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when did you stop caring about the over all Kingdom hearts plot???
for me it was once they added time travel. nothing that ever happens matters now and can magically be undone.
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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
binxmuldoon123 14 Dec, 2024 @ 3:31am 
Soon as I played KH2 as I was much older by that time and most video game plots seem ridiculous. childish. or contrived to me at this point. My problem with KH3 is it just feels awful to play.
mdesaleah 14 Dec, 2024 @ 9:53am 
Theres 2 parts to KH.

The plot. So what most would assume to be the "story". So "real Ansem" from KH2, time travel from DDD, and other such reveals and twists.

And the character arcs. Which is the part that usually brings people in, even if they dont notice all the time.

So while the plot is doing the usual "kingdom hearts crazy" that you should just expect at this point (its been over 20 years since KH1), the Character Story is still going pretty strong.
Last edited by mdesaleah; 14 Dec, 2024 @ 9:59am
After KH2, when they released all of the handhelds stories. that really ruined everything for me.
reading these comments, lol imagine not caring for the story/plot
i thought one of the "fun" parts of this series was visiting the different themed worlds based on different Disney stories.
I onky ever played KH1 and 'H2. None of the handheld games, which looked more like spinoffs than main titles. .

i'm just wondering where Sora and the gang are gonna go next, Star Wars World? Marvel Comicsland? Spaceship Simpsons?
Last edited by Icedfate; 1 Feb @ 3:05am
Originally posted by Icedfate:
i thought one of the "fun" parts of this series was visiting the different themed worlds based on different Disney stories.
I onky ever played KH1 and 'H2. None of the handheld games, which looked more like spinoffs than main titles. .

i'm just wondering where Sora and the gang are gonna go next, Star Wars World? Marvel Comicsland? Spaceship Simpsons?
^^^ they are
some amazing story in some of the games, but some also have ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ worthless ones that amount to nothing and you could skip the entire game.
worlds i would like to see
The goofy movie- meet goofys son and see how his wife died
the micky mouse 3 musketeers- how they met mickey
ducktales- find out what donald is fighting for
get some background into donald and goofy
treasure planet
the owl house
phineas and ferb
milo murphy law
ice age now that disney purchased bluesky and fired everyone.... damnshame
gravity falls
wall e
raya last dragon
the incredibles
honey i shrunk the kids
emperors new grove
inside out-could be fun
cars- cause i want to see sora car fight or could just be minigame race tracks
lilo and stich
wreck it ralph
robin hood
the jungle book
the black calderon
the princess and the frog- story would perfectly fit in a kh game
Sora dancing with Hannah Montana and That's So Raven. . .
Originally posted by Icedfate:
Sora dancing with Hannah Montana and That's So Raven. . .
the sweet life of zack and cody.
phil of the future
Crash & Bernstein
Wizards of Waverly Place

i hate it all already
yeah, that's the show i was trying to think of "Zack and Cody" , i was trying to remember that one and kept thinking "Drake and Josh", but that was Nickelodeon and all those are way past the time when i stopped watching nickelodeon.

i'm from back when we had Rugrats, Ren & Stimpy, Doug, Rocko's Modern Life. (all Nickelodeon). .i'm old enough to know that the "slime fountain" at Universal Studios was a reference to You Can't Do That On Television
Last edited by Icedfate; 1 Feb @ 2:31pm
Originally posted by Icedfate:
i thought one of the "fun" parts of this series was visiting the different themed worlds based on different Disney stories.
I onky ever played KH1 and 'H2. None of the handheld games, which looked more like spinoffs than main titles. .

i'm just wondering where Sora and the gang are gonna go next, Star Wars World? Marvel Comicsland? Spaceship Simpsons?
the handhelds are connected to the main game, so is the mobile
Boss 3 Feb @ 7:08am 
Though saying i stopped is erroneous, it's more like my mind doesn't want to include BBS, Days, Coded and DDD.
Last edited by Boss; 3 Feb @ 7:09am
Originally posted by Boss:
Though saying i stopped is erroneous, it's more like my mind doesn't want to include BBS, Days, Coded and DDD.
DDD the Luigi story
Originally posted by Boss:
Though saying i stopped is erroneous, it's more like my mind doesn't want to include BBS, Days, Coded and DDD.
but the lore, plot story they are all connected
Tenjou 10 Feb @ 1:56pm 
I love how they snuck in Axel's displeasure with the plot at some point when he says none of this even makes any sense anymore. A nice 4th wall break there.

It's just like when they snuck in "Kajima forever" into one of the solid snake games after he was let go.
Silyon 11 Feb @ 2:17pm 
KH2, specifically when they tried to continue the plot after KH2 despite what was a perfectly serviceable ending to the series. The Big-bads were gone, Organization dismantled, Even Maleficent had a heel-face turn. Sora fulfills his promise and is finally back on the island with his freinds, and even keeps in touch with his new Disney ones. He finally makes it to his mom's dinner.

BBS upends the entire premise in taking what was a neatly wrapped up story and forcing it to continue. All of a sudden the big-bad's back, there's a new trio of frankly not as likable "freinds" to learn about, and a bunch of new lore points that were never so much as hinted at before are forcefully inserted to provide new plot hooks the story didn't need and never referenced before. Plot hooks we end up having to explain away with theory and fan-canon, such as why Maleficent, Donald, Goofy, or Mickey develop total amnesia about Terra, Aqua, and Ven. Especially Donald and Goofy, who know nothing about Keyblades in KH1 with Sora despite Mickey possessing one and having personally met multiple previous Masters in BBS.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the games since KH2 and more KH gameplay is usually welcome, but to me the original story ended a long time ago. What we have now is world-building exercises at best, not a clear plot-line to follow.
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