Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

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Game just randomly broke on me
Game worked fine yesterday, started it up today and loaded up my save file, game was zoomed in and wouldn't play any sound until I clicked on the game, after that click the sound would slowly fade out again. I also couldn't zoom out or do any other thing, all I could do was move and mostly it would require me to spam click.

Had to furiously click the menu button to get out of it and after that every button had the same problem, tried restarting the game, restarting my pc, verifying files, reinstalling, changing to a different version. Basically nothing I can think of works.
Originally posted by Sarayu_TW:
Hey, were you able to fix this with a clean install? If you're still running into issues and get a crash report window, please upload it and share the crash ID here so I can check out the details.

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Teralitha 15 Feb @ 11:21am 
Things to try:

1. Reboot PC
2. Steam verify files.
3. Properly cleaned reinstall, see tech support help topics above on how to do that.
Last edited by Teralitha; 16 Feb @ 5:19am
A moderator of this forum has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Hey, were you able to fix this with a clean install? If you're still running into issues and get a crash report window, please upload it and share the crash ID here so I can check out the details.

My apologies kind of forgot that I posted this after I found the solution.

Apparently the moment I switched from borderless windowed mode to fullscreen the issue fixed it self, switched it back afterwards and it still worked fine.

I have no idea why my issue happened in the first place since I played weeks before on borderless windowed mode.
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