Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Discipline Timer Bug :( Any help? I really wanted to play this game.
Hi, im using the 8.7 unofficial patch on a fresh install. Everything works fine (it seems) EXCEPT ONE THING; seemingly a random amount of time after starting the game, the ability timer STOPS WORKING. The timer STILL COUNTS DOWN, but the bar on the lower left side of the screen is just black.

So you cant tell when the timer's gonna run out unless ur counting it in ur head (which is a serious problem if ur in a long fight and need/want 2 or more buffs constantly running. Auto renew in options help, but I cannot cancel the buff before it runs out in the last moment to avoid paying for it (in blood) unnecessarily when I dont need it anymore).

FURTHERMORE; I have found the same bug report with the unofficial patch here on the steam forums (its exactly the same problem - but the other dude was running an older version of the patch). Here is the link:

This is really so sad for me, as I really love the game, and i am impressed that i can run a 10 year old game on my system with the help of an unofficial patch. I also spent a huge amount of time deciding on which vampire clan to choose and which powers to boot, and read-up on strategies and background store, and than WHAM! I can't really play the game anymore like this :(
< >
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Krelian 30. Sep. 2013 um 13:52 
Just an update, before i forget. I tested it, and my earlier saves do not have the problem, while my later saves DO, so if anybody is interested in it, i can send / email my saves to you so u can see the problem urself (if its any help in troubleshooting etc the problem). Cheers,
That's odd. I've seen the timer go black before, but it didn't run out, it's more like it got stuck on zero.

Start a new character (make sure to check the "Skip Intro" checkbox) and then fire off a discipline and see if you can see the timer.

Another thing to consider is that it could be one of your items. Try dropping all the items in your inventory. Perhaps it is one of your weapons, since you said it happens a random amount of time. Or maybe it depends on activating some specific discipline.

Also, for what it's worth, if you activate a discipline before the timer expires, the time gets *stacked* onto your current timer. So, for example, you're obfuscated, feeding on some guy, your blood pool is maxed but he has like four blood points left - you can activate Obfuscate four more times while feeding (as long as Obfuscate was already started; it is the only discipline that cannot be activated when feeding)

I usually stack disciplines like this before a big fight (finally, a good use for that Odious Chalice). I think my record for a single run of Auspex is like five minutes, haha.
Krelian 30. Sep. 2013 um 14:25 
Cheers for the reply.
-When I start a new character, the timer works as normal, but eventually, it gets bugged again. (Just as i explained above).
-As im still pretty early in the game (with all the characters i tried) i have no unique or special items to speak of, im afraid.
-Equipping, unequipping weapons doesnt seem to make a change. Furthermore, even if I only keep the 3 tutorial weapons on me the entire time, and only speak to npcs / go in and out houses (and so on and so on) EVENTUALLY the bug happens as usual (I mean the discipline timer bug that I mentioned in my opening post).
-i am playing as a ventrue, but also tried other clans and the discipline timer bug seems to be persistent no matter what, it just eventually RANDOMLY happens (RANDOM, as in i cannot tell exactly when it begins or what I do that makes it start).
You had some very interesting pointers here, and i appriciate your advice:) But im afraid im still stuck with the same bug :(
It's a pure fresh install with only the UP? No other patches or models installed before or after UP?

Does the bug only start to happen once you've talked to a certain NPC, or visited a certain area? Can you try increasing or decreasing your resolution, graphics details, shadows, Level of Detail, etc and see if the issue is solved? Can you try updating our video card drivers?

Dare I suggest - have you tried a reboot? What OS?
I seem to get something similar when the game loads a area transition or after loading a saved game with a active discipline.
Ahhh, I remember reading something about "don't save your game with an active discipline timer"...somewhere. But I did it and had no problem, so I just ignored it. But thrashie is right - make sure you kill your discipline timers before saving.
Well, restarts (as u guys could have guessed :D) didnt solve the issue. Changing options etc doesn't help, either. Videocard drivers and so on are updated.

Created several new characters and SPECIFICALLY avoided saving when using skills or taking any sort of in-game action (besides standing still), and STILL NO DICE (the problem persists).

Created yet another new character. Finished tutorial. Stayed at my santa monica home, saved than QUIT the game. I reloaded the save and SO FAR NO PROBLEMS (discipline timer is working normally)

I was happy.

THE NEXT DAY, i reloaded the VERY SAME SAVE-GAME THAT worked the last time, still in my apartment. Tried a discipline again, AND BAM! The discipline timer is broken once more.

The same thing also happens in tutorial if you linger around enough, eventually.

So, i completly deleted the game via steam. But i also deleted the registery files, and the files that steam had left behind.

After a restart, I FRESHLY re-installed the game, but this time, I only applied the unofficial patch (NOT the plus version).

