No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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Left4Lol 11 Nov, 2024 @ 5:41am
Laylaps Sentine Drone Bug
I still have that anyoing blue laylaps drone and can't get rid of it. is there a solution for that?? afaik this bug is persistent since 2-3 years and not fixed by devs
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
lordoftheapes79 11 Nov, 2024 @ 6:21am 
You should be able to turn in off by interacting with the item in your inventory. If you destroyed it, you might be F'd tho. Once turned off you can toss it in storage and forget about it.
Shadow Strider 11 Nov, 2024 @ 6:36am 
Poor Laylaps... I forgot he even existed... I've had him stuffed in a storage container since I completed his questline...

If you somehow destroyed the item, well....
I'm not sure if you can unlock that questline during an expo, but might be worth giving that a shot... If it works, you might be able to transfer the item to your main save via the terminus and then stuff him in a box... (though it might also be blocked for transfer like eggs are...)
Left4Lol 11 Nov, 2024 @ 8:20am 
I have the item. and you get a new one at anomaly if you destroy it but my drone is not triggerte by any item. i have iot since the first day. thought this is some kind of a tutorial helper for the game
Jaggid Edje 11 Nov, 2024 @ 9:41am 
This particular bug is incredibly uncommon, so it's unlikely anyone that knows if it has been fixed or not will even see this thread to give you an answer. You'll probably have to fire up the game to see for yourself.

I don't recall it ever being mentioned in patch notes as fixed, but that doesn't really mean much.
gNg 11 Nov, 2024 @ 12:47pm 
I remember previous threads complaining of this issue in the past - the last one quite a long time ago.

There were suggestions that it might have been caused by people being 'gifted' a Laylaps by someone at the Anomaly, or that they'd caused it themselves through (mis)use of a save editor. But neither of these possibilities seemed to apply in some of the cases and to the best of my knowledge, neither a definitive cause, nor a solution to the problem was ever found.

If the problem persists in your game, I don't think there's much you can do except submit a bug report to HG and hope they take notice.
Last edited by gNg; 11 Nov, 2024 @ 12:47pm
dysamoria 11 Nov, 2024 @ 1:18pm 
I disabled them because Laylaps spawning crashes my game when exiting a vehicle/ship and I was just sick of that crap. It didn't do that prior to one of the previous updates, so it didn't start that way and I liked having them around. And submitting reports to HG doesn't do a damn thing. My game has been unplayable in Windows Bootcamp on iMac since Worlds I update and they're doing nothing to fix it (the Mac OS version is way less performant and has lots of graphical problems).
Shadow Strider 11 Nov, 2024 @ 1:45pm 
Originally posted by dysamoria:
I disabled them because Laylaps spawning crashes my game when exiting a vehicle/ship and I was just sick of that crap. It didn't do that prior to one of the previous updates, so it didn't start that way and I liked having them around. And submitting reports to HG doesn't do a damn thing. My game has been unplayable in Windows Bootcamp on iMac since Worlds I update and they're doing nothing to fix it (the Mac OS version is way less performant and has lots of graphical problems).
Submitting a report does exactly that. It submits a report to where they will see it.
It does not mean you will get a speedy reply, nor does it guarantee any reply for that matter...
but that doesn't mean that it's pointless. it still provides them with info that there is an issue in the first place. If they need more info from you, then they'll contact you when they get to your report...

Just to note, it took them about 3-4 months to get back to me when I reported a bug that prevented progress with the Autophage questline and several other quests... but they did reply, and resolved the issue.
Jaggid Edje 11 Nov, 2024 @ 1:49pm 
I've never gotten a reply when I sent something to the Zendesk. I send a lot of feedback/suggestions, and bug reports any time I encounter a bug I haven't before.

Mostly the bugs I report have been fixed though, so not getting a reply doesn't bother me. It's kind of a ridiculous expectation to think they would actually respond to every submission. They'd need to hire extra staff just to do that.
Left4Lol 11 Nov, 2024 @ 4:47pm 
I have the game since 2022 and sending this bug report like once a month to them.

Ive also seen some post of ppl trying to edit their savegame but this does not work with the steam version of the game
Nettle 12 Nov, 2024 @ 10:25am 
Is this relevant?
Shadow Strider 12 Nov, 2024 @ 11:37am 
Originally posted by Nettle:
Is this relevant?
If that is the cause, then no surprise that HG hasn't done anything to fix the issue...

Originally posted by Left4Lol:
Ive also seen some post of ppl trying to edit their savegame but this does not work with the steam version of the game
There are plenty of people on Steam that use save editing..
This comment makes me feel like it's very likely due to use of WeMod or something similar...
Last edited by Shadow Strider; 12 Nov, 2024 @ 11:54am
Left4Lol 16 Nov, 2024 @ 4:46am 
Nope im not using mods. otherwise it would be stupid to send bug reports ;)
Here 16 Nov, 2024 @ 6:16am 
Originally posted by Left4Lol:
Nope im not using mods. otherwise it would be stupid to send bug reports ;)

What happens when that character progresses to "Trace of Metal"? Any effects? Just a shot in the dark. Guess you would have to let us know
Left4Lol 20 Nov, 2024 @ 4:15am 
I completet that Quest and got that Flare to summone Laylaps 2x.

I also deleted both flare and bought a new one at the anomaly but it's still there. i can't disable laylaps. even without the flares (Deleted) laylaps appears -.-

There must be some kind of bug in the game code that triggers laylaps. like i said previously i have laylaps since i started the game. and i thought this would be some kind of helper for my first steps in the game
Prescient Stones 20 Nov, 2024 @ 6:08pm 
Originally posted by Left4Lol:
I completet that Quest and got that Flare to summone Laylaps 2x.

I also deleted both flare and bought a new one at the anomaly but it's still there. i can't disable laylaps. even without the flares (Deleted) laylaps appears -.-

There must be some kind of bug in the game code that triggers laylaps. like i said previously i have laylaps since i started the game save. and i thought this would be some kind of helper for my first steps in the game

You are going to need next level, Save Editor, volunteer support. Someone who is familiar with Mac (Boot Camp), and a save editing tool. That is a needle in a haystack find.
Try NMS discord to look of such a rare individual.

On a side note, for the 3 plus year of submitting tickets to Zendesk, All tickets are still open even tho an issue may end up resolved in a later patch in Experimental branch (which I voluntarily play in.

Side two. Been in Multiplayer on a planet, in a co-joined mission to dispatch Sentinel tower and the Sentry (laylaps) were spawning so fast the fps dropped to 1. We eventually defeated the 5 waves but the Sentry's were everywhere, Seen a screen shot way back showing this.

Some months later, a duplicate Sentry Flare shows up in my save but, somehow it got resolved.

Your issue is so unique that it may be just better to flush your NMS game saves and start new while putting this save in the cloud for ANYONE, to tinker with hoping to find the RAW JSON Flare entry and restore it to default.. idk if that key exists, tbh. But a veteran Discord guru may.
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Date Posted: 11 Nov, 2024 @ 5:41am
Posts: 15