F1 2015
20 Jul, 2015 @ 5:24am
20/07/15 Patch
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Showing 1-15 of 72 comments
lolschrauber 20 Jul, 2015 @ 5:26am 
Keep em coming guys
Aciilno 20 Jul, 2015 @ 5:28am 
I need to launch the game with my thrustmaster gpx unplugged. If i start the game with it plugged in. Controller mapping is all over the place. and Also when I go out on track when launching te game with controller plugged in. The game puts me on track but the throttle is stuck.
Allaris 20 Jul, 2015 @ 5:30am 
Can we have a motion blur option please
Tony 20 Jul, 2015 @ 5:32am 
这游戏你们codemaster免费我都不会玩的. 请你们以后自重,不要欺骗我们广大赛车游戏爱好者
PJ Dunham 20 Jul, 2015 @ 5:34am 
Thats great, hope it crashes less... Please tell me the GFX and Controler issues are being sorted next?? with 2 3rds pedal travel deadzone its unplayable and the GFX blur and FPS drop means its not worth playing anyway..
PJ Dunham 20 Jul, 2015 @ 5:38am 
In all seriousness like Dirt Rally this should have been released as an early release.. Dirt has less bugs to a large degree and this has to be the worsed day 1 release Codemasters title ive EVER played. Sucks considering im a huge F1 fan and cant just get a refund and throw it away :(
Kingers 20 Jul, 2015 @ 5:44am 
I just had a driver crash after a couple of minutes of play, saying there was a problem with D3D... I'm using a GTX 970 with 353.30 (most up to date driver). Hope you are aware of this bug
TaKumiGSR 20 Jul, 2015 @ 5:50am 
Fix the gamepad issues , controls sometimes work other times it doesnt , in F1 2014 i could use Xbox360ce with no problem in this one I cant even play with my gamepad
N I C K 20 Jul, 2015 @ 5:50am 
I just had a driver crash after a couple of minutes of play, saying there was a problem with D3D... I'm using a HD 7770 with 15.7 Driver (most up to date driver). Hope you are aware of this bug
SwimminSteve 20 Jul, 2015 @ 6:02am 
How about you fix the MASSIVE frame rate drop randomly?
DrStrix 20 Jul, 2015 @ 6:04am 
Worst of all is missing FFB for me. Totally crappy FFB.
Diablo Hayabusa 20 Jul, 2015 @ 6:14am 
Thank you. However could you perhaps play the game a little bit. Write down all the problems so they are not a mystery to you. See, this way we don’t beta test for you and you don't have to hear it from the end user what the problem is. This does sound or read mean spirited, but I'd argue that taking my $60, then barring demos and editorial review until launch day is perhaps far more egregious. Anyway, patch away.
Graphical corruption, please fix this. (Tires flashing on and off)
Near useless engineer info (I’d like to know before all cars are pitting that perhaps a tire change is in order)
Would be great if AI cars would experience tire aware in a somewhat realistic manner. That is it improbable that they may finish the race on the starting tire, while I have up to three pit stops
Rusti 20 Jul, 2015 @ 6:44am 
The Framerate issues are still occuring in Championship mode and now in the single race mode.

Processor: AMD FX-8350
GPU: ATI Radeon HD7870 VX7870 2GBD5

On single races sometimes FPS will be 50+ for a few laps when suddenly FPS will drop to 1-2 completely unexpectedly.

In Championship mode FPS was 50+ the first time i went into practice, now i cant race on the game at all as FPS is single figures. played around with all the graphics options. Hardware is not overheating, it is completely random and game breaking when it happens.
Rusti 20 Jul, 2015 @ 6:45am 
All of my hardware drivers are latest versions. Games such as DiRT Rally work perfectly, all previous F1 titles run perfectly. Just this one.
Мурата 20 Jul, 2015 @ 7:50am 
wtf my display adapter not suitable
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