Dungeon Lords Steam Edition

Dungeon Lords Steam Edition

Shadow lord build.
Does anyone know what would synergize with the shadow lord skill. Would a melee class work due to the damage reduction or does the floating make it hard to hit things. Or is a mage or archer better?
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7_? 16 Thg12, 2023 @ 9:43pm 
you can try lvl 7 celestal magic - levitation, same effect
tjimagineer 17 Thg12, 2023 @ 4:09am 
Thanks for the response but that is not my question. I am trying to make a shadowlord build. But I do not know what are good first and second tier classes that go well with the ability.
stoneethan25 6 Thg12, 2024 @ 10:16am 
I would do a female adept/mage enchantress/monk
this way you have a melee option where you don't have to invest into the skill or repair weapons and entangle will help you keep enemies at a safe distance.
I would recommend spells as the main focus of the build however.

you have inspired me and I think I am going to make this build now.

(instead of enchantress you could do valkyrie for Plate armor and polearm but I feel that might be redundant with shadowlord)
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