Finished the tutorial with no problems. Arrived at my apartment and scoured for items etc. Everything was working as normal. Saved. Back to the game, reload, and disciplines are still working as intended,
Quit the game happily, thinking that I have finally gotten rid of the bug.
A few Days later, i reload that very save-game that was functioning so well.
I try bloodbuff to open a lock in the apartment (neighbor's house, right in front of my own door).
And suddenly, the bloodboff timer is blacked out..........I tried Another timed skill, and it was blacked out as well.

I am confused, cold, hungry and angry. Ok, maybe not cold and hungry (so things could be worse, right? :D) But I AM sad, lol.
I dunno how to solve this problem anymore.
As a last resort, I would try the SPUF board for VtMB. Wesp doesn't read this discussion board. He may have some clue.

I honestly don't know what to tell you. I'm at my wits end on this.
Serket 14. Okt. 2023 um 2:05 
It's been a decade. Still no dice on a fix I'm afraid.
Serket 14. Okt. 2023 um 2:36 
Edit: I did not find it.... The Restart command basically ruins your instance. It makes you a level 1 male Brujah and completely messes up the world and your inventory. So.... still no fix...

It's been a decade and I found it! OH MY GOD!

Tl;dr, Press ~ to open the console. Run the restart command. It'll place you at the starting location of the area (do it indoors, just in case starting locations get weird) and the bug will be fixed.

To be specific on what glitch I was having. I was playing the game. Most recent update. Steam version. Fresh install. Just got Unnoficial Patch 11.4 off of Nexus.

Got to the point where I had to get the Werewolf Blood from the hospital. Used Auspex and Obfuscate. The duration bar was completely empty upon triggering the ability. It ran out its normal duration and ended.

I could not find a fix for the life of me, and this fix was nowhere to be found.

I pressed ~ to open up the console and started fishing around for commands. I found one called restart, and hit enter. It reloaded the game entirely, and set me to the starting location of the area I was in (I was in the hospital). I tried using Auspex, and the bar was back to normal!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Serket; 14. Okt. 2023 um 2:41
Ursprünglich geschrieben von SerketTheScorpion:
Edit: I did not find it.... The Restart command basically ruins your instance. It makes you a level 1 male Brujah and completely messes up the world and your inventory. So.... still no fix...

It's been a decade and I found it! OH MY GOD!

Tl;dr, Press ~ to open the console. Run the restart command. It'll place you at the starting location of the area (do it indoors, just in case starting locations get weird) and the bug will be fixed.

To be specific on what glitch I was having. I was playing the game. Most recent update. Steam version. Fresh install. Just got Unnoficial Patch 11.4 off of Nexus.

Got to the point where I had to get the Werewolf Blood from the hospital. Used Auspex and Obfuscate. The duration bar was completely empty upon triggering the ability. It ran out its normal duration and ended.

I could not find a fix for the life of me, and this fix was nowhere to be found.

I pressed ~ to open up the console and started fishing around for commands. I found one called restart, and hit enter. It reloaded the game entirely, and set me to the starting location of the area I was in (I was in the hospital). I tried using Auspex, and the bar was back to normal!
Thank you so much
Is there an easy way to save my character's stats, inventory, faction standings, etc so I don't need to manually enter it all?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von grade a; noob; 25. Jan. 2024 um 20:53
Serket 25. Jan. 2024 um 21:21 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von grade a noob:
Thank you so much
Is there an easy way to save my character's stats, inventory, faction standings, etc so I don't need to manually enter it all?

I don't think it's possible to save it, but I also didn't know you could manually change all of that!

One worry I have (I haven't played the game since giving up on this bug) is that quest or story progress may be messed up.
Wesp5 26. Jan. 2024 um 1:56 
Restart is not a good command to help you if you are stuck because it resets alls stats and takes away all items. A better command is showmapscreen from where you can move to another location. The missing timer usually comes back once you enter a new map!
Serket 26. Jan. 2024 um 11:39 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Wesp5:
Restart is not a good command to help you if you are stuck because it resets alls stats and takes away all items. A better command is showmapscreen from where you can move to another location. The missing timer usually comes back once you enter a new map!

I'll have to try that one out.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Wesp5:
Restart is not a good command to help you if you are stuck because it resets alls stats and takes away all items. A better command is showmapscreen from where you can move to another location. The missing timer usually comes back once you enter a new map!
When I use showmapscreen the map only displays Santa Monica and I can't select it.
I also tried map [mapname] but that removed all my stats and inventory like reset did.

Also, I tried just taking the taxi out of the area I was in when the glitch started to a new one but that didn't fix it.

Is there a way to get all of my character info out of a save file, use the reset command, save game, then put the character info back into the save file?

EDIT: ok after a changing maps more than once without using commands (three I think) the bug fixed itself
Zuletzt bearbeitet von grade a; noob; 28. Jan. 2024 um 19:28
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Geschrieben am: 30. Sep. 2013 um 13:47
Beiträge: 16