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SHINIGAMI 25 Jul, 2024 @ 11:18am
How to kill turtle ?

I just died on day 40 and something because of the turtles.
The watch tower and barracks doesn't kill it.
Spikes and click neither.

I highly suspect that one tower like bomb tower or another can kill its.
However, when the wave came, I have not enought gold to spend to discover it.

I was forced to die.
It is cool if some special towers are more effective on special ennemies, but if you have to loose your run on purpose because you don't have discover enought things into the shop, it's not fair.

I can accept being weaker because I have not discover everything yet, but it shouldn't totally block a run.

Thank you
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ArcyPaweł 29 Sep, 2024 @ 7:14am 
If you hover over Turtle enemy tooltip it says that "its afraid of your cursor".
its their special ability they cannot move and became immune to all damage when your hover it with a cursor
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