MIND Path to Thalamus E.Edition

MIND Path to Thalamus E.Edition

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Theck 16 Jun, 2016 @ 3:27am
MIND is only compatible with motion controllers in VR

As you may know some people reported problems with gamepad, keyboard and mouse using the Oculus Rift. We have been looking for a solution to this problem, and we are sorry to say we will not be able to fix it for MIND.

“Thankfully”, the game is fully compatible with the touch controllers from now and you will be able to play with them as soon as they are released.

Finally, the game is compatible with gamepad if not in VR mode.

Long version

Originally MIND implemented a locomotion system called VR Olive, it was promising, it lets some player moves with a gamepad with not so many dizziness. The headsets came out, and the reality was the system was not the best option.

In part because it’s not perfect and not everyone likes it. Movement with gamepad is hard and it’s easy to get dizzy, even with VR Olive. and its dynamic turning system. On the other hand, if we can say there is a “winner” in the best locomotion system race, it’s teleportation.

We wanted to please you, to implement the teleportation system to let you play as much comfortable as you can in VR. But modifying a game is hard. And modifying a game that was already adapted for VR is 4 times harder, and we have to take decisions.

In software development is said that for a given problem, every programmer can find a different approach to solve it. That means that you think about what your game has to do, and then, you design some algorithms to handle the logic, exceptions, control, etc.

Once made, modifying it is usually a pain in the ass, and sometimes it’s impossible to do without breaking it. That was the case with the non-vr-controls and VR.

With VR and motion controllers you need to change a lot of things related of how the game works, the way you handle the ball, the physics and the player itself. Being able to implement these elements forced us to take the hard decision to strip the support for gamepad, keyboard and mouse while in VR.

As I said before, we are sorry to drop it, but we need to focus on making new games. In fact, Annie Amber will launch very soon, and it’s a good example of what we tried to communicate here. Annie Amber is fully compatible with gamepad, keyboard, mouse and motion controllers because it was done from scratch with this in mind (it’s not a joke).
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Showing 1-15 of 23 comments
markoh00 17 Jun, 2016 @ 10:10am 
Hopefully that "concentrating on new games" does not mean the existing bugs and localisation bugs in the game will not be fixed anymore.
markoh00 17 Jun, 2016 @ 11:22am 
I just tested the new GOG update. It seems as if you have also dropped the fullscreen option but since you are able to switch to fs using ALT+ENTER I can live with this. You also seem to have fixed the bug in frozen memories. Not fixed is the German localisation (even though I and many users have sent you several screenshots how it should look like)


and this (optional) puzzle:

Is also not fixed. There is no ball to find here anywhere so the puzzle still is unsolveable.

To summarize it: You made "MIND: Path to Thalamus" and left the game with a broken German localisation (wrong characters whenever there are "Umlaute" like ö,ü,ä,ß) which is breaking immersion whenever you play it in German. Without ever fixing this you did the "Enhanced Edition" which also still has German localisation bugs and at least one game bug. It seems as if you want to leave THIS game in this state as well. And you really expect us to buy another game. Do you really think we like having broken and/or unfinished games?
Last edited by markoh00; 17 Jun, 2016 @ 11:26am
Punk Monk 2 Jul, 2016 @ 1:38pm 
Punk Monk 2 Jul, 2016 @ 2:13pm 
FYI there is teleportation in Farlands using gamepad...

I'm not sure what the hold up might be with that?

I'm creating VR game in Unity right now and I can't imagine that Unreal engine would be too different from that.

U just have a game object that moves around the scene and when you hit a button u teleport there?
Punk Monk 2 Jul, 2016 @ 2:20pm 

around the 8 min mark.. just a simple arrow game object... press button... teleport.
Rohsiph 4 Jul, 2016 @ 12:01pm 
Is there any way to reenable the game pad support for the daring? My only VR nausea experience was a minor issue caused and easily solved with a low FOV in a VorpX game. I imagine support was cut to avoid negative reviews, which I can understand but it seems a shame if support was completely, irrevocably cut.

