Fistful of Frags
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Yami 25 MAY 2023 a las 5:18 p. m.
How to Find More Servers to Play
Howdy all. With Rebel's current absence from the game, the official server browser has become relatively outdated. As an NA player, it is particularly damning seeing as only two relatively unmoderated servers are even shown, and neither of them offer default gameplay.

Accessing the full server browser

It's incredibly easy to access the "legacy" browser, and if you're used to most other older source games, it should be very familiar.

The "FIND SERVERS" button on the left will open you up to the browser. On first press, it will warn you that this browser is controlled primarily through Steam, and thus may show less than ideal servers. The biggest perpetrator leading to this warning has successfully been banned from the list however, so all remaining servers should be safe. I will list some known safe servers at the end of this, however.

Even with a new account I can't see what happens when you press the button for the first time, but if my memory serves me correctly you either have to press the warning or just wait a few seconds and press it again. Henceforth it will work as expected.

If the FIND SERVERS button doesn't appear or lacks text, ensure you don't have any mods altering the menu UI, fonts, etc. If you still don't see it but run the game in a different language, try switching it to English and seeing if the text displays then. Please report any bugs like this in the Bug Reports thread, preferably with your language and operating system, and we'll try and help resolve any issues.

Using the full server browser

If you're not already familiar with this browser, it may be somewhat confusing. You have a significant amount of control, but really only need to use a little bit of it. I've included a TL:DR at the bottom of this section.

The first important part are the tabs at the top. "Internet" is likely the tab you'll use the most, as that will show all of the available servers. "Friends" is also an important tab to note. Right clicking a server in the list will allow you to add it to your favorites, and display it in the corresponding tab at the top.

Just below that are the titles for each of the columns of the menu. Clicking on these will sort the list according to whatever you clicked on. E.g. clicking on "Servers (#)" will sort alphabetically, players will sort by players, etc. The icons on the left show whether the server has a password (padlock) and if it is VAC protected (shield) respectively.

Below that are the filters. For FoF, you mostly don't have to mess around with these. They're mostly self-explanatory, just keep in mind you can't filter by server name; the search bar searches by Tags , which can be seen at the far right of the browser. Only a few servers actually make use of these, however.

One of the most important buttons is at the bottom, "Refresh All". I make it a habit to press this every time I open the browser, just to ensure that it is showing the most correct information. Allow it to fully load before messing around in the browser more (there's normally ~70-100 servers depending on what is up at any given moment).

TL;DR / Quick Guide:
Press "Refresh All" at the bottom right and let it fully load to make sure the list is accurate. Sort by players by pressing the "Players" title in the middle top, and take note of the Latency column to connect to the best possible server (lower latency = better).

Trustworthy Servers & North American Options

As an American player, I can't speak too much for all EU servers, as I try to avoid playing on them unless I have to, so I will mostly focus on NA servers. I will make note of EU and other region servers that I am personally aware of and know are trustworthy. Me not including a server doesn't immediately mean it's not trustworthy. If you're concerned, please make a post here or ask in the Saloon or FoFCL discords. Some servers also have their own discords you might be able to ask in, such as roni's, Kyekful, etc., but that's less advisable.

Servers are listed purely arbitrarily by the order I see them in the list as I write this

NA (North American) Servers
  • Saloon Servers (Formerly WeaselsLair): A good set of well moderated servers hosted ~east coast USA. They offer slightly custom gameplay, such as removed horses on default maps, some custom maps, and toggle-able audio changes (e.g. killstreak sounds).

  • Kyekful: A well moderated set of mostly default servers hosted in west coast USA. They offer both default and Classic mode, and run some custom maps. Offers the Juggernaut gamemode.

  • ACG: A poorly moderated group of somewhat custom servers. Gun Game is relatively normal, though they have their own version that is longer. Their 4TS server is still hosting ghost town mode from Halloween of 2021. Take that as you will. They are hosted ~east coast USA.

  • Skooma's Shoothouse: These used to be a more popular set of servers but went down for a while. I'm unsure of their current moderation status, but it was good last time they were around. They offer 100 tick servers and a customized gun game mode ("Gun Game 2.0").

EU (European) Servers
I know very little about these servers, so I will be avoiding giving descriptions unless something is very important, so as to not accidentally provide misleading or incorrect information.
  • phporyx

  • GamingHirsch

  • Saloon Servers: These are primarily used for the Saloon's Weekly Whiskey Passing events at the moment.

  • Casual Fistful of Frags Server: First off, this is not the "official" Fistful of Frags server, as some people seem to think. Fistful of Frags has no officially run servers. Casual is highly unmoderated to the point of allowing hackers to play freely and actively censors some swears, while allowing many slurs. The server is not actively dangerous to you, however it may not be an enjoyable experience depending on your expectations. Connect at your own risk.

