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Confused about 'performance issues'
I am seeing like 90% threads on crashes, performance, lag, crap optimization...
I have an RTX 2070 and an Intel i7-8700 with 16 Gigs of RAM. I haven't had a single crash, no lag, no slowness, no bad graphics.

I updated my drivers before install and that was it. My friend has a far more powerful rig with twice as much video memory and the game runs like a freaking slideshow. Is there some kind of common denominator here, because this isn't making any sense...
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Showing 1-15 of 26 comments
Vote with your wallet. Its called refund.

Question: until when do we let ourselves be walked over with poor ports and all the woke culture? Not to say that they cant even implement UW support.
Grimzy 27 Jan @ 7:10am 
Generally its like this:

1. Certain hardware combinations can have issues.
2. Certain people only care about the GPU, in which case they upgrade it, and then there might be an issue where they get bottlenecked by the CPU or their PSU is not providing enough power.
3. Software installed on the PC can also interfere with games
4. PC settings / configurations (especially when people tend to change whatever they read on the internet for a given game and that in turn screws others over)
5. HDD vs SSD vs NvMe (no need to say more)
6. Lastly settings in their GPU control panel or them playing the game in resolution which their card is not made for / cannot handle.

I ran the game on 2 different PC's i have at home and not a single issue on both.
14700k + 64GB ram + 4070Ti + nvme @1440p
12700k + 64gb ram + 2070 Super + nvme @1440p (obviously i had to lower a few settings but that did not impact visuals that much, however still smooth, no crashes or other issues)
Last edited by Grimzy; 27 Jan @ 7:11am
Anmer 27 Jan @ 7:12am 
I'm starting to think people just didn't update their drivers (aside from the GTX people). Because I have an absolute ♥♥♥♥ PC and the game never crashed, no slow downs, no extreme pop-up, nothing.
Originally posted by The K-os ¯\_(ツ)_/¯:
Vote with your wallet. Its called refund.

Question: until when do we let ourselves be walked over with poor ports and all the woke culture? Not to say that they cant even implement UW support.
Um, why would I refund a game that works fine for me? My point is to find what is causing the core issues.

Also, a lot of it seems to be tied to ultrawide, which...I never got the point of? I see this with a lot of games as some kind of net negative but how hard it is to do (for the game devs) or is it something they might patch in later?
Zyrconia 27 Jan @ 7:33am 
I almost never have issues with games and I have by now very dated hardware (2070 Super).

Still, I can run 95% of modern games at fair quality (medium to high) and quite stable (single digit crashes/year if I were to guess) and most of the times, while the forums are full of enormous amounts of BS for said games, rampant performance issues and crashes are not on that list.

When they are, what could that mean: that a much broader slice of the population has issues because this is a poor port?

"Works for me" is never a valid input in any discussion.

Because the game is working but is in a pretty sorry state. I won't play it right now, maybe 6-12 months from now. I could persevere with sub 60 stuttery gameplay now, maybe even have some fun, maybe even experience a really good game, or, I could play something that works right now extraordinarily well.

Like I started Spider-man Miles Morales yesterday, the whole game look ridiculously good, I'm running high and RT high, with DLSS on, and getting 75-100 FPS. Rebirth stutters in the tutorial village where you walk at a snails space and the whole village is the size of my back yard. Spiderman render a huge section of a skyscraper city, made of glass, where the glass has RT reflections...

That game is fun incarnate and will bring me probably as close as possible ever to having the sensation of actually flying between building like an acrobatic god. I could play that or stutter through some mopey teens doing melodrama while riding giant chickens and doing probably some of the worst side quests in the history of gaming. That how most JPRGS are are.

That's not to say I'm not really looking forward to Rebirth! When they fix it and after I got a new GPU.
McGamer 27 Jan @ 7:38am 
Originally posted by Anmer:
I'm starting to think people just didn't update their drivers (aside from the GTX people). Because I have an absolute ♥♥♥♥ PC and the game never crashed, no slow downs, no extreme pop-up, nothing.

The drivers won't magically solve the "issues". There are more issues besides the stutters that I came across while playing which never existed on the PS5, but sadly it does on the PC.
Originally posted by Anmer:
I'm starting to think people just didn't update their drivers (aside from the GTX people). Because I have an absolute ♥♥♥♥ PC and the game never crashed, no slow downs, no extreme pop-up, nothing.
I think you're a console player who doesn't realize hardware is very variable. Please go back to console.
Last edited by Extra Big Swimjim with Cheese; 27 Jan @ 7:43am
I can only share my experience, and maybe it can help somebody: I've tested Rebirth on three comps. For clarity sake I'll label them A, B, and C.
Comp A: i13900K with 4090
Comp B: i13900K with 4080
Comp C: 9800x3D with 4080S
All drivers updated, and yes, I messed with e-cores.

