Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

barracuda 15 out. 2024 às 6:11
Which config file to tweak?
I'm trying to add some console commands to the config files, so I don't need to type them every time I start the game. I'm using the GOG version, adding the Unnoficial Patch 11.5 basic.

Specifically, it'as some tweak to movement speed:

sv_runscale 0.7
sv_walkscale 4.0
sv_friction 7

However, I tried adding it to autoexec.cfg and user.cfg, but it doesn't work (config.cfg is not useful because it gets overwritten every time). I tried with and without quotes (sv_runscale "0.7"), doesn't work both ways.

I added another tweak to user.cfg (to bind Shift to toggle walk/run) and it worked, so I would expect that this is the file to tweak.

I'm also trying to tweak some hotkeys, and I see that the syntaxe is different. In user.cfg they work without quotes (e.g. bind SHIFT walk) and in config.cgf/default.cfg, it appears with quotes (bind "SHIFT" "walk").
Última alteração por barracuda; 15 out. 2024 às 6:16
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Wesp5 15 out. 2024 às 7:00 
You could edit default.cfg which will then update config.cfg...
barracuda 15 out. 2024 às 7:54 
Originalmente postado por Wesp5:
You could edit default.cfg which will then update config.cfg...

Didn't work either. What is supposed to be the hierachy? I've read that the first one to be load is autoexec, then default, then config. I guess user is the last one, and the last overrides the previous?

In any case, none is working with the lines I'm trying (with or without quotes), strange
Última alteração por barracuda; 15 out. 2024 às 7:56
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