SA (South American) Servers
  • Far West Brazil: As far as I'm aware this is the only server in this region. They offer some somewhat highly modded gameplay with fully custom player models, but I think these might be opt-in from the Steam Workshop? No promises. I can't speak for the size of the mod team but the owner is active and easily accessible in the Saloon discord server.

Asia / Oceania Servers
  • 4th World: A variable mix of servers, offering custom maps and the One Shot Kill custom gamemode. I believe they have an active moderation team/owner, but these servers are not playable for me given my region so I cannot say for sure.

  • Blank's Servers: Another East Asian option with what looks to be an active owner and a variety of standard gamemodes available.
Given the small number I think it is worth explicitly mentioning additional servers are available in this region, however I do not know anything about these servers. It is my understanding China in particular has its own community (see General (International)), so I'd advise asking there if you can and need help.


USE THE "FIND SERVERS" BUTTON TO CONNECT TO SERVERS BEYOND THOSE SHOWN TO YOU! Players will almost only join safe servers, and the servers that used to cause issues have been banned. It is safer than ever to use this option. For North American players in particular, this is the ONLY way to connect to Kyekful and Skooma's Shootout servers AT ALL, and the only way to connect to ACG gamemodes beyond gun game.
Última edición por Yami; 11 ENE 2024 a las 11:12 a. m.
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Mostrando 1-13 de 13 comentarios
米塔 26 MAY 2023 a las 3:34 a. m. 
Korean server called "Blank's server" is also efficient, which provides some convenience to East Asian players.

The owner of server:
Yami 26 MAY 2023 a las 7:16 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por BOT Psevdesthisi:
Korean server called "Blank's server" is also efficient, which provides some convenience to East Asian players.

The owner of server:

Added, thank you for letting me know ^^
[S³] Judge Ⓢ 26 MAY 2023 a las 8:52 a. m. 
Good work my friend, your thread will take the spot of the old Server Performance thread.

Thanks for you efforts, they are very much appreciated.
Austino Inc. 13 FEB 2024 a las 3:19 p. m. 
Hi all,

In light of the recent post made on the wider FoF announcement board, I thought I would chime in and add my server. Largely vanilla shootout with a narrow map rotation. Unfortunately unmoderated. Hosted in the United Kingdom, with acceptable ping throughout North Europe. No advertisements, ranks or plugins.

Larger game network is being worked on as a hobby project. Am willing to take suggestions and feedback. Send them to contact[at]austino[dot]net.

Game can be found at austino[dot]net:27035 - present in server list too, search for "Austino" - cheers, and enjoy :)
RUSHB 16 FEB 2024 a las 10:44 a. m. 
Hi I started hosting a server a few months ago (RUSHB's server, hosted in France).
It's not moderated and runs on a cheap VPS that I don't use a lot, don't know how it'll handle many people but like the one above, there's no advertisements, ranks or plugins.

The only configuration I did was to put all the bots with AXES only (without changing their other stats) because axe is the best.
Rex Stetson 7 JUN 2024 a las 3:59 a. m. 
Hello! I'm looking to get back into the game I love after a ten year absence, please recommend good Australian servers of you know them. Thank you very much for this thread OP.
[S³] Judge Ⓢ 7 JUN 2024 a las 1:23 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Rex Stetson:
Hello! I'm looking to get back into the game I love after a ten year absence, please recommend good Australian servers of you know them. Thank you very much for this thread OP.


FDCP is a good server for ya, some Aussies gather there from time to time.

You might wanna get in touch with the Australian FoF community so you can get some matches going, a good place to start is their very own Discord. :)

Pass the whiskey!
blong 1 OCT 2024 a las 9:47 a. m. 
Hi, just wanted to note the GamingHirsch servers rebranded to GamingKamel
Matom 3 OCT 2024 a las 9:22 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por blong:
Hi, just wanted to note the GamingHirsch servers rebranded to GamingKamel
I'm banned there. :steamsad:
Pinecone the Lynx 5 OCT 2024 a las 12:34 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Matom:
Publicado originalmente por blong:
Hi, just wanted to note the GamingHirsch servers rebranded to GamingKamel
I'm banned there. :steamsad:
Omg twinsiesss :steamhappy:
blong 5 OCT 2024 a las 4:38 p. m. 
I can't find your ban lynx :gordon:
Pinecone the Lynx 5 OCT 2024 a las 8:14 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por blong:
I can't find your ban lynx :gordon:
ah it appears i am illiterate and missread the server name
76561198160712672 19 DIC 2024 a las 1:05 p. m. 
Can we have the old source menu back.
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