Comp A is a stutterfest, and it has the same problem with XVI. Both Comp B & C run both games at max spec with ZERO issue. No crashing, no stuttering, no fps drops that I can see, etc.. Comp A & B use the exact same config with the only exception being gpu. The 4090 was also independently tested, and it's not the gpu. It's also not the RAM nor the SSD. My conclusion is one of my i13900K's is a victim of the 13th gen Intel problem that hasn't cropped up until now mainly because I'm only seeing the problem on a limited number of games. Now, obviously this is a guess and I'm by no means an expert, however I do know more than the average user, but my theory is that there's something about certain titles using a cpu resource that not every game uses and that's why I'm hitting a stumbling block on a handful of games like Rebirth and XVI and not others. Comp B was barely in use for a time, and after a BIOS update, I'm confident it avoided the issues that hit Comp A which was being used far more frequently before that issue had been widely reported.

As far as the general consensus on other problems, it seems to be Radeon cards. SE games have always been notorious for having issues with Radeon, and I've experienced that first-hand when I was a Radeon guy. I switched to Nvidia, and the only game to give me any trouble from the GPU side of things in recent memory is Jedi Survivor, and I play ALOT of titles.

TLDR: the first thought is to always blame the game, but PC gamers need to understand how to setup their system, do research on what's generally going to create the best stability, and go from there. While it's not unreasonable to expect a wide range of compatibility given an infinite amount of hardware configs, that's simply not always the reality so you gotta learn to roll with it and be willing to accept it might be a "your rig" problem and not a game problem.
Last edited by Diabolical Taco; 27 Jan @ 8:07am
I was experiencing a crash at the end of chapter 1, stuttering, and terrible texture popin or not loading at all until I moved the game to my nvme ssd. Now it works great. 3070, 10700k, 32gb, nothing overclocked, for reference
Have you talked to a doctor?
Duvall12 27 Jan @ 8:40am 
You'd be surprised how many PC owners do t know how to maintain their gaming PC. I have several friends that didn't even know what a GPU driver was, or that games had to be specifically saved and loaded from SSD/NVME. You can chalk at least half of all complaints up to user ignorance.
The game is just horribly optimized in general to the point where I have just given up. Ryzen 7 7800x3d, RTX 4090, 32gb of DDR5 ram, game installed on a 7000mb/s NVME with direct storage, freshly installed windows and everything and it stutters like hell. Never in my life did I have to lower the hz of my monitor for a game but somehow it helped with reducing the stutters in the first area but the second I entered junon it started stuttering again no matter the settings. No other game I ever played on this rig had any similar problems. Same bs as the REMAKE port although this one has shader compilation in the beginng which basically didn't change anything.
Protekt1 27 Jan @ 9:05am 
You don't understand that people have performance issues? Like... how is that confusing you?
Originally posted by Protekt1:
You don't understand that people have performance issues? Like... how is that confusing you?
He bought his PC because it seemed like a shabby sheikh thing to adorn his apartment. Makes him look so nerdy, oh my gosh! He's the talk of the Starbucks queue.

Originally posted by Duvall12:
You'd be surprised how many PC owners do t know how to maintain their gaming PC. I have several friends that didn't even know what a GPU driver was, or that games had to be specifically saved and loaded from SSD/NVME. You can chalk at least half of all complaints up to user ignorance.
Literally he said he just updated his drivers and started the game, and it's in this person you confide your copy-pasta about PC users not knowing how to maintain their PC?
Last edited by Extra Big Swimjim with Cheese; 27 Jan @ 9:19am
Originally posted by Protekt1:
You don't understand that people have performance issues? Like... how is that confusing you?

Sorry I was probably unclear?

You can have one person who has minimum specs and it's running fine and another person with basically the same setup crashing constantly. You can have stutter on one system that far exceeds the baselines and another that doesn't really meet them and it's the same level of stutter.

It is confusing me that the performance issues don't seem to be consistently caused by the same things, like posted by Diabolical Taco.

If it is manufacture of card related and not just 'lol u need something beside 1680 trash' then maybe with enough data it could be patched (or mod fixed, whatever)
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