TCG Card Shop Simulator

TCG Card Shop Simulator

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About Smelly costumers.
I´m not american and just watched a guy´s video essay about the TCG scene on the USA and how the tournaments are full of people who stinks with several case examples. I´m shocked it is a real thing and not just a meme ou generalization. WTF is wrong with these people? It is not hard to take a shower.
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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
foolexia 19 Jan @ 12:48pm 
They just want to spend all day every day on TCG stuff, along with being really lazy. That's also quite common in gaming and pretty much any hobby people get way too into.
Not every person's body odour is due to a lack of showering.
eqalidan 20 Jan @ 6:25pm 
Originally posted by Dark Acolon:
I´m not american and just watched a guy´s video essay about the TCG scene on the USA and how the tournaments are full of people who stinks with several case examples. I´m shocked it is a real thing and not just a meme ou generalization. WTF is wrong with these people? It is not hard to take a shower.

Ill explain this from the pov of one of the POTENTIALLY smelly people

I will never understand how someone showers for 10 minutes and considers themselves clean, so when I show its 30 minutes im never getting back, so I only really shower when I am able to smell myself or once a week, whichever comes first, really it depends on how active I am. I should also mention that about 5-10 minute's after a shower I am about as oily as I was before so that 'im nice and clean' feeling doesn't last long for me.

If I go out I will generally wash up a bit, full shower or just wet rag and soap till the areas no longer smell depends on how long its been.

I also hate the smell of deodorant, how it never really goes away and if you are active starts to blend into deodorant mixed with bo

generally I am not the kind of person who smells in public but I could. I imagine most people who do smell and aren't massively overweight just give less of a ♥♥♥♥ than I do... though I honestly don't know how that's possible.

now massively overweight people, it's genuinely just harder to clean your body once you hit a point where you would need back brushes to clean the front, much less when you get so big you actually can't wipe, the people of walmart exist for a reason.
Originally posted by eqalidan:
Originally posted by Dark Acolon:
I´m not american and just watched a guy´s video essay about the TCG scene on the USA and how the tournaments are full of people who stinks with several case examples. I´m shocked it is a real thing and not just a meme ou generalization. WTF is wrong with these people? It is not hard to take a shower.

Ill explain this from the pov of one of the POTENTIALLY smelly people

I will never understand how someone showers for 10 minutes and considers themselves clean, so when I show its 30 minutes im never getting back, so I only really shower when I am able to smell myself or once a week, whichever comes first, really it depends on how active I am. I should also mention that about 5-10 minute's after a shower I am about as oily as I was before so that 'im nice and clean' feeling doesn't last long for me.

If I go out I will generally wash up a bit, full shower or just wet rag and soap till the areas no longer smell depends on how long its been.

I also hate the smell of deodorant, how it never really goes away and if you are active starts to blend into deodorant mixed with bo

generally I am not the kind of person who smells in public but I could. I imagine most people who do smell and aren't massively overweight just give less of a ♥♥♥♥ than I do... though I honestly don't know how that's possible.

now massively overweight people, it's genuinely just harder to clean your body once you hit a point where you would need back brushes to clean the front, much less when you get so big you actually can't wipe, the people of walmart exist for a reason.

have you considered changing your diet? ive never smelled to my knowledge but i used to sweat ALOT and would shower sometimes three times a day because i have a front facing role in my company and must always be presentable, condition or no i literally cant afford to be dealing with clients and smelling. i thought i was just naturally sweaty and oily until i started cutting out lots of processed foods and cheese from my diet and eating more greens, the problem went away within 2 months of trying his new diet.
you also may have to spend a little more and experiment with different deodorants and soaps to find one that doesn't smell like chemicals and compliments your own body smell. The right combination exists for you i'm sure of it, and when you find it the very first people who will let you know are the ladies in your life lol, first time i used "mistral bar soap" specifically the "cedarwood marine" scent everyone kept asking what cologne i was wearing because it smelled so damn good, never been a big cologne guy and wasn't wearing any that day, they were all smelling the soap mixed in with my own scent. been using it ever since.
m61a1 20 Jan @ 9:28pm 
I know sometimes I drop by a game store after manual labor all day! If you smell like a rose after toting shingles and plywood for 10 hours then you didn't work hard enough.
Speaking of people that don't know how smelly they are: cat people. Like, for some bizarre reason, they're just completely unaware of how bad they smell, and it's not just them being all sweaty or whatever normal way people start to stink.

