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Richard 31. dec. 2024 kl. 10:41
planetary revolt
Why would 9 of my 10 planet help revolt its ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dumb only one planet was doing bad
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Viser 1-14 af 14 kommentarer
Sam 31. dec. 2024 kl. 10:51 
Neighbouring planets will join the revolt as the event goes on. To the best of my knowledge though, the only one you need to particularly worry about tackling is the original troublemaker.

Next time, just land a healthy amount of troops on the troublesome planet, and either give out some goods, or institute a crackdown, and the revolt should cease. Planetary leaders can help too, as can some buildings.
Richard 31. dec. 2024 kl. 10:54 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Sam:
Neighbouring planets will join the revolt as the event goes on. To the best of my knowledge though, the only one you need to particularly worry about tackling is the original troublemaker.

Next time, just land a healthy amount of troops on the troublesome planet, and either give out some goods, or institute a crackdown, and the revolt should cease. Planetary leaders can help too, as can some buildings.
I had over 30 troops on there but it was 10.5 and there was nothing I could do
RCMidas 31. dec. 2024 kl. 11:05 
Funny thing about rebels, they tend not to stick to easily-controlled locations and spread out like cockroaches on cocaine; and they definitely don't play fair, because that would be bloody stupid of them to do.

What exactly was the cause of the instability on the main rebellious world anyway? Crime? General unhappiness? A psionic backlash? Overpopulation? Some combination of these? Any and all problems of this kind can be resolved in certain ways, but we can only offer general advice with the information we have.
Kufesska 31. dec. 2024 kl. 11:15 
always watch your stability on planets
better keep it above 50 and no one will get hurt

see more info here
Ryika 31. dec. 2024 kl. 11:29 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Richard:
I had over 30 troops on there but it was 10.5 and there was nothing I could do
Revolts can always be prevented if you're prepared. If you realize you conquered a planet that you can't make happy through resettlement or increasing amenities, you can simply begin building fortresses immediately and use the crackdown option in the situation, and assign a high level admiral for the extra army strength to slow down/reverse the situation.

If you don't understand the exact mechanics involved, see:
Whispdragoon62 31. dec. 2024 kl. 11:59 
Stellaris in a nutshell: Slowly build up your empire and scrap the save and try again.

Stuff I've learned: Empire Size from pops is the most important end-game priority. Otherwise it takes like 100-200k science for a single tech.

Envoys are pretty OP for turning a belligerent CIV into a friendly one. I've currently got 5 envoys improving relations with one CIV. They WILL be my ally instead of getting into early wars.

You don't need the strongest fleet. The game heavily favors playing diplomacy (Vassals, Federations, etc.)

I sent my 10% Habitability Pops to a Tomb World to see if they will self-modify. I will keep the planet very low pop until they do. Fun Times.

Early game rush chokepoints and close borders to secure territory. Its a bit like playing the boardgame Risk in that regard. Scout the chokepoints early. Remember that trade networks and sectors tend to be about 4 hops. I tend to create vassals once I develop more than 3 sectors.
Sidst redigeret af Whispdragoon62; 31. dec. 2024 kl. 12:04
Kalemenos 31. dec. 2024 kl. 18:02 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Whispdragoon62:
Empire Size from pops is the most important end-game priority. Otherwise it takes like 100-200k science for a single tech.
I'm not sure I'd call it the MOST, but I too learned how powerful small empire size is not only for tech but also for Traditions/Perks. You burn through them. Small empire size is the equivalent of many thousands of research or unity points per month, but without buildings, jobs, expense, etc. I never realized that until I tried a "tall" empire for the first time.
Also, where does the revolting group suddenly get a fleet ? I had to BUILD mine ! :)
argrond 12. jan. kl. 12:19 
Umm, correct me if I'm wrong, but revolt is individual for each given planet and does not "spread" from planet to planet? I had mutinies on several conquered planets, there were never ever more mutinies on other ones, so I had to deal only with that fixed amount. I mean, if a race is the cause of revolt on one planet, it can be "spread" to other ones, but it's not really a "spread", rather this given race has some troubles integrating in your empire and causes problems on the planets it has significant presence on.
And revolt is mostly caused by low happiness -> high crime rate, substitute/mix pops with your main race or mech pops, and viola - problem mitigate/solved!
Sidst redigeret af argrond; 12. jan. kl. 12:29
perl 12. jan. kl. 12:53 
Kufesska 12. jan. kl. 15:09 
Oprindeligt skrevet af argrond:
Umm, correct me if I'm wrong, but revolt is individual for each given planet and does not "spread" from planet to planet?
it kinda spreads at stage 3 and stage 4
GrandMajora 13. jan. kl. 9:54 
This is why Hiveminds and Super Weapons are the way to go.

You can't harbor thoughts of rebellion, if you're all connected to one consciousness.

Your planet can't rebel against the government, if your planet doesn't exist!
captain403 13. jan. kl. 15:35 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Whispdragoon62:
Envoys are pretty OP for turning a belligerent CIV into a friendly one. I've currently got 5 envoys improving relations with one CIV. They WILL be my ally instead of getting into early wars.

All multiple envoys do is increase the speed of the modifier. The cap of the modifier is still the cap - no extra envoys will change that.

If they absolutely despise you, they WILL be your enemy, like it or not. You can get a rival onside, but usually only if there is others they hate more.
Sidst redigeret af captain403; 13. jan. kl. 15:39
Silamon 13. jan. kl. 15:57 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Richard:
Oprindeligt skrevet af Sam:
Neighbouring planets will join the revolt as the event goes on. To the best of my knowledge though, the only one you need to particularly worry about tackling is the original troublemaker.

Next time, just land a healthy amount of troops on the troublesome planet, and either give out some goods, or institute a crackdown, and the revolt should cease. Planetary leaders can help too, as can some buildings.
I had over 30 troops on there but it was 10.5 and there was nothing I could do
Nothing you could do without a planet cracker maybe :Myo:
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