I have a Rift and picked this up today shortly before the summer sale ended after watching the trailer which still mentions this VR Olive system. I plan to pick up Oculus Touch when its released and I'm still interested in this game, but it'll be a bit of a bummer if I -have- to wait because advertised content was irrevocably removed from the game.

I'm away from my pc so I can't check hence why I'm asking, but would it be impossible to add a new "beta" branch to reenable the supposedly clunkly, imperfect VR game pad support? Make me jump through some hoops to opt in, I'm fine with that. Otherwise this is going to collect dust until whenever Touch launches.
Last edited by Rohsiph; 4 Jul, 2016 @ 12:05pm
Theck 4 Jul, 2016 @ 12:33pm 
I'm sorry but there is no plans to re-enable the gamepad logic.
xor1337 7 Jul, 2016 @ 7:24am 
So, what you are saying is the only way to play Mind with VR is with the Vive. All of us Oculus users are screwed. At least untill we can buy the motion controlers, but maybe I'm not interested in spending more money. Can you at least make available the last version of Mind VR that still used the gamepad? Or at least add support for Leap motion, since leap is awesome and not expensive.

Edit: I just found instructions on how to use a special Leap motion driver to emulate the Vive controlers using only the Leap motion. I got my leap ordered, so I'll update this when I try it personally. Here is the link http://www.vrspies.com/realitycheckvr/leap-motion-controllers-are-working-in-steamvr-how-to-guide/
Last edited by xor1337; 7 Jul, 2016 @ 1:09pm
Julius X 12 Jul, 2016 @ 7:29pm 
I purchased this during the Steam Sale and couldn't get it working for my Oculus CV1... I shrugged it off and figured I'd try it later. Only to find this thread. I'm pretty dismayed to see the promised Oculus + Gamepad support isn't just not here, but was actually removed?
missjessicadawn 16 Aug, 2016 @ 7:45am 
Is there no way to go back to playing on the desktop? I chose VR, found it didn't work, and now I'm trying to play it on the desktop again, only to find that it keeps automatically loading in VR. Am I just stuck now?
Punk Monk 16 Aug, 2016 @ 7:52am 
there is a command console thing that you can type to play it like that '-old' or somenting like that.

I will never buy something from the developer again... Correcting this 'controller' issue is easy yet this guy if faining hardship.
grim_pilgrim 21 Aug, 2016 @ 5:28pm 
Is there an option to download or roll back to previous steam version of MIND? I was playing it like a month or more ago with gamepad and CV1 with no problem and now when I wanted to got back to it suddenly I have to wait 3 or more months for Touch release even though I'm not sure I will even buy it (depends on the price mostly). It is really a dikk move by a developer to block the previous version for those willing to play wih gamepad. If I knew the things will turn that way I would refund this game when I had a chance. Please devs don't be a-holes and let people play the previous non-motion controllers version in beta branch on steam which thay bought with real money and now can't enjoy it even. You let the old-old veision to be able to choose in beta so why not previous one from the latest? This doesn't make sense at all.
Last edited by grim_pilgrim; 21 Aug, 2016 @ 5:34pm
FourT2 5 Nov, 2016 @ 10:42pm 
Wanted to play today on my Rift and gamepad was not responding. Then I found this thread. I guess I will wait for my Touch controllers to arrive in a month. I think it will be a better experience as I recall movement with gamepad made me somewhat dizzy. Thanks for the explanation.
mpotter 2 Feb, 2017 @ 4:43pm 
Tried this with Oculus Touch controllers and they don't work. I cannot find any way to perform the "WSAD" movement. Neither of the analog joysticks on the controllers seem to do anything.

I notice this game is also listed on the Oculus store. Is it the same version or is there a way to redeem an Oculus Store key using my Steam version?
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