Lords of Xulima
Mr. B. 4 Thg11, 2023 @ 4:48am
(Fixed) The game doesn't work in Windows 11
I had a really great time playing this game years ago. Now that I have a new computer because the old one was broken, I wanted to play it again. But it doesn't work in windows 11. I tried to disable the fullscreen optimizations and also to install SlimDX 4.0 with the msi I found on the google site, but it doesn't fix anything, it still freeze when I load the game.

Anyone with the same problem?

Edit : See comment.
Lần sửa cuối bởi Mr. B.; 13 Thg11, 2023 @ 7:40am
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rdbury 4 Thg11, 2023 @ 5:23am 
The store page says the minimum OS is Windows XP, which is practically antique now. Has anyone actually gotten it to run on Windows 11? For all I know it's not even compatible. I'm still on Windows 10, despite Microsoft "reminding" me that I can upgrade every so often.
Mr. B. 4 Thg11, 2023 @ 9:14am 
Steam will cease to work in Windows 7 and 8 at the end of 2023. Maybe one day it will be the case for Windows 10 too. In Linux, this game doesn't work and save progress properly. So impossible to play that game and Steam still sells it. Meanwhile, people who use piracy on a Windows 7 virtual machine won't have any problem playing this game, while I can't even if I paid for it...
Lần sửa cuối bởi Mr. B.; 4 Thg11, 2023 @ 9:15am
Mr. B. 4 Thg11, 2023 @ 9:20am 
WAIT... I tried it on another computer with Windows 11 and it still doesn't work. BUT if I remote play it, it works! How? I don't know. How strange!
Karol13 7 Thg11, 2023 @ 12:40pm 
I play it on Linux, and it works fine.
SkittishKavu1 10 Thg11, 2023 @ 4:28pm 
I play it on Win 11, it works perfectly.
I remember the first time I played it on Win 10 I couldn't get it to work, I had to change the graphics engine in options from opengl to directx, and haven't had a problem since.
Mr. B. 13 Thg11, 2023 @ 7:47am 
Thanks SkittishKavu1, I managed to fix the problem. Like you said, it works with directx.

When you have only one computer, it's hard to switch it to directx because you need to load the game in the first place, so I'll tell what I did exactly so people will be able to do the same if they have the same problem.

1. Go to the game directory. For me it's C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\LordsOfXulima, but for others it can be somewhere else.

2. Right click Properties on LoX.exe. Check disable fullscreen optimizations.

3. If needed, run SlimDXRuntime.msi. Repair if needed.

4. Find your game config directory. Mine is here : C:\Users\monsieurb\Documents\My Games\Lords of Xulima

5. Backup your Configuration.txt. Replace with this content, that will make directx the default graphic engine for the game :

<Complex name="Root" type="JX.JXEngine+JXConfiguration, JXEngine">
<Null name="ActiveModFolder" />
<Simple name="SoundEffectsVolume" value="1" />
<Simple name="SoundAmbientVolume" value="1" />
<Simple name="MusicVolume" value="0.5" />
<Simple name="VoiceVolume" value="0.5" />
<Simple name="Languaje" value="EN" />
<Complex name="FullScreenResolution">
<Simple name="Width" value="1920" />
<Simple name="Height" value="1080" />
<Simple name="FullScreenFrequency" value="60" />
<Simple name="VSync" value="False" />
<Simple name="ColorBlindMode" value="False" />
<Null name="InstallationKey" />
<Collection name="AvailableLanguages" elementType="JX.JXTypeOfLanguaje, JXEngine">
<Simple name="Capacity" value="8" />
<Simple value="ES" />
<Simple value="EN" />
<Simple value="FR" />
<Simple value="DE" />
<Simple value="PL" />
<Simple value="IT" />
<Simple value="RU" />
<Simple value="CN" />
<Simple name="Renderer" value="SlimDX" />
<Simple name="CombatSpeed" value="1" />
<Simple name="MaxTexureMemory" value="262144000" />
<Simple name="SlimDXInstalled" value="True" />
<Simple name="ToolTip_Time" value="600" />
<Simple name="LogInCombat" value="False" />
<Simple name="RemoveThunders" value="False" />
<Simple name="Option_Multithread" value="True" />
<Simple name="FullScreenMonitor" value="0" />
rdbury 13 Thg11, 2023 @ 12:12pm 
Nguyên văn bởi Mr. B.:

When you have only one computer, it's hard to switch it to directx because you need to load the game in the first place, so I'll tell what I did exactly so people will be able to do the same if they have the same problem.
Yikes! I remember back in the Stone Age opening up my computer and messing around with DIP switches to get a game to work. Thank God that's a thing of the past, but this sounds almost as bad.
SkittishKavu1 16 Thg11, 2023 @ 12:33pm 
And for the love of all that's good, change that "combat speed" string from 1 to something more like 7. Combat is way too slow without going outside the normal 1-3 options. :loxstun:
staying 30 Thg11, 2024 @ 6:15am 
It works well now,thank you:zaggrin:
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