Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Is there anything I should do for optimal playing experience?
I've seen the Unofficial Patch. I'm guessing by how prevalent it is it's the preferred way to play the game.

Is there anything else I *should* do? I know a lot of these, "older" games need a little bit of help running on modern systems. More than once I've been turned off a game by having to restart a playthrough half-way because I actually needed to install a third party client or else the game can't load the second half or some other such poor luck.
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No run the game with unofficial patch however you will need to start a new game anytime you download a new verison of the patch
Dernière modification de Neopatra; 5 déc. 2024 à 21h45
Hux 5 déc. 2024 à 23h11 
Д а н к о в с к и й a écrit :
I've seen the Unofficial Patch. I'm guessing by how prevalent it is it's the preferred way to play the game.

Is there anything else I *should* do? I know a lot of these, "older" games need a little bit of help running on modern systems. More than once I've been turned off a game by having to restart a playthrough half-way because I actually needed to install a third party client or else the game can't load the second half or some other such poor luck.

The Unofficial Patch is what allows you to run the game on a modern machine. When you run the installer it will give you a choice for either basic or plus patch. Basic fixed most of the bugs and gives you pretty much the vanilla experience. Plus adds some content that never made it into the original game. Be sure to read the readme file provided with the patch.

Here is a guide:

To run through steam add to start options: -game Unofficial_Patch
Dernière modification de Hux; 5 déc. 2024 à 23h16
It should work fine. If it fails, Steam Guide time.
dont play as one of the weird clans like malkavian or nosferatu on your first playthrough... just be a ventrue lol
Aidan a écrit :
dont play as one of the weird clans like malkavian or nosferatu on your first playthrough... just be a ventrue lol

Was playing as a Nosferatu in my friend's VtM game and wanted to try it here, that'll have to be a replay
Aidan a écrit :
dont play as one of the weird clans like malkavian or nosferatu on your first playthrough... just be a ventrue lol

Was playing as a Nosferatu in my friend's VtM game and wanted to try it here, that'll have to be a replay
Play as whichever one you want. You'll need to remember things in the game, maybe use a notebook if you have a bad memory.

Was playing as a Nosferatu in my friend's VtM game and wanted to try it here, that'll have to be a replay
Play as whichever one you want. You'll need to remember things in the game, maybe use a notebook if you have a bad memory.

Already regretting not keeping notes. I was like "Oh yeah I can keep that info in my brain" but it turns out she's looser than fat man's elastic waistband.

Question for folks here, I investigated the murder on the docks the first day and the journal says, "You didn't find anything important" but I did because I saw a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ werewolf howling over the pier. Did I miss evidence or someone I was supposed to talk I wandered around and didn't find anything and it suddenly updated the quest status to saying I hadn't. I'm just now thinking, maybe if I had higher investigation?
Wesp5 12 déc. 2024 à 10h27 
The "werewolf" will reveal itself later to you.
Play as whichever one you want. You'll need to remember things in the game, maybe use a notebook if you have a bad memory.

Already regretting not keeping notes. I was like "Oh yeah I can keep that info in my brain" but it turns out she's looser than fat man's elastic waistband.

Question for folks here, I investigated the murder on the docks the first day and the journal says, "You didn't find anything important" but I did because I saw a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ werewolf howling over the pier. Did I miss evidence or someone I was supposed to talk I wandered around and didn't find anything and it suddenly updated the quest status to saying I hadn't. I'm just now thinking, maybe if I had higher investigation?

How's the notebook doing? Recommend sectioning it out. Also, you can go back and look at your emails / computer thingd later, something to note.
Lee 14 déc. 2024 à 17h46 
Д а н к о в с к и й a écrit :
I've seen the Unofficial Patch. I'm guessing by how prevalent it is it's the preferred way to play the game.

Is there anything else I *should* do? I know a lot of these, "older" games need a little bit of help running on modern systems. More than once I've been turned off a game by having to restart a playthrough half-way because I actually needed to install a third party client or else the game can't load the second half or some other such poor luck.

don't go outside when it's daytime
None joke answer: be sure to have at least a little invested in combat skills.

The Clans also lean towards certain specialties depending on their 'Disciplines' or vampire magic powers.

Brujah: Melee & offense part of combat. (IMHO dull as dirt, but powerful.)

Gangrel: Brawl aka unarmed combat. But one of the more flexible Clans if you want out of that claw rending. My personal fav, and what I recommend for a first run since they have great offence & defense right out of the tutorial, as long as you invest in their unique Protean discipline.

Toredor: Ranged combat & social stuff.

Tremere: MAGIC WIZARD LADS~! (Blood magic. Very fun, but messy playstyle. #2 rec, personally.)

Ventrue: Social, social and even more social, with a side of defense. Can't eat rats.

Cool but not recommended for a first run:

Malkavian. BONKERS. As in, crazy, crazy. Very different take on social magic, and all the dialogue is rewritten so great replay choice but confusing as heck first run.

Nosferatu: So ugly people can tell you're a monster. THE stealth specalist, and quite potent. But could be tricky as a first run.

And no matter what you pick, I'd strongly recommend getting the PLUS version of the fan patch.

It makes a lot of changes, but nothing you'll notice on a first run. But that first run is a LOT smoother vs even the Basic version of the patch that tries to keep things vanilla.

Gangrel & Tremere especially got quite a lot of tweaks in the Plus Patch to make them more fun, because both Clans were a bit scuffed in vanilla. Still fun, but scuffed.
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