

My worlds are gone
Hello, I had to buy a new hard drive andreinstall windows. I just noticed that all my worlds are gone. I would like to get them back but how ? Is there no steam cloud ?
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entuland  [developer] 12 Jan @ 12:10am 
If you have no access to the drive anymore or if you completely wiped it, then it would be impossible to recover the world data from there - Creativerse's worlds aren't saved on the Steam Cloud servers.

Creativerse stopped running worlds on Playful's servers on Dec. 6th, 2022, with the release of TDE. Since then, worlds are only saved on players' computers (or on the remote servers of their choice).

If you would like to receive a copy of your worlds as they were on our servers before the release of TDE please write to or contact me privately on Discord - entuland#7134

For more details about how the game works you can check the guide, also linked by the game:
Vendon 12 Jan @ 3:57am 
Where are the saves located ? I might have the old saves on my old drive left.
entuland  [developer] 12 Jan @ 4:33am 
Originally posted by Vendon:
Where are the saves located ? I might have the old saves on my old drive left.
That information is part of the guide I linked in my previous message, you can check this section in particular:

In short, this is the position:
...though if the drive isn't the system drive anymore you won't be able to go there directly with that path, in such a case you would be looking for something like this, possibly with the "C" drive letter changed according to your scenario:
...where "username" would be your Windows username.
Last edited by entuland; 12 Jan @ 4:36am
Vendon 12 Jan @ 5:02am 
entuland  [developer] 12 Jan @ 5:37am 
You're welcome
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