Into the Emberlands

Into the Emberlands

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Village Metro not taking me to last used Metro outside village

Have run into an issue where the Metro in my village won't take my to my previously used Metro. It won't teleport me, it doesn't show a loading screen either. I do hear the SFX playing, but that's about it.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
ines_TinyRoar  [developer] 8 Jul, 2024 @ 2:57am 
Hey there!
Thanks for reporting this! Do you have more info on this? Do you know whether you "restarted" your game in the meantime, got lost/died or upgraded your village? Since that reloads the map, it means that you would have to find a new metro station out in the wild to get teleported. If that is not the case, we will of course look into it!
Tiny Maniac 17 Jul, 2024 @ 3:07am 
Hey sorry for the late reply.

I believe I may have just upgraded my village before hand. I for sure didn't die just before that, so it couldn't have been that.
Yea I think that's intended. Everytime you upgrade your village, it's like a new level and the world regenerates meaning all the metros, upgraded distilleries and dispensers out in the wild, all that stuff gets reset.
General biome layout is usually the same (forest, pedals, then enderlands and desert) but you essentially get a new world to explore.

I do like that you can reuse metros once they are repaired initially without having to pay a crystal every time. Ive been exploring til I find a metro I like, or in an area I need for that level - then jump back to the village to swap out items /gear. Then it's just a matter of remembering where it was if I get too far away :sl_villager:
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