Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Assets keep randomly disappearing! Advice please
Sometimes they come back, sometimes they don't. Any advice would be appreciated.
Dernière modification de dallas72; 22 déc. 2024 à 13h26
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The only time I've had this issue is with Skyve. I've tried to make it work for my saved games, but it seems very random.

If I unsubscribe Skyve the mods usually release and give me them all back.
MarkJohnson a écrit :
The only time I've had this issue is with Skyve. I've tried to make it work for my saved games, but it seems very random.

If I unsubscribe Skyve the mods usually release and give me them all back.

Thanks, but I don't use Skyve.

Do assets legitimately disappear? Do authors delete them?
All mine have gone since the update, including tmpe.
In one way, I make the best of it. I just 'rebuild' when assets disappear, like a burned down building.
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