Reidak 18 Jun, 2017 @ 3:23pm
How to play offline?
I want to play without connection to server when i run the game, maybe there is some command for it?
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
!RJ_Truth 18 Jun, 2017 @ 3:26pm 
It's declining the agreement. There's a way to force the agreement to come up again. I think it's disconnect, exit the game, load the game and it will ask to agree to the license agreement. decline the agreement and the game will not connect online. You can play offline entirely and never connect.

Don't quote me on how to get the agreement to come up. That's more of a vague memory than actual knowledge, but that is what you have to do.
Reidak 18 Jun, 2017 @ 3:28pm 
Originally posted by GeekDoctor:
It's declining the agreement. There's a way to force the agreement to come up again. I think it's disconnect, exit the game, load the game and it will ask to agree to the license agreement. decline the agreement and the game will not connect online. You can play offline entirely and never connect.

Don't quote me on how to get the agreement to come up. That's more of a vague memory than actual knowledge, but that is what you have to do.
Thanks, I'll try :)
Coyote Knight 18 Jun, 2017 @ 3:35pm 
You can also install infinte heaven and enable "START OFFLINE", the game will never connect, though I'm pretty sure you'll eventually have to connect to the servers after mission 22 or you won't be able to progress the storyline.
Last edited by Coyote Knight; 18 Jun, 2017 @ 3:36pm
!RJ_Truth 18 Jun, 2017 @ 3:39pm 
Originally posted by Coyote Knight:
You can also install infinte heaven and enable "START OFFLINE", the game will never connect, though I'm pretty sure you'll eventually have to connect to the servers after mission 22 or you won't be able to progress the storyline.

That is an incorrect statement. You can progress and even finish the entire story without ever connecting online. You just can't do the FOB stuff which makes it more of a grind to develop weapons and items, but it can be done entirely offline including Mission 22 and everything beyond. Online is only needed for FOB.
Reidak 18 Jun, 2017 @ 3:42pm 
Originally posted by Coyote Knight:
You can also install infinte heaven and enable "START OFFLINE", the game will never connect, though I'm pretty sure you'll eventually have to connect to the servers after mission 22 or you won't be able to progress the storyline.
How to enable that? I have installed IH, but i don't know many commands there
!RJ_Truth 18 Jun, 2017 @ 3:46pm 
Originally posted by Jetstream Sam:
Originally posted by Coyote Knight:
You can also install infinte heaven and enable "START OFFLINE", the game will never connect, though I'm pretty sure you'll eventually have to connect to the servers after mission 22 or you won't be able to progress the storyline.
How to enable that? I have installed IH, but i don't know many commands there

I didn't know that either. :) I did look it up though.

It's in the IH System Menu. Option 5.

Here's that whole System Menu

IH system menu
1: Select profile : <Profile type>
Selects a profile from MGS_TPPmodprofiles folder. Press the <Action> button to apply the settings of the selected profile.
2: Set profile options to game defaults : (Command)
Sets the options described in the selected profile to their default setting.
3: Save to UserSaved profile : (Command)
Saves current IH settings to UserSaved profile at MGS_TPPprofilesUserSaved.lua.
4: Enable Quick Menu : Off, On
Shortcut key combinations to activate IH features. See Infinite Heaven readme or InfQuickMenuDefs.lua in mod folder.
5: Start offline : Off, On
Start the game in offline mode, this also removes the connect option from the pause menu.
6: Skip startup logos : Off, On
Stops the konami/kjp/fox/nvidia logos from showing.
7: Reset all IH settings : (Command)
Reidak 18 Jun, 2017 @ 3:51pm 
Originally posted by GeekDoctor:
Originally posted by Jetstream Sam:
How to enable that? I have installed IH, but i don't know many commands there

I didn't know that either. :) I did look it up though.

It's in the IH System Menu. Option 5.

Here's that whole System Menu

IH system menu
1: Select profile : <Profile type>
Selects a profile from MGS_TPPmodprofiles folder. Press the <Action> button to apply the settings of the selected profile.
2: Set profile options to game defaults : (Command)
Sets the options described in the selected profile to their default setting.
3: Save to UserSaved profile : (Command)
Saves current IH settings to UserSaved profile at MGS_TPPprofilesUserSaved.lua.
4: Enable Quick Menu : Off, On
Shortcut key combinations to activate IH features. See Infinite Heaven readme or InfQuickMenuDefs.lua in mod folder.
5: Start offline : Off, On
Start the game in offline mode, this also removes the connect option from the pause menu.
6: Skip startup logos : Off, On
Stops the konami/kjp/fox/nvidia logos from showing.
7: Reset all IH settings : (Command)
Thanks man, appreciate your replies :)
Have a very nice day!... Hmm... Nope, have a very nice week! :)
Foxpass 18 Jun, 2017 @ 4:25pm 
If you don't want the game to log in at startup, run Steam in offline mode. You don't need to install anything.
Lack of Stuff 18 Jun, 2017 @ 5:22pm 
Originally posted by Foxpass:
If you don't want the game to log in at startup, run Steam in offline mode. You don't need to install anything.

