Dragon Eclipse

Dragon Eclipse

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
a.zasadny  [developer] 24 Jun @ 6:15am
General feedback discussion
"This is the best place to share your comments and impressions with us. It is very important to us that the game meets your expectations, and we will strive to improve it in the coming months. Your feedback will help us determine the right directions for further work. Thank you in advance!
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Showing 1-15 of 49 comments
Is the game in Chinese? The demo game I played has Chinese, but the steam store shows no Chinese
a.zasadny  [developer] 24 Jun @ 6:46am 
Now EA will just have English, but new languages will arrive soon.
Ulmoofthedeep 24 Jun @ 2:23pm 
Early thoughts: I think this game has some legs as a rogue-lite deckbuilder. I love the mistlings, I love how each brings one card and special ability, as well as upgrading capability. I like that each mistling doesn't carry it's own deck that is all shuffled together - it's been done before. I like that the cards can trigger any mistling.

A few QoL improvements I would like to see:
1. Movement on map feels clanky and slow. If I'm going to run the game 100 times, I want to move from battle to battle quickly, or I will get bored. One feature that I've found very useful is quick teleportation if you run down a corridor to fight a battle or hit a building, and have to go back to a different branch (Chrono Ark does this very well)
2. You chose the route of exploration, as opposed to nodes (such as Slay the Spire). I tend to like this better - it helps me get more invested and feel more like I'm in the game - but I would like to be able to see the map, (aka - a camera movement separate from a few potential design spaces for this method: hidden/secret areas, a larger space with different terrain for different types of battles, places that can affect other places (like a building that strengthens the next battle, so you can prepare for the tough ones)

I'm super excited to see what you come up with (and am also super excited for the kickstarted board game - that's how I came to this one). Will try to share more ideas and reviews as I play more
Skonax 24 Jun @ 5:48pm 
I'll add my 2 cents on feedback too (will update this post with more so I don't fill it up with my comments.)

1. One of the creatures in the game (will call them creatures since I can't remember what they are called) has a talent that gains attack equal to cards in hand, but the problem I saw was that your hand is discarded before the auto-battle stuff happens (attacking, etc.), and said creature attacks for no damage whatsoever since you have no cards in hand when they attack. For this problem, I recommend that your hand is discarded after everyone auto-attacks so that the creature has some power to attack with if he at the front of your line and/or the last creature you have alive.

2. The UI screen for combats needs the following improvements,

A. A button to tell you who attacks what when you end your turn of playing cards. Currently, I have to double and triple check to see how much damage each creature is taking each turn so that none of my own creatures are dying if the turn ends, and with no damage previews of how much damage each person takes (let alone what is being targeted for attacks), someone can easily missed something to see if an enemy is dying, etc.

B. A combat log. With so many "attack random enemy" effects in this game and the animations happen at the speed of light, I can't ever keep track of how much damage someone took in 1 second of animation without a combat log, and if one of my creatures died, I can't tell what the source was with the animations happening so fast.

C. When playing cards, right-clicking on the mouse should let you back out of confirming you want it played. I already seen that if you click a card that requires no target, the game can play it automatically if you didn't intent to play it and I seen no way to back out of that card currently if I clicked it by accident. In addition, even if you do select a target, the game treats it as you want it played on the creature without me clicking a 2nd time. I think that the ways cards are played is that clicking them once and/or clicking and dragging plays it, but I don't like that way since I like to click a 2nd time to play the card, not dragging it out of my hand to confirm and/or clicking it once. (To summarize, clicking the card once, selecting a target if any, and clicking it a 2nd time to confirm is what I want to do with the cards, not click once and the card is played.)

As for bugs:

3. When the game says that an enemy with get wrath, it doesn't display the tooltip for wrath at all.
I still cant get passed first stage and I have played so many a like games.
Skonax 24 Jun @ 9:27pm 
Originally posted by Lives4trauma:
I still cant get passed first stage and I have played so many a like games.

Same here. I did a few runs already and still can't beat normal difficulty despite all of the meta progression at this point.
Star 25 Jun @ 8:40am 
I'd say the main thing the game needs is just more enemy variety. Currently there are enemies that only can get hit hard every four turns, enemies that trigger something when they die, and the one enemy with thorns (also the one enemy with lifesteal, but their health is so low that it doesn't matter too much). More way you need to approach things is the biggest thing a game like this tends to want. Could eventually cause problems with it being hard to prepare for all the possibilities, but there are ways to narrow the possibilities for a given run or node if that becomes an issue I would think.

That auto-activation happens after enemies attack also makes some activation's a bit awkward (looking at the relic that gives shields when an activation happens especially), but maybe the activation happening before enemies get to attack would be too strong. Your auto attack happening after enemies makes enough sense though.

