American Truck Simulator

American Truck Simulator

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rusty_dragon 6 nov 2017 om 16:38
General Virtual Reality Thread
General FAQ:
Q: Which headsets does it support?
A: Basically any PC-connected VR headset: Oculus DK2, CV1, HTC Vive DK, CV1, OSVR, Valve Index headsets. As well as any OpenVR compatible headset.

Setup Guide and advanced FAQ:
Here is original VR thread/guide from developers on SCS forums.[]

Q: I don't have menus in my headset, they are still on my monitor, like in regular non-VR version.
A: The F11 key switches menu between 3d in HMD and 2d on monitor.

Q: I use Oculus, and have this weird in-game rubberbanding.
A: It may be an issue with ASW turning on and off when hardware struggle to maintain steady 90fps.
Try forcing ASW always on by pressing CTRL + NUMPAD 3 hotkey combination or through Oculus tray tool.
Alternatively you may disable ASW completely with CTRL + NUMPAD 4 combination.

Q: My big issue ATM is being way too far back in the seat. Even after using the in cab adjustment move forward, I still feel way too far back. My only fix right now is moving way back in my comp chair, pressing few to recenter, and them move forward...sadly a can't reach back far enough to really set the correct position, any suggestions?
A: Try using SteamVR's reset seated position option first, and then adjust your position using in-game options.

Workaround to enable always-on Motion Smoothing for ATS:
Q. What is it and why should I care?
A. Motion Smoothing is a recent reprojection technique for Vive/Vive Pro headsets now available in SteamVR Beta. If you don't want to deal with complications of beta, better wait for feature being added into stable SteamVR build. You can read more about Motion Smoothing here.

Always-On motion smoothing option is available on the Applications tab of SteamVR. Choosing this option for a given application will force that application to half framerate (45 fps on a 90 Hz headset) with motion smoothing always on. This is useful for games that don’t deal well with variable framerate when changing between full and half framerate. Some games have shown issues with their physics simulations and movement algorithms that is noticeable to users. This is a per-application setting. No global setting is being made available to avoid users accidentally forcing on half framerate for all apps. You must opt-in for each application.

Start ATS, then alt-tab on your monitor to SteamVR. Game would appear in Application tab as amtrucks.exe Change setting there and alt-tab back to the game. That's it! SteamVR will remember your settings when you run game next time.

Thanks to Zflash for this finding.

How to change in-game HUD window position. Mod.
Pre-made mod link.

Old manual method.
Regarding moving the adviser in VR I have made a sort of quick fix for myself which may also work for others.

To be as brief as possible,

  1. Extract base.scs (somewhere other than your game directory or it will make a mess of files there)
  2. Open folder 'UI'
  3. Copy 'adviser.sii' and paste it somewhere else, like the desktop
  4. Rename it to 'adviser_oculus.sii' and put it in a new folder called ‘UI’
  5. Zip that folder and change the extension from ‘.zip’ to ‘.scs’
  6. Put that ‘.scs’ file into the mod folder
  7. Activate the mod
Now you have a mod that will basically use the typical on screen adviser coordinates rather than the VR coordinates, so it is placed at the bottom right again.

To correct the awkward location of it now, I played with the UI settings in the ‘config.cfg’ file in Documents to get something I was happy with.

I set the values using ATS (in a Mack) and when copying the mod into ETS2 I found the adviser in an acceptable location as well. Depending on hardware this may differ due to resolution and personal preference, I am using an Index, so your own settings may need to be different.

uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov_game "40" uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov "50" uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist_game "0.9" uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist "0.9" uset r_manual_stereo_in_menu "1"

The above should serve to pull the menu away from your face which I always felt was way too close. The adviser should now be further away from you and also smaller, I found for me that it places it in a position on the window similar to an actual GPS so I was quite happy with it for such little effort. Likely with different trucks depending on the location of the dash and windscreen settings may need to be tweaked to suit.

From what I could determine with the settings;

Changing the ‘dist’ settings will move the UI away from you (0.3 in your face, 0.9 not in your face)

Changing the ‘fov’ settings will make the UI larger or smaller (100 full size, 50 half size)

As you would expect ‘_game’ settings are for in game, the other settings are for in the menus.

When testing with ETS2 I did a quick drive using this mod and it appeared to work fine, though I did not go so far as to do a full delivery, so things like fines, weigh stations, sleep notifications and such may end up popping up in the original location, as there are several ‘adviser_*.sii’ files in base.scs and I have only changed the ‘_oculus’ one here. There may be negative effects I haven't noticed due to not running a full delivery with it, so it may not be a perfect solution, however it does get the adviser out of your face.

Many thanks FateOfNorns for this solution.

Alternative gps_move mod from SCS forums.
Still works in ATS and ETS2 in 1.37. Mod link is in the 6th comment.

Thanks to Don Merpaw for the link.


Let's keep discussion in one place, so others can easily find and share info or ask questions. I'll be updating this first post with useful info/FAQ from the thread.
Laatst bewerkt door rusty_dragon; 25 mrt 2022 om 14:17
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Whoa, am I reading those dates right? Welcome to 2013!
Thanks for this though, there is nothing better than ATS/ETS2 in VR.
If you skip to the last page there are more recent updates.

I am still unclear if this works on the Vive right now, though.
What do you mean by 'this' ? There is no V1.29 update as of this morning for the oculus version. I bought the NM DLC and was denied. Sad face. Should be out soon I assume. Otherwise VR is about the same as ever, wonderfully immersive and like driving legally blind. Heh.
By "this" I meant ATS working on the Vive in general. I heard Vive/VR support was broken here but works in ETS. I haven't tried NM yet.
I was in ATS two nights ago in the Vive so unless they broke something recently...
Origineel geplaatst door cybermynd:
What do you mean by 'this' ? There is no V1.29 update as of this morning for the oculus version. I bought the NM DLC and was denied. Sad face. Should be out soon I assume. Otherwise VR is about the same as ever, wonderfully immersive and like driving legally blind. Heh.
From my experience with ETS2, VR builds been updated soon after stable version release.
Origineel geplaatst door Komfr:
The ATS oculus beta is now compatible with 1.29 and NM DLC.
Does it run any better than did a few months/a year ago? I haven't tried it in a while but last time (my specs are in my profile) it didn't run that well, and I honestly enjoyed it more with TrackIR on a monitor than with my Vive.
There are some tweaks you can do in the ATS config file. Mine is running pretty good on a mid-spec machine. Still low frame rate sometimes but I just kinda carry on regardless.
The cities are still absolute framerate KILLERS (especially in VR), unfortunately. Update didn't help there at all (for me anyway). Runs great for me everywhere but in and around the cities. A real bummer. Honestly, GTA 5 VR runs better for me on my (mostly) mid-spec rig!
Origineel geplaatst door Groovy Monster:
The cities are still absolute framerate KILLERS (especially in VR), unfortunately. Update didn't help there at all (for me anyway). Runs great for me everywhere but in and around the cities. A real bummer. Honestly, GTA 5 VR runs better for me on my (mostly) mid-spec rig!
Well honestly if SCS had Rockstar money I think ATS/ETS2 performance would be comparable.
I didn't have a problem with cities after I turned my 400% to 100% turned off Antialiasing and turned down my mirrors from high to medium
Today I tried ATS today with Oculus Rift and a GTX 1070. I'm experiencing time-warp effects on a regular basis. This makes VR unplayable for me - It makes me feel bad very soon.

It happens even with graphics set to the lowest preset. Any suggestions?

Running the oculus-beta-branch with the startup parameter "-oculus"
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