J.U.L.I.A.: Among the Stars

J.U.L.I.A.: Among the Stars

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gaoxt1983 13 Sep, 2014 @ 10:39am
Is there a walkthrough?
I can only find old ones, which not suit for new one...
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
SLR 13 Sep, 2014 @ 12:24pm 
seriously? :)
gaoxt1983 13 Sep, 2014 @ 6:06pm 
Originally posted by SLR:
seriously? :)
I'm stuck with building modules and working with a table of a stone statue
Last edited by gaoxt1983; 13 Sep, 2014 @ 6:08pm
Mark 13 Sep, 2014 @ 6:13pm 
Here it is but try not to use it unless your really stuck. Walkthroughs can be so tempting. LOL

JanKavan  [developer] 13 Sep, 2014 @ 6:16pm 
Walkthroughs tend to make the games seem too short. But to each their own, I guess. Much better to ask for a hint. ;)
gaoxt1983 13 Sep, 2014 @ 6:19pm 
404 permission denied...
Originally posted by phototime:
Here it is but try not to use it unless your really stuck. Walkthroughs can be so tempting. LOL

Mark 13 Sep, 2014 @ 7:09pm 
Originally posted by gaoxt1983:
404 permission denied...
Originally posted by phototime:
Here it is but try not to use it unless your really stuck. Walkthroughs can be so tempting. LOL


Odd it works for me even off the link I posted above??? Just tried then and it works fine?
I have no idea why it would come up that message for you? Sorry.

I googled "Julia Among the stars walkthrough" and found it. Used it once when I was stuck yesterday. I use MS internet browser that come with windows 8.1.
Mark 13 Sep, 2014 @ 7:12pm 
I'm not even a member of the gameboomers site and the walkthrough's show ok?
Try this link and scroll down the page to you see the one you want.

jcocovich 14 Dec, 2014 @ 5:19pm 
My two cents. Actually, walkthroughs are necessary when the designer creates puzzles that aren't based on reality but only in virtual logical connections in his brain. So far, two come to mind. The translation puzzle and the stone statue puzzle. Confirmation of this theory exhibits itself when you can't even understand the hints for there exists nothing in nature that relates to what the designer is attempting to accomplish. There is no, "Oh, wow! Now I see. I should have thought of that"...only, "I'm glad I used the walkthrough, I never would have figured that out in a million years." I limit my consult of walkthroughs that almost always turn out to be the latter. This was true for the transation puzzle and it will probably end up being true for the stone statue puzzle and who knows how many more puzzles before the end of the game. These puzzles slow you down and ruin your enjoyment of the game...not the walkthroughs. Ok, maybe that was 222 cents.
Sun_S 14 Dec, 2014 @ 11:08pm 
While I agree that the language puzzle explanations were not clear enough and I hope they will be improved, that's not the case for the stone statue puzzle. There is a logic behind it, and the hint lies in the inscriptions: In one case, the liquid must touch all the indicated symbols, in the other, it must avoid them but touch everything else. And it was clear enough to me to get it without a walkthrough.
But I've often found this to be the case with puzzles like these. In some cases, two different people just don't "see" the same things when looking at a puzzle. Always a risk for game enjoyment.
Ok, I found out: the big problem with this, is the order in which one explored the game environment. This can be a failure of design, and also imputable to a failure of the player.

In brief: one needs to explore the entire Ambrosia in order to be able to solve those Statue stuff, and I suggest also to use a "old"\traditional always working method: write on your desktop if you can with a pencil the various contraption systems and then "work on them" instead of watching the screen, which is a terrible thing to do instead since watching a screen that doesn't move is toxic (especially if it is for long times), and surely won't allow you to find the solution faster.

Then just create what the knowledge of both Statue mechanisms will suggest. Infact knowing both suggestions and not just one will allow you to cross check the meaning instead to have one lone standing suggestion which alone doesn't mean anything.
Cross checking is the logic behind understanding something.

Anyway the problem I repeat is that many of us approach these funnels mechanisms by going there and trying to solve without having done the entire array of things that can be done in the Ambrosia.

This is the best suggestion that can be given without spoiling nor even offering a game breaking hint.

The game must be explored in full, and "slowly" in order to be able to logically break every puzzle.

Do not rush or you will add an additional difficulty to the game ...
⭐️mushi🌿 20 Sep, 2024 @ 3:36pm 
Originally posted by jcocovich:
My two cents. Actually, walkthroughs are necessary when the designer creates puzzles that aren't based on reality but only in virtual logical connections in his brain. So far, two come to mind. The translation puzzle and the stone statue puzzle. Confirmation of this theory exhibits itself when you can't even understand the hints for there exists nothing in nature that relates to what the designer is attempting to accomplish. There is no, "Oh, wow! Now I see. I should have thought of that"...only, "I'm glad I used the walkthrough, I never would have figured that out in a million years." I limit my consult of walkthroughs that almost always turn out to be the latter. This was true for the transation puzzle and it will probably end up being true for the stone statue puzzle and who knows how many more puzzles before the end of the game. These puzzles slow you down and ruin your enjoyment of the game...not the walkthroughs. Ok, maybe that was 222 cents.

I agree 100% with this guy back in 2014. The puzzles in this game can be an obnoxious pipe dream. It's also pretty obnoxious that folks were chastising him for wanting a walkthrough.
Sun_S 20 Sep, 2024 @ 5:10pm 
Originally posted by ⭐️mushi🌿:
I agree 100% with this guy back in 2014. The puzzles in this game can be an obnoxious pipe dream. It's also pretty obnoxious that folks were chastising him for wanting a walkthrough.

Who chastised him - do you mean me?
I gave my own opinion on the clarity of this puzzle and an explanation as to what the solution is. And then I even said that this can always happen that two people see the same puzzle and one thinks it's clear and one doesn't and how unpleasant the experience is when you're the latter. When I wrote that, it didn't seem like chastising, only disagreeing 50%,
Or the person after me? That player also sounded quite understanding.
Last edited by Sun_S; 20 Sep, 2024 @ 5:11pm
⭐️mushi🌿 20 Sep, 2024 @ 5:58pm 
no, i didnt mean you.
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