The game could really use some form of way to keep count of what difficulty you've beaten with who. At the least for each character and each Mystling, but ideally knowing what Mystlings you've won with for each individual character on what difficulty. Would really give higher encouragement to experiment with all the possible combinations if it was logged somewhere that you had done so.
Last edited by Star; 25 Jun @ 8:40am
There needs to be more utility cards and effects, ie/different characters have different deck pools or each pet gives a different deck pool, cause right now every run feels same-ish there is hardly any difference between runs making the game feel very bland when repeated.

Edit: utility mean cards that do things outside of just "attack, activate, draw"
Last edited by IcyPhoenix; 25 Jun @ 4:24pm
Heyho, I think the game is overall in a good starting shape.

I have beaten Stage 1 - 3 in about 5 runs and here comes the problem that bugs me the most: Map variety.

I have fun testing out the new mystlings and tamers but the maps are kinda boring after 2 - 3 runs. It would be neat if there are different Bioms with different enemys. So for example Fire beasts in a vulcano land and water beasts at the sea.

And it would be cool, if you could proceed to another level after beating the first boss. It is so much fun when your team finally clicks and then it is over because the final boss fight comes so soon. I feel like the final boss at the moment should be boss 1 out of 4 or 5 and not the final stage.

Of course the mystlings should then also be able to reach level 3 / 4. No clue if they can do that already.
Last edited by Kathrin Baka; 26 Jun @ 2:52am
I very much enjoy the overall concept and art direction of the game. There are some current sticking points I would like to see addressed.

1. The village, specifically the cook. I don't think the tutorial tells you that she provides a free provision before each run. But worse, you get it from the book beside her character, rather than from her. Which is unintuitive.

2. Others have mentioned enemy variety, and I will second that. It's a little dull at the moment as each run has you facing the same enemies repeatedly.

3. The map. Why can't I see the map and plan my route? If you don't want to show the entire map, at least give the camera a little rubber-banding so we can we plan a little.

4. Current card pool variety is lacking and forces lineups into the same builds. Cards and upgrades taking up the same resources (berries) also feels bad. Perhaps at least discount one card after each battle, or make it free. I keep ending up playing the same cards over and over and over. And they're not very good or exciting cards a lot of the times.

5. The final fight before the boss is mostly pointless. Since I don't get the chance to use the gold I get from it to heal or buy any upgrades/cards. I think it's supposed to be there for that exact reason, to go into the boss fight a little tenderized. But I just take an easy fight where I'm already so juiced I just one-shot everyone and take no damage. So what was the point? Gold and berries don't carry over as far as I can tell, so just a little tiny extra XP? I would much rather have another go at the map before facing the boss so I can feel prepared. Especially as bosses will likely change and get more varied over time. I hope.
would be great if the overworld avatar changed depending on which tamer your playing as
Belobin 27 Jun @ 1:30pm 
For the first days of an early access ok. I see the potential. But its a lot of work to do.
Most of the cards you can purchase for mystberries are crap. Itrs better you reject almost all cards exept 2 few, unattached what mistlings or character you are playing. The cards and relics (or whatever they are called) are totally random. So the extremes are: They can fit your gameply and you rock the game or you can get things you dont need at all.
Till now i had a few runs. I've cose the different mystlings you can get at the beginning with a new "run". So i was a bit surprised, that i unlocked a mystling with an egg i had chosen in this run. That made no sense for me. After 3 runs i crossed fingers in all all runs to get specific cards or relics, fitting my myslings and/or already chosen relics. I won if they came. And lost the endgame if they didnt appear. And i knew it before the end battle had begun. Very frustrating.
As an example: I played with glutaeus (or whatever itrs name ist, the healer/tank mystling) if you get the relic for him with +3 shield everytime you get a shield, some shield 20 cards in the early game and upgrade or double them at this shack in combination with the doubled shield card and you get the opportunity to purchase the card that makes damage equal to your shield value,.. .then you will rock it definitively. If you dont get the right card or relic by coincidence, you will lose. Pure luck. And what i said: very frustrating.
Like i said. It's better to skip most cards for a stremlined hand. With too many useless cards you will lose. If the right card won't come: you lose. It depends way too much on luck if you will win or lose.
Spontaniously i have no idea how to make minimize the luck in getting cards/relics.

After a few hours i think i've seen almost all content so far. I would like to see more useable cards and look forward to rty out new combos with the mystlings. But so far, the game feels very uncomplete und frustrating. I know its an early access an have hopes for it.

I've been thinking about supporting the board game on Gamefound for a long time. The fact that I had the feeling i know the mechanics so quickly and also had the feeling that I had exhausted the game, together with the impression that winning or losing depends far too much on luck, keeps me from getting into GameFoundCampaign.
anyone else having issues booting up? i just get stuck on the screen with the three monsters and music playing...
Karma 27 Jun @ 11:24pm 
Love the game but would it be possible to change the movement so that the movement keys override each other (when holding w and pressing d while it's held you move right instead of moving up)
jekusol 28 Jun @ 6:59am 
Originally posted by fanshuishui:
Is the game in Chinese? The demo game I played has Chinese, but the steam store shows no Chinese
YES,PLS add Chinese
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