I think the issue is desensitisation. People get so used to bad smells that it's just a mild nuisance or not there to them, but the entire room will smell of just them. Bonus points if they marinate themselves in body spray or essential oils to smell "better" because everyone loves the smell of chemical garbage.
m61a1 21 Jan @ 8:09am 
Originally posted by AlphaLeaf:
Speaking of people that don't know how smelly they are: cat people. Like, for some bizarre reason, they're just completely unaware of how bad they smell, and it's not just them being all sweaty or whatever normal way people start to stink.

I think the issue is desensitisation. People get so used to bad smells that it's just a mild nuisance or not there to them, but the entire room will smell of just them. Bonus points if they marinate themselves in body spray or essential oils to smell "better" because everyone loves the smell of chemical garbage.
Especially if the clothes are near a litterbox or the cats are spraying to mark territory.
Shalltear 21 Jan @ 11:04am 
Originally posted by AlphaLeaf:
Speaking of people that don't know how smelly they are: cat people. Like, for some bizarre reason, they're just completely unaware of how bad they smell, and it's not just them being all sweaty or whatever normal way people start to stink.

I think the issue is desensitisation. People get so used to bad smells that it's just a mild nuisance or not there to them, but the entire room will smell of just them. Bonus points if they marinate themselves in body spray or essential oils to smell "better" because everyone loves the smell of chemical garbage.

In defence of the cats, dogs has a way worse smell to it.
Shalltear 21 Jan @ 11:05am 
Originally posted by m61a1:
Originally posted by AlphaLeaf:
Speaking of people that don't know how smelly they are: cat people. Like, for some bizarre reason, they're just completely unaware of how bad they smell, and it's not just them being all sweaty or whatever normal way people start to stink.

I think the issue is desensitisation. People get so used to bad smells that it's just a mild nuisance or not there to them, but the entire room will smell of just them. Bonus points if they marinate themselves in body spray or essential oils to smell "better" because everyone loves the smell of chemical garbage.
Especially if the clothes are near a litterbox or the cats are spraying to mark territory.

if cats are spraying IN HOUSE, that aint good sir.
m61a1 21 Jan @ 1:27pm 
No it's not. Doesn't help when there's strays outside.
corvo 21 Jan @ 2:42pm 
About the game, smelly people keep coming in even though I position the air purifiers in places where it would be impossible for someone to enter without passing through them. Sometimes they don't even detect that someone smelly has entered the store and I end up getting bad reviews in the store.
m61a1 21 Jan @ 2:51pm 
You can always manually spray them. Position of the purifiers isn't an exact science to me. It took multiple tries to position 2 to catch people. Some still dodge it.
corvo 21 Jan @ 7:35pm 
Originally posted by m61a1:
You can always manually spray them. Position of the purifiers isn't an exact science to me. It took multiple tries to position 2 to catch people. Some still dodge it.
but I positioned two purifiers at the entrance in a way that theoretically it would be impossible to enter without being detected, the problem I believe is a bug. I usually open packages and see if any client wants to trade cards, so it's annoying to have to stop this because the game didn't work well and I need to spray them
m61a1 21 Jan @ 8:13pm 
I have 2 as well. Sometimes if 2 stinkers come in then whichever one does go off it doesn't reset fast enough.
corvo 21 Jan @ 8:44pm 
Originally posted by m61a1:
I have 2 as well. Sometimes if 2 stinkers come in then whichever one does go off it doesn't reset fast enough.
exactly, do store reviews really influence anything? what about smelly people? the place seems crowded anyway
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Date Posted: 19 Jan @ 12:40pm
Posts: 19