

[CLOSED] Build & Share Contest #159 - Eternal Rest
Build & Share Information
This is a generally bi-weekly (lately tri-weekly) contest starting today and ends two to four weeks on the next Saturday. We do not expect jaw dropping builds, but expect an attempt at making something very suitable for the contest. Please have fun with the builds, and know this is to challenge you and build things you have never done before.

AvatarAlice made a guide for the B&S and it includes a load of information:
This will be everything you need to know about the B&S or Build & Share contest, from basics and beyond.

The Contest Deadline:
Saturday, November 9th. If anyone needs the contest extended beyond that, just ask.

The Theme of the Contest:
Pumpkiru is here! And he happily haggles with the living. But have you ever stopped to think about those not living? Our worlds have villagers now. They wander around, also dealing with the living. Surely, they have friends and clients. They grew up in families. There are pockets of civilization somewhere. And they've probably been there a long time, raising families, growing...

...And dying. Every culture deals with death differently. What do the denizens of your world do with their dead? Crypts? Cemeteries? Cremation? Burials at sea? Or, perhaps, something more bizarre like cannibalism or "recycling"? Show us your spookiest (or less spooky, if you prefer) place of eternal rest in your world.

(Please copy and paste this is required to submit)

Challenge #:
In-Game name(optional):
Build Name:
Entry Details:

All entries must be original work done by you. Participants submitting another builder’s work will be disqualified from the current challenge. No blueprints by another person may be used unless it is part of the challenge. However, you can certainly use your own bp's in your building process. Entries must adhere to the theme and have some effort put into them but we encourage even if you cannot build as well as some to enter your work.

Sprite Picker:

-3-10 Screenshots. (Please ask if you don't know how)
-Please feel free to add a link to an Adventure or workshop item showing off your build.
-Please do not use alt accounts to enter multiple times.
-Rules may be added as we go along if we find they are needed to keep everything fair and running smoothly.
-Discord entries require a steam profile link in their entry or in a dm.

B & S Discord Channel:

For the main B&S page for their world and old contests, please join if you have ideas for future contests or cannot enter due to a restricted steam account.

Winners will be chosen on a lottery system. Your submitted build will be your lottery ticket and we will draw names at the end of the deadline. Each participant will have one submission toward the win. However, you may submit as many builds as you wish.

We currently have no prizes for the contest. As of the Dec 2022 update, coins are gone. We don't yet have any ideas for future prizes, but we're keeping our eyes peeled.

This is a fan run challenge. We are hosting these events solely as Creativerse players and fans. The only thing Playful Corp does for us is pinning the contest.

Last edited by RSoM LuckySheep; 9 Nov, 2024 @ 2:48pm
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
RSoM LuckySheep 26 Oct, 2024 @ 10:29pm 
Deadline is moved back 1 week. New deadline is in the original post. A family emergency came up, and we suddenly have tickets to Thailand. We have just about 2 days of flying & layovers, and next Saturday lands right smack in the middle of it. (We're leaving Friday and arriving Sunday.) I also don't want a deadline of, "Oh, whenever I have time between my travels during this particular week, I'll just SURPRISE! contest is over." So I will keep a concrete date, even if I have to move it back again to do so.

Pray for me. I love traveling, especially the food, the nice people, the pretty girls, the beautiful scenery... Okay, so maybe there is no "especially". I like almost everything about traveling. But spending 2 days alternating between locked in a cramped airplane seat on 16-hour flights or sleeping on a crowded terminal floor, with a grumpy wife, and being grumpy myself, and a bunch of other grumpy travelers, and struggling to stay clean, and standing in line after line after line, and getting searched, and baggage checked, and passport checked, and picking up luggage, and rechecking your luggage, ALL WHILE TRYING TO ENTERTAIN A 4-YEAR-OLD WITH ASPERGER'S WHO WANTS TO SPEND EVERY SECOND OF HIS LIFE RIDING EVERY ESCALATOR AND ELEVATOR HE SEES OVER AND OVER AGAIN!

This is why we only go home every 2 years or so. The food is still worth it, but... Oi! The discomfort is such a high price to pay.
RSoM LuckySheep 26 Oct, 2024 @ 10:33pm 
I spent TWO HOURS with this kid in a Thai hospital, taking the elevator up a floor and walking down a flight of stairs, taking the elevator down a floor and walking up a flight of stairs, taking the elevator all the way and getting back in the elevator to go the other way. TWO HOURS! I love him to death, tho.
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