This. Just put steam in offline and start MGSV and boom no server connection.
Last edited by Lack of Stuff; 18 Jun, 2017 @ 5:22pm
!RJ_Truth 18 Jun, 2017 @ 5:29pm 
Originally posted by Lack of Stuff:
Originally posted by Foxpass:
If you don't want the game to log in at startup, run Steam in offline mode. You don't need to install anything.

This. Just put steam in offline and start MGSV and boom no server connection.

You just have to change it back and forth all the time if you play more than just MGSV and have other games you need to connect. It should be a last resort option. He's got it with the IH option though. That should do him good or even just declining the agreement works too.
Lack of Stuff 18 Jun, 2017 @ 5:56pm 
Originally posted by GeekDoctor:
Originally posted by Lack of Stuff:

This. Just put steam in offline and start MGSV and boom no server connection.

You just have to change it back and forth all the time if you play more than just MGSV and have other games you need to connect. It should be a last resort option. He's got it with the IH option though. That should do him good or even just declining the agreement works too.

Takes about 4-7 seconds to switch. Not sure why you consider it a nuclear option. I play most of my library in offline mode.
!RJ_Truth 18 Jun, 2017 @ 6:58pm 
Originally posted by Lack of Stuff:
Originally posted by GeekDoctor:

You just have to change it back and forth all the time if you play more than just MGSV and have other games you need to connect. It should be a last resort option. He's got it with the IH option though. That should do him good or even just declining the agreement works too.

Takes about 4-7 seconds to switch. Not sure why you consider it a nuclear option. I play most of my library in offline mode.

I find it annoying. I prefer to set options, leave them, don't touch them, it's working, leave it alone. More so since that's the backbone of all of the games. You should set the options in the games themselves and not at the Steam level. Though I'll admit I don't have many steam games.
1 man army 17 Dec, 2024 @ 2:16pm 
Originally posted by !RJ_Truth:
Originally posted by Coyote Knight:
You can also install infinte heaven and enable "START OFFLINE", the game will never connect, though I'm pretty sure you'll eventually have to connect to the servers after mission 22 or you won't be able to progress the storyline.

That is an incorrect statement. You can progress and even finish the entire story without ever connecting online. You just can't do the FOB stuff which makes it more of a grind to develop weapons and items, but it can be done entirely offline including Mission 22 and everything beyond. Online is only needed for FOB.

I can confirm after all these years with PS3 & Xbox versions, if you are offline, mission 22 will not show up & you cannot finish the storyline unless you attempt to go online & accept the online bs agreement (which doesn't exist for PS3 no more)

The PS3 will attempt to go online, get all the FOB stuff show up, then go offline then mission 22 will show up

Tried the same thing this year on Xbox One version, didn't go online until while playing the game, same thing, something holds mission 22 back

I tried for hours to get 22 to show thinking I missed something only to attempt to accept the useless online agreement & attempt to go online

You can't play the game from start to finish unless you attempt to go online once

This was a completely false statement that mislead many ppl
Last edited by 1 man army; 17 Dec, 2024 @ 2:22pm
niralamart000 18 Dec, 2024 @ 1:43am 
Originally posted by 1 man army:
Originally posted by !RJ_Truth:

That is an incorrect statement. You can progress and even finish the entire story without ever connecting online. You just can't do the FOB stuff which makes it more of a grind to develop weapons and items, but it can be done entirely offline including Mission 22 and everything beyond. Online is only needed for FOB.

I can confirm after all these years with PS3 & Xbox versions, if you are offline, mission 22 will not show up & you cannot finish the storyline unless you attempt to go online & accept the online bs agreement (which doesn't exist for PS3 no more)

The PS3 will attempt to go online, get all the FOB stuff show up, then go offline then mission 22 will show up

Tried the same thing this year on Xbox One version, didn't go online until while playing the game, same thing, something holds mission 22 back

I tried for hours to get 22 to show thinking I missed something only to attempt to accept the useless online agreement & attempt to go online

You can't play the game from start to finish unless you attempt to go online once

This was a completely false statement that mislead many ppl

wtf are you necroing for wrong info dude
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