

Myst Leissa 16 mai. 2024 às 13:22
Which ports do I need to forward for Creativerse?
I'm asking because all I can find is a blurry video that doesn't help on these forums. Just the port numbers used by the game is sufficient, I know how to preform port forwarding on my router :D
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entuland  [developer] 16 mai. 2024 às 13:25 
The game links the help pages, which in turn link this guide:

By default you'd need to forward 26900 on UDP, 26901 on UDP and 26902 on TCP, but that could vary if you change the base game port in the world settings - you can find more details in the above guide, if you still need help let me know, I can provide live support on Discord - entuland#7134
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