Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Foxy Boxes key nowhere to be found
There's supposed to be a key to Foxy Boxes in the morgue, but it's not there. I'm using the Unofficial Patch 11.5. Is there a console command to just create it? Or unlock the door?
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Wesp5 14 Oct, 2023 @ 11:50pm 
Have you found out about Crumb in the Krimeputer or did you skip that part because you used a walkthrough or similar? Because you need to do that in the latest 11.5 plus patch.
katsuragi 19 Oct, 2023 @ 1:08am 
If there wasn't a body in the morgue then there won't be anything in the box.
zonker39 28 Oct, 2023 @ 3:19pm 
As far as I know you always needed to look for Victor Crumb the same way you looked for the guy Lily was associated with in the Krimeputer.
Siper 23 Nov, 2023 @ 6:22pm 
You need to check for Crumb, V. on Kilpatrick's "Krimeputer" (same story as the Lily sidequest), then go to the morgue to make the Crumb's body appear.
Saint_SA 15 Feb @ 8:18am 
Go to Kilpatrick's Bail Bonds and to the Krime-Puter against the back wall, and search a-f then crumb, v

Go to club The Asylum, head upstairs and talk to the dude in the corner with the grey sports jacket, Knox. He will give you a Drivers license.

Go back to Kilpatrick's Bail Bonds and to the Krime-Puter against the back wall, and search a-f then crumb, v

New information about a body at the morgue will be updated on the system.

Head to the Blood Bank and into the Morgue room. A body will be on the gurney and you'll find a ring and Foxy Boxes keycard in the chest.
Shadow 15 Feb @ 11:42am 
You use the Krimeputer to cast a spell that kills Victor Crumb and instantly teleports his body to the local morgue. There an unpaid intern will diligently remove his belongings and place them in a nearby box, which conveniently consists of nothing but a keycard for the warehouse where the guy you're actually looking for just happens to be hiding. Then the intern will run off somewhere where you won't see him by the time you get to the morgue to retrieve the keycard.
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