American Truck Simulator

American Truck Simulator

VTC Management Software?
I've seen several VTC management softwares that allow VTC operators to keep track of their drivers and log deliveries, maintenance reports, and such others. My only issue is these softwares only allow logging via their client apps, most, if not all of which were Windows compatible only.

I run ATS on my Mac, and while I can dual-boot Windows and call it good, I simply don't want to, so I've used the website at one point in time. I liked it because it had the option for a client, and the option for manual data entry. Well it now seems the owners of the site haven't renewed their domain registration, and now I'm out of a company management software that's Mac compatible.

Does anyone have any ideas for company management software that either supports manual data entry and or client support outside of Windows?
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目前顯示第 1-1 則留言,共 1
So I’ve seen references elsewhere to Trucky. I’m going to try it and see what does and doesn’t work on Mac
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