No More Room in Hell 2

No More Room in Hell 2

Wanting the game to be on sale, but is it even worth it?
Wanting the game to be on sale, probably half price would make me get it, but all these comments and reviews make it sound like it's basically dead, even though the Devs say they are working on stuff, people who actually own the game is it worth playing in this state? Are there even matches? Where are the servers based?
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Showing 1-15 of 23 comments
DOOMLAD9000 29 Jan @ 8:04am 
Originally posted by Dole_Bludge TTV:
Wanting the game to be on sale, probably half price would make me get it, but all these comments and reviews make it sound like it's basically dead, even though the Devs say they are working on stuff, people who actually own the game is it worth playing in this state? Are there even matches? Where are the servers based?

Yes the game is worth playing. Though I would recommend you wait until the next big content drop if you want to buy it. The game isn't dead. The devs are making content, but the player count is low. This is not because the game isn't fun, it's because there's only one map. Once we get more content, the player numbers should go up proper.

You can still get into matches, though the que time is around 5 minutes at the least, to 15+ at the most. You can alternatively go to their discord and ready up with someone there, or you can do the same here. I don't know where the servers are based (probably in Toronto Canada), but you should not have any issues if you are in the US. I can't vouch for anywhere else though.
14,000 players connected to only 77 players in just 3 months💀

now tell me ... it's worth it?
P0PiTiN 29 Jan @ 11:54am 
Some guys are hating the game more than they should.

Of course it's worth it! (especially with friends). Today I played several solo matches with random people without any problems ^^
Demo 29 Jan @ 12:58pm 
Ask yourself if you want to get bored of the same 2 maps now, or if you can stand to wait for them to add more maps for you to rotate between later, first.
droggen 29 Jan @ 6:16pm 
Honest, I'd wait for more maps and content the game still has a lot of iron to work out I only hop on to play a game once or twice a week my self.
Last edited by droggen; 29 Jan @ 6:16pm
One concern for me is that these devs have a history of providing little to no tools for the community to modify and expand the game.

To be the sequel of a title that was literally built with such tools leads me to believe this game has gotten off with the wrong foot and tumbled down the stairs violently (its bedroom within a great circular tower). It currently lays in a dingy hospital bed waiting for numerous complicated surgeries or for someone to pull the plug.
Originally posted by DuckieMcduck:
One concern for me is that these devs have a history of providing little to no tools for the community to modify and expand the game.

To be the sequel of a title that was literally built with such tools leads me to believe this game has gotten off with the wrong foot and tumbled down the stairs violently (its bedroom within a great circular tower). It currently lays in a dingy hospital bed waiting for numerous complicated surgeries or for someone to pull the plug.

Won't be too much of an issue if the map pool is big and fun. In regards to skin/gun mods tho? I will greatly miss those if they are gone. We'll have to see though. They won't add modding tools now, it would be a hassle to develop and update both modding tools AND a game ontop. Maybe a little after 1.0
Originally posted by DOOMLAD9000:
Originally posted by DuckieMcduck:
One concern for me is that these devs have a history of providing little to no tools for the community to modify and expand the game.

To be the sequel of a title that was literally built with such tools leads me to believe this game has gotten off with the wrong foot and tumbled down the stairs violently (its bedroom within a great circular tower). It currently lays in a dingy hospital bed waiting for numerous complicated surgeries or for someone to pull the plug.

Won't be too much of an issue if the map pool is big and fun. In regards to skin/gun mods tho? I will greatly miss those if they are gone. We'll have to see though. They won't add modding tools now, it would be a hassle to develop and update both modding tools AND a game ontop. Maybe a little after 1.0
It's actually already an issue, because with no tools you can't host a server for yourself and play regardless of what region you're on (OP's concern), or how many people there are online, or whether or not the dev/hosting partner decided to pay the bill for the cloud services that month.

There will be no actual ownership over the game if you buy it and any sense of community will always be hindered by it. This easily compromises the future of game.
Originally posted by DuckieMcduck:
Originally posted by DOOMLAD9000:

Won't be too much of an issue if the map pool is big and fun. In regards to skin/gun mods tho? I will greatly miss those if they are gone. We'll have to see though. They won't add modding tools now, it would be a hassle to develop and update both modding tools AND a game ontop. Maybe a little after 1.0
It's actually already an issue, because with no tools you can't host a server for yourself and play regardless of what region you're on (OP's concern), or how many people there are online, or whether or not the dev/hosting partner decided to pay the bill for the cloud services that month.

There will be no actual ownership over the game if you buy it and any sense of community will always be hindered by it. This easily compromises the future of game.

I though you meant like modding tools and such. But yeah that is an issue. We may definitely see it in the future.
I'd wait for the second major update that they promised in February, which should include more content such as maps weapons zombies etc and more polish. But other than that this game is okay. Not nearly as bad and jank as it was on release.
Last edited by disfigurement; 30 Jan @ 8:01am
Yes, I concur. Wait a bit and let the devs prove themselves to us again.
Things they need to fix:
-sudden disconnect
-engine stability
-zombie animation and therefore the gunplay and melee
-missing features from the UE4 build
-permanent upgrade to your home base/safe house using extracted supplies

When they are done with those:
-Making private server hosting possible. If they are really anal about it, they can make it so that only official TB servers or servers that meet criteria can give you XP. Just like KF2 and Insurgency.

-Modding tools or really put their asses on it and keep dropping content like KF2 and Insurgency Sandstorm do to justify microtransactions. One way or another, they will have to keep the game going.

I'm heavily leaning on mods. But if TB can deliver the goods then they too can indulge in micros and DLC. It is their game to lose.
I'd say yeah, give it a shot.

I personally think Steam give players a bit too much voice over whether a game lives or dies and those voices often lack rationale or fair, balanced judgement.

I always try to encourage folks to try it for themselves, like I did. I saw the hate, bought it anyway expecting to hate it too but here I am 70+ hrs later and am literally about to load in for more. I love it.

Thank goodness I didn't listen to the negativity or it would've robbed me what I think is a really promising title!
Last edited by wendigo73; 31 Jan @ 7:21am
Originally posted by wendigo73:
I'd say yeah, give it a shot.

I personally think Steam give players a bit too much voice over whether a game lives or dies and those voices often lack rationale or fair, balanced judgement.

I always try to encourage folks to try it for themselves, like I did. I saw the hate, bought it anyway expecting to hate it too but here I am 70+ hrs later and am literally about to load in for more. I love it.

Thank goodness I didn't listen to the negativity or it would've robbed me what I think is a really promising title!
honestly cant help but agree. Game is way more fun than what the commenters describe it to be and that's all that really matters.
uragiri 1 Feb @ 10:02am 
Originally posted by P0PiTiN:
Today I played several solo matches with random people without any problems ^^

Did you play in your dreams? I tried to play for two days, and I couldn't, both times I waited for 50 minutes and couldn't find a match.

Originally posted by Dole_Bludge TTV:
Wanting the game to be on sale, probably half price would make me get it, but all these comments and reviews make it sound like it's basically dead, even though the Devs say they are working on stuff, people who actually own the game is it worth playing in this state? Are there even matches? Where are the servers based?

The game is not worth buying, never in this state, it is completely dead, if you analyze the number of players online, 70 players, these players must be half from Europe and the rest from the USA. because in the rest you can't find a match. Many bugs, places where the character can't climb or climb, horrible hitbox.
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