TCG Card Shop Simulator

TCG Card Shop Simulator

Vis statistikker:
YAY! 100% without mods
day 561
$1713576 in the bank
Sidst redigeret af jackal[ronin]; 21. jan. kl. 7:43
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Congrats! :happyfaye:

I'm getting close as I finally managed to pull the stupid ghost foil card for that achievement. I ended up adding one of the "hold more than 8 packs/open them faster" mods and effectively save scummed 96 base destiny packs over and over as I didn't want to "waste" any more cash on this dumb achievement (I had already gotten the 10k pack one without mods). For reference, it took me 129 reloads (I started a tracker...) which was effectively 12,350 packs (I got it midway on reload 129) and $51,177 "worth" of packs that I didn't waste on this. :colinfacepalm:

Now that I have it I think I'm going to get rid of the mod and grind out the rest of the levels (level 78 on Day 239 with no mods). Hopefully it won't take me to day 561... :sadfaye:
jackal[ronin] 21. jan. kl. 20:29 
you already have the 2500 cards achievo? how did you get that without getting a ghost card? I had people trying to trade them to me
Sidst redigeret af jackal[ronin]; 21. jan. kl. 20:32
Oprindeligt skrevet af jackalronin:
you already have the 2500 cards achievo? how did you get that without getting a ghost card? I had people trying to trade them to me

Oh, I already had plenty of Ghost cards before the whole save scumming for the Ghost FOIL card (not sure how you thought I didn't have any Ghost cards at all?). When I got the 2500 card achievement I had 37/80 Ghost cards (2 of them being Ghost Foils I bought from customers) along with 1200ish base and the rest made of Destiny cards.

The customer trades definitely were a huge help for finishing the 2500 cards as I spent a few days in the store basically playing whack a mole with the 4 registers I had enabled trading on (I usually kept it to just one).

I had been holding off on doing any more actual store development (additional days) until I got the Ghost Foil, but I was getting very, VERY frustrated at that "achievement". Ideally it would have been nice for it to pop up in the 10k packs I opened naturally through the 235ish days, but oh well?
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Dato opslået: 21. jan. kl. 7:42
Indlæg: 3