

Nádia 2023 年 5 月 27 日 上午 5:32
Hard to beat
First time playing it, I had to use a walkthrough due to the difficulty in finding items and counter-intuitive controls. It's unfortunate to have to rely on external help. Does anyone else believe it should have a remastered version, similar to Gabriel Knight? I found myself getting unfocused in the story because of the aforementioned issues and ended up abandoning it in Chapter 7.
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stasslu 2023 年 5 月 27 日 上午 6:25 
I think it still plays and looks great.
Nádia 2023 年 5 月 27 日 上午 8:04 
For me, it's once in your childhood/teenage years that you've already played it. You know where everything is. I can play Grim Fandango with my eyes wide shut. But seeing a friend playing it and complaining about its gameplay made me think she has the same problem I did with this game.
Keen Shadow of the Mist 2023 年 9 月 1 日 下午 5:38 
引用自 Nádia
First time playing it, I had to use a walkthrough due to the difficulty in finding items and counter-intuitive controls. It's unfortunate to have to rely on external help. Does anyone else believe it should have a remastered version, similar to Gabriel Knight? I found myself getting unfocused in the story because of the aforementioned issues and ended up abandoning it in Chapter 7.
No idea, i've beat it a years ago and till this day I fel touched by it xD I was never feeling so unsettled and this is an old, isometric game xD
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