MIND Path to Thalamus E.Edition

MIND Path to Thalamus E.Edition

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Carlos Coronado [Koral Dev]  [developer] 5 Nov, 2015 @ 3:13pm
Steam HTC Vive users
With a gtx980 everything should run smooh on high with the Vive. However, Steam VR is still in beta and is constantly being improved / being fixed. In my own experience, some days the game just works fantastic and others it just doesn't want to work. This will get better with time once Steam VR becames more stable!

Also, until we don't get a tool to "set seated position" with Valve's room configuration tool you'll need to "cheat" the height of the floor in the room configuration tool to get a correct player height ingame.
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
Kymatik 23 Mar, 2016 @ 2:48am 
Thank you very much for the support. The store says "tracked motion controller" as input option, is that true ?
Badacid.Velox 24 Mar, 2016 @ 7:11pm 
Just watched this video. Apparently Vive support is terrible in this game. I won't be buying!

Kymatik 25 Mar, 2016 @ 6:18am 
Thanks, 21:50 for the interested.
I assume a lot of this has to do with the fact that Tribal never played an artificial locomotion game before, only confortable room scale games. It can get really rough, that's just the nature of things.
Badacid.Velox 25 Mar, 2016 @ 9:12am 
Originally posted by Kymatik:
Thanks, 21:50 for the interested.
I assume a lot of this has to do with the fact that Tribal never played an artificial locomotion game before, only confortable room scale games. It can get really rough, that's just the nature of things.
Ah thought i'd linked it to the time he mentioned that. He wasn't happy... :D

He also notes though that it has poor FPS & is generally flakey from what he said.
Last edited by Badacid.Velox; 25 Mar, 2016 @ 9:14am
Kymatik 25 Mar, 2016 @ 9:20am 
Given he has 2 980ti in his rig it's pretty worrysome, hope they will optimize it.
ig83 15 May, 2016 @ 7:46am 
Would love to see some virtual hands!!! I love the vive for having my hands in game, maybe some dumb assets that I can pick up and examine that would also be nice :)
Last edited by ig83; 15 May, 2016 @ 7:46am
Winsome_losesome 16 May, 2016 @ 11:08pm 
I'd love an alternative to using the thumb pad to move. This is the first VR experience I've had with the Vive where I've had to take breaks because of motion sickness. Until there are added control options, the game may as well be called The Mind Path the Area Postrema.
yugdesiral 23 May, 2016 @ 5:35am 
Originally posted by Kymatik:
Given he has 2 980ti in his rig it's pretty worrysome, hope they will optimize it.

99% of VR doesn't support SLI anyway. How do people still not know this?
Kymatik 23 May, 2016 @ 1:08pm 
Originally posted by yugdesiral:
Originally posted by Kymatik:
Given he has 2 980ti in his rig it's pretty worrysome, hope they will optimize it.

99% of VR doesn't support SLI anyway. How do people still not know this?

I know that, but even the one used 980ti is the fasted card on the market right now (not counting the Titan). So if it won't run at stable 90 fps the game is not playable at all in VR at this point.
Devil in me. 24 May, 2016 @ 7:10am 
Cheat the room height? how?
Lufferov 4 Jun, 2016 @ 6:33am 
Seems the Developer is spouting a load of crap.. full of excuses. Don't advertise this as VR compatible, it's a steaming pile of turd!
eOverplaid 9 Jun, 2016 @ 3:24pm 
Sorry for the long post!!!

Bug report (spoiler alert): I am at the Hovering Reef chapter. I am just coming out of the portal that leads me onto the platform near the strange sphere that blocks my way (memory blockage?!). It will not let me teleport to the lower platform (the same one as where the "sphere" is located).

I managed to glitch out and "fall" down to said lower platform by teleporting to every centimetre on the edge of the higher platform. But I had to make several attempts in the same spots.

Also, right before I get to that scene, where I need to stand on the wood bridge and roll the ball down so night time comes again. There's an audio story filler when looking at the pictures on the wall of the rock (on the way to the "Stonehenge" structure), you have a random floating post-it there.

Few glitches here and there so far, but nothing I was not able to work through easily (they were not considerable enough to report).

However, I should mention the teleporting is a bit shotty when trying to get up ledges (Tearless Lake and Shelter of memories mostly so far). I also managed to get lost and fall off the map in Tearless Lake as it goes on forever and I "fell" off a cliff... Not sure if that's on purpose at all but just reporting it anyway.

And to finish, I am using 2x Radeon R9 290x in Crossfire, processor is a i7 4770k @4.6 ghzand the game is running smoothly and I don't have any problems with FPS. This a cute game, well done for a PC conversion to VR and a very interesting concept. Also, it's huge! ("That's what she said" lol), really though, this is a decent size game and I do not regret buying it.

I must mention, with the Vive, I'm getting that motion sickness issue during cut scenes (standing on the bridge when it moves up, falling down holes, etc.) Nonetheless, I am enjoying your game thoroughly and I simply close my eyes when cut scenes become too much. (Teleporting is much better than the animated motion for VR in my books, but I could just be more prone to motion sickness than someone else. Nonetheless, this is why I'm mentioning the teleporting issues as well.)

Thanks for looking into these bugs! And thank you for this nice game.

PS: Dude, FYI: there's no such thing as "cheating the room height" in VR... That simply makes no sense!
Last edited by eOverplaid; 9 Jun, 2016 @ 7:08pm
Paul 23 Jul, 2016 @ 4:44am 
In my experience, MPTT works great on Vive. Maybe teleport was added after the now-invalid video above was posted?

In any case, there is now a way to adjust the floor height separate from room setup:
It works great—I wish I had had this when I dropped the stupid money below the "floor" in office Job Simulator, making it impossible to finish.

zanderlexic 6 Jun, 2017 @ 8:33pm 
I've got a Pimax headset but no controllers - it is possible to play the VR version of this game with keyboard and mouse - or Steam controller?
fuck 16 Nov, 2017 @ 6:37am 
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