless they are already Legendary (max level 3), at which point they will then burn for Elite XP.
  • Duplicate Ship skins will continue to burn for Platinum.
  • Additionally, duplicate non-single credit boosters (e.g. the 3, 14, and 30-day boosters) will stack together – so for example if you are dropped a 3-day credit booster and a 14-day credit booster, your total will be displayed in your inventory as 17 days of credit boost. Same if you already have an active day credit booster running, any additional day credit boost dropped will be added on top of it.
What will happen to my existing Bronze, Silver, and Gold Drop Pods?

Bronze, Silver and Gold drop pods you have already earned will stay in your inventory and can still be opened. We have removed DNA drops from these pods and replaced them with Elite XP.

Will any of this information change moving forwards?

As well as adding new items to the pods as they are introduced to the game, including new Skins, Crew and any future Items we might have planned, we will constantly be reviewing the drop rates of these new pods to ensure they remain fun and fair. Any changes we make to drop rates and adding/removing items from these pods will be made clear and in advance of any changes.

We're looking forward to the next update and hope to have it out early next week for you all. As always, please leave any feedback you might have in our Steam forums.