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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
entuland  [developer] 24 Feb @ 7:08am 
Could you elaborate further, possibly in English? I'm not sure the translation I got from Google is accurate, seems like you want to get rid of a virus.

If that's indeed what you're asking, it's probably some false positive from your antivirus or something like that - the current version of Creativerse is out since almost one year now and it definitely doesn't contain any virus.

We had some reports about some players getting a warning when the game client tries to download the JSON files containing the world settings or the map info settings, but that as well is a false positive - unless the files have been tampered with: to know more, you'd need to provide more details if what I wrote so far doesn't explain your case.
I got the translation: Don't have (or not) Chinese!

As in language version thereof of the game, I presume.

(That last character is apparently an emphasis).
entuland  [developer] 26 Feb @ 3:36am 
Thanks Marmylicious, no idea how I got such a wrong translation.
As a player from Taiwan, I can help with translation: This player hopes for a Chinese version.

Although this is not an easy request, it is indeed an update that many players who are not proficient in English have long been hoping for.

Thank you, Entuland, for your continuous efforts in bringing us back to this game. If there is any way I can assist with the localization into Chinese, I would be more than happy to help!
entuland  [developer] 6 Mar @ 9:12am 
Uhm... for some reason my second reply to the OP didn't go through - I'll type it again.

The game has localization support since a long time - in theory we'd only need the translation of the used strings, just dropping them in place would make the game available in any language we'd translate the strings to.

The problem with all of this is multifold:
- there aren't a lot of resources available, we're still working on the game adding new features, content and bugfixes (slowly, granted, but still working on it), this currently has the precedence over investing those resources into translating the strings
- the above also increases the amount of strings that need to be translated over time
- the various item descriptions have a lot of puns and weird jokes which aren't easy to translate to other languages
- since the game is family friendly, all translations would need to be family friendly as well, we would most likely need to give this task to a professional company which could guarantee accuracy and fitness for the game rating
- there's a lot to be translated, about 15 thousand strings for a total well above 50 thousand words

Sometime in the future hopefully we'll be able to draw a line and do such translations.
entuland  [developer] 6 Mar @ 9:24am 
Originally posted by MEDIA™:
Thank you, Entuland, for your continuous efforts in bringing us back to this game. If there is any way I can assist with the localization into Chinese, I would be more than happy to help!
Least I can do - as for helping with the translation, as above the game rating most likely will require us to resort to a professional service - if we were to go for a community effort of course anyone would be able to help if